• Yeah we all want similar but different flavours.

    I play in the day fairly often at festivals and so do many artists ( not that I'm any kind of artist ha!). I don;t change that much on the fly either but when I do, its better high up than on the floor, hence why I prefer the rack.

    I've run my KPA for nearly 7 years now and not had one OS failure, including beta's, but this only means Kemper has a head start. Arguably every new release carries this risk and nothign to suggest the QC is anything but stable.

    None of these are real showstoppers, just preferences. The biggest thing for me is built in amp, but that's the same for the Stage hence why the powered rack is for me.

  • I heard that Neural are going to use their Neural Engine inside the QC to play the guitar for you....

    Whattt? I have to play the Guitar by my own? Shame on the Quad Cortex!

    I asked doug during a livestream, forgot which one, he said there were no plans for the moment ...

    Is there a neural forum to discuss about the QC or is the kemper forum the place to be ?

    Just kidding, love reading this stuff !

    Probably at some point i'll own one myself ... just traded my helix stomp and 2 dvp4 mini's for a helix LT, so i'm busy for a while lol


    Thanks for the Info! And yes the BEST QC Discussion is only here :D

  • #11: Volume matching. I for one am always fidgeting with the gain settings. On the QC (presumably) and every other preset based multi effects/all in one product in the history of guitar, if you adjust the gain, you have to adjust to volume to compensate. If you don't do it correctly, you will have volume jumps when you switch from preset to preset. KPA is the only product that I'm aware of that you can play with the gain on individual rigs to your heart's content and never have a change in volume (assuming you've set the clean sens correctly for your guitar pickups) This feature is convenient in any situation, but particularly in live situations.

    Hi Drew,

    My comments on the live use come from the following:

    1. The Kemper has a more ergonomic layout of buttons for live use
    2. The Kemper has more buttons and therefore better functionality for the buttons it does have (ie more rigs accessible on a single layer along with more "on/off" items within each rig from the foot controller / Stage)
    3. (assumed) The Kemper foot controller and stage are less prone to breakage. This is based on the dual function of the buttons (also are knobs on QC) as well as the touch screen being more fragile than the high impact plexiglass cover over the Kemper LCD
    4. (assumed/heard it) The Kemper can change rigs very quickly and provide spill-over if desired on up to 5 performance rigs. Rumor is that changing "rigs" within the QC with fast change over is limited to the 4 parallel paths that can be turned on or off and that there is significant delay switching between performances/layers/whatever the QC calls it.
    5. The Kemper has superior output processing and control that is particularly important for monitoring/mixer feed live setups.
    6. Just a note on the person that mentioned they like the QC smaller format over their KPA Rack ..... I greatly prefer a rack unit and the Kemper foot controller to either the QC or the Kemper Stage. While I would love a "throw and go" Kemper solution some day that was smaller like the QC is, I hate the cable shuffle below my feet on stage. The Kemper FC has only a single cable that I have to route along with my mic cable and guitar cable. With respect to the guitar cable, it is a PITA to have your guitar cable routed to a box right below your feet. With the Kemper Rack, I can have the cable routed out behind me to where the Kemper Rack is located which keeps my foot area clear on stage (yes, I realize this is a disadvantage of the Kemper Stage as well ..... which is why I am still hoping for a Kemper "Mini" to be released as my "throw and go" or backup unit.
    7. The Kemper has been road tested in anger by thousands of people. Any issues in manufacturing (bad LED's anyone?) has long since been fixed (I have never had a problem with my KPA purchased in 2013) while the QC has not.
    8. Having physical controls on the floor is about as convenient as brushing your teeth while singing (again, I agree the KPA Stage also has this issue). With the Kemper Rack and toaster, having tube amp like physical controls at waist level or higher is much preferred.
    9. (Unknown) Daylight readability of the color LCD screen on the QC? Can someone snap a picture in direct sunlight that has one so we can see how it looks? I actually wish the KPA had one of those displays like the "paper white" on a Kindle. Man, those things ROCK on visibility in direct sun. I could care less about color for my foot controller. I need it to be visible in all settings I play.
    10. I greatly prefer the expensive part (my KPA Rack) be out of harms way from drunk dancers and their beer cups. Again, I understand that the Stage has this same concern. I would say that the huge vents on the sides of the QC look like a spill looking to happen IMO. I believe that even the KPA Stage is sealed and would likely fare better under a pitcher of beer accident than the QC. I know I keep hearing that people have never had this happen; however, I know why. I have taken up all of your accidents myself and left your odds lower ;). Nothing quite like finishing up the night with drying beer in your underwear ;).

    Anyway, that is my take on this. These are my reasons for saying that the KPA is a better tool for live use. While all of the KPA members are better than the QC IMO, the Rack and Toaster are particularly more suited.

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  • #11: Volume matching. I for one am always fidgeting with the gain settings. On the QC (presumably) and every other preset based multi effects/all in one product in the history of guitar, if you adjust the gain, you have to adjust to volume to compensate. If you don't do it correctly, you will have volume jumps when you switch from preset to preset. KPA is the only product that I'm aware of that you can play with the gain on individual rigs to your heart's content and never have a change in volume (assuming you've set the clean sens correctly for your guitar pickups) This feature is convenient in any situation, but particularly in live situations.

    Ahh yes. Thanks for the edit! You are right, this is a very nice feature for live.

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    He says in the comments that he didn't refine the profile. That sound is wayyy off.

    Edited 2 times, last by andreio23 (March 31, 2021 at 11:24 AM).

  • In my opinion, it is not a well-done video. He did'n do profile refining(after Guido's video I think it is important step ) and set definition parameter without checking against AMP sound. I must admit that QC came out pretty close.

    Well I only heard too much of everything and think it shouldn’t be a prop to do this with any kind of gear. I would dare to say even my Korg Pandorra could mimic such sound ? Even Lasse Lammert showed he can nearly achieve same results with High End Amps and a 100 bucks no name pedal.

    The strength of today’s units should be dynamic and not only full throttle. In terms of dynamic the Video of ToneJunkie also was ok but not something that made me wanting it as it lacked something. In a bunch of years when the QC maybe kept up with what we already have it could be great though but we do not know yet. ..

    The question is: Will they then bring out a great Kone as well to provide the same aitr-sound we can currently get? Named „Coned“...
    And for sure there will be more to get from Kemper. Maybe a single pedal device for people liking fuzz and distortion pedals as perfect addition to the Kemper, maybe high grade pickups especially designed for the Kemper ... and to jump on a fast train will be difficult for others.

    So yet a new toy in town and pretty sure there will be buyers as with other gear.

  • Maybe the Quad is better when its about Profiling/Capturing, but this guy really didnt do the refining and his answer for this is this:

    In my experience, refining may work well for some low gain profiles, but not for hi gain profiles.

    So in my opinion thats not true! Look what Guidorist did with refining.

    Beside this the Profiling and Capturing is not the biggest reason to buy a Kemper or an QC. In the Kemper you have a lot of more options to tweak your sound....Clarity, Tube Shape, Tube Bias, and so on and on.And the Output Menu from the Kemper is to good for me.

    Maybe all that stuff is coming in the future for the QC. We will see!

  • What is interesting/worrying here is most people want to get to "the" sound quickly.

    The initial profile sounded off straight away, which is odd as not heard this before.

    The QC does well for a faff free capture if all was equal...