• Had a rather confusing response from Neural:

    "Our store works in Euros. Anyway, you could see a different currency that's depending on your geo-localization.

    We will contact you a couple of weeks before your shipment.

    Tier 1 and 2 feature exclusive perks by Neural DSP. Also, you will receive your Quad Cortex unit before than the other retailers.

    [Regarding the retail price in GBP] The price should be the same always. So, if you want to check the price in different currencies, feel free to use an external converter."

    No idea what the perks are, and if I'm in the UK - why do I see dollars according to the above? Not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with the currency converter they mention; there's already a huge difference when converting the value from Euros to GBP or dollars to GBP.

    Can't wait to get the unit as I think it looks amazing and has superb potential - but not overkeen on the potential flustercluck the launch will be.

  • Sweetwater has a reputation of selling items before the manufacturer's official release date. They have done this lots of time in the past sigh!

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • Mine is due to arrive in November.... but Neural have been shocking in the communications.

    I'm in the UK, and have been charged in Euro's for the deposit.... but the balance is payable in euros or dollars. How does that work? Can I decide which currency to pay in?

    Plus, it seems like we get it the same time as retailers..... so why would I purchase direct? What benefit have I gained from pre-ordering? We were supposed to get it a month or so early.

    The Facebook groups are not especially happy places right now!

    Get it the same time as retailers? That sucks. I guess they needed money in advance for their company. A kind of scam.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Had a rather confusing response from Neural:

    "Our store works in Euros. Anyway, you could see a different currency that's depending on your geo-localization.

    We will contact you a couple of weeks before your shipment.

    Tier 1 and 2 feature exclusive perks by Neural DSP. Also, you will receive your Quad Cortex unit before than the other retailers.

    [Regarding the retail price in GBP] The price should be the same always. So, if you want to check the price in different currencies, feel free to use an external converter."

    No idea what the perks are, and if I'm in the UK - why do I see dollars according to the above? Not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with the currency converter they mention; there's already a huge difference when converting the value from Euros to GBP or dollars to GBP.

    Can't wait to get the unit as I think it looks amazing and has superb potential - but not overkeen on the potential flustercluck the launch will be.

    They must mean that the Euro price is always the same. I doubt Neural can control the international exchange rates, so the GBP price would fluctuate like Thomann.

    Maybe the perks are cheap price on Neural plugins? I guess you have to buy those to import into the Quad Contrex if you don't already own them.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Mine is due to arrive in November.... but Neural have been shocking in the communications.

    I'm in the UK, and have been charged in Euro's for the deposit.... but the balance is payable in euros or dollars. How does that work? Can I decide which currency to pay in?

    Sounds like you've been overcharged on your deposit. By their own statement, if you're outside the EU you should have been charged USD, not Euro. Odd how they're quoting the same figure in USD as Euro, obviously you'd want to pay USD

  • USD is without tax. I read somewhere that Tier 1 and 2 will get their QC in mid November at latest. Selected stores will get them by November 27.

    And since he's in uk/europe he won't be able to pay in dollar.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Mine is due to arrive in November.... but Neural have been shocking in the communications.

    I'm in the UK, and have been charged in Euro's for the deposit.... but the balance is payable in euros or dollars. How does that work? Can I decide which currency to pay in?

    Plus, it seems like we get it the same time as retailers..... so why would I purchase direct? What benefit have I gained from pre-ordering? We were supposed to get it a month or so early.

    The Facebook groups are not especially happy places right now!

    Check: https://neuraldsp.com/blogs/news/fre…d-cortex-update

  • What I find the most interesting if that if it can direct profile the ability to use IR's.

    I've heard the kemper cabinets sound more realistic but I do know the cab maker always changed the IR's slightly when converted.

    If the QC is the real deal I'm excited at how much gear I can offload!

  • Reports on other sites say Neural is shipping product to pre-purchasers for free. On the subject of paying for updates - the deal seems to be that those who have Neural DSP models in plugin format will be able to import them onto the new hardware and those who don't own them will not have them included.

    Seems they are trying to straddle the two worlds - the old one of loyal customers who have bought their software for $$$ and the new one of purchasers of the hardware who rightly expect them to shovel in everything they have by way of models and cabs etc. Given that the software models will remain on sale and will no doubt be augmented by others in time, it seems like a two tier world and "paying for updates/expansions" seems like a fair criticism of this system in a market where estabished competitors like Line 6 and Fractal give everything they have to purchasers of their hardware.

  • Reports on other sites say Neural is shipping product to pre-purchasers for free. On the subject of paying for updates - the deal seems to be that those who have Neural DSP models in plugin format will be able to import them onto the new hardware and those who don't own them will not have them included.

    Seems they are trying to straddle the two worlds - the old one of loyal customers who have bought their software for $$$ and the new one of purchasers of the hardware who rightly expect them to shovel in everything they have by way of models and cabs etc. Given that the software models will remain on sale and will no doubt be augmented by others in time, it seems like a two tier world and "paying for updates/expansions" seems like a fair criticism of this system in a market where estabished competitors like Line 6 and Fractal give everything they have to purchasers of their hardware.

    Not quite....

    They have stated that - similar to Helix, Fractal etc. - ALL amps, cabs etc. in the device will be available for EVERYONE. For FREE. Forever. As well as future updates.

    In the future, you will be able to 'import' any Neural plugin amps you own into the device; however, you would need to have owned these previously. They are also suggesting plugins will be discounted for all QC owners as well. This makes sense to me.

    However, they will not be giving the plugins away for free on the QC; they're two seperate lines of business, similar to Helix and Native.

  • I do know the cab maker always changed the IR's slightly when converted.

    it is possible that this can be the impression if the IR is auditioned with the PROFILER's CABINET section switched off.

    Switching CABINET off automatically engages the Cab Driver algorithm.

    This does not mean however, that the conversion of IR to PROFILER cabinet is inaccurate at all, it means you are comparing different things. ;)

  • The Quad Looks like a cool product, but three things unique about the KPA, that still no other competing all-in-one product has; and a reason why I'm not switching, even if their "profiling" turns out to be comparable.

    1) The KPA Volume leveling; you can adjust the gain of overdrives or the amp block and never worry about volume spikes or drops. Avoids having to save, then go back and forth to compare with other presets to see if the volume is still consistent.

    2) Spillover between rigs. Looks like the quad follows the logic of the Helix: give you the ability to do a ton within a single preset, but no ability to switch between presets mid song. This means if there's some go-to sounds that you use in many applications, you must recreate all the particular blocks within each new preset you create, if you need access them without a big audio gap (at least the Helix's gap is unacceptable). Compare to the KPA which gives you five rigs in a performance, all completely independent, with the ability to instant morph each one, with gapless changes between them with spillover and even the next rig up or down in the next or previous performance.

    3) The simplicity of fixed positions of the amp, cab, and four pre and four post effects, makes it much easier to do things like lock effect blocks, copy and paste sections. Some may prefer the complexity of the Helix/Quad signal routing, but given that I 'd never actually want to use that many things simultaneously. And even if I need more than one rig for a song, once again having spillover between rigs within a performance more than solves any limitations imposed by the fixed position of the amp/cab and just four post and pre effects.