Posts by caveman1
Sorry for being thick but I still don't follow that.
1 - You want to run a DI of the Piezo? What is happening to the Magnetic pickup at this point?
2 - the profile of the tone dexter is running along with the DI signal of the Piezo only? Or is the Magnetic pickup being used also?
3 - don't understand how the mix control in the AMp block would solve this.
The way I have mine set up is:
GTR - out 1 to front input for magnetic pickup + out 2 to loop return for piezo. Loop is load in Stomp A and parallel path is enabled.
My performance may contain a normal Rig for electric guitar in one slot. In this case the electric would get the Amp Block and the piezo would run simultaneously via the parallel path bypassing the amp block. Suitable for situations where I want to combine Piezo with a main Electric sound.
Another slot might contain no regular amp in the Amp block but a profile of an acoustic preamp or acoustic amp in the Amp block . In this case Loop would be turned off and I would only send the Piezo signal through the amp block. Suitable for Acoustic Only. If you really want to you could also use parallel path for an acoustic DI PLUS an acoustic amp/preamp profile but no electric amp.
What does your scenario do that I am missing?
Say I use the input for mag
return for piezo
Piezo only path/profile
So what I would like to do is parallel path with the piezo.
One path I get the clean piezo DI signal
2nd path I can do a profile of a tone dexter or Acoustic IR and blend etc
A mix of the two I've found gives the best piezo sound (axe-fx, QC etc)
If I use the loop for the piezo signal I can only use the loop in one position so I can't use both paths.
The reason I want a mix on the Amp/stack block is I could do the same as a parallel path but without the loop limitation.
This would work as a parallel path in itself.
I don't understand how you would be using the loop return twice
For the signal because I want to run a DI and also a profile of an EQ match to an acoustic (profile of a tone dexter or something of the like)
So for parallel path I have to run the return in both paths, the kemper won't let you do that. Another work around would be to have a mix setting of the stack/cab block.
Running the magnetic pickups into the return will likely cause a loss of high end due to the lower impedance. However, piezo normally have a preamp that is OK driving lower impedance inputs. i do sometimes run mag into front input and piezo into the loop using parallel path. It works well.
Thats the problem, I'd like to use the parallel path feature with the piezo but you can't use the loop return twice
If only the Cab or Stack block had a mix....
Whatever they did for "Layout C" for Performances is great. That size is good. But I have no use for that . I would like the Rignames to be that large. A "Layout D" I need lots of "patches" for a typical show about 2.5 hours I have about 25 rigs packed into five performances. The performance names are 1,2,3,4,5... The rigs are the names of the songs. That's what I need to see better.
Do you have a feature request in for this?
Reading this from the specs
Analog Inputs PROFILER StageINPUT:
¼ inch TS unbalanced, dynamic range >108 dB, impedance 1 megohms
¼ inch TRS balanced with ground lifts, dynamic range =105 dB, impedance 100 kohms
Reason I ask is this could make a workaround for my piezo equiped guitar.
I could use parallel path (which I can't do using the return input cause I can only use the same loop once)
Only issue I would be running my guitar into the return which has a different dynamic range/impedance (I'm using passive pickups)
Would this be an issue?
This is what I've had to do so I can see the rig names. (I use Layout A)Two small angled blocks with velcro on each side, about an inch high. two fresnel lenses cut a bit bigger than the screen back to back, (works better than one) also with velcro. It works but it's a PITA. A Layout "D" for rigs would solve this. It adds unnecessary time to set up, carrying more stuff, and only makes it a tiny bit better. I'm gonna keep lobbing for this. (please join in) It's a huge issue for me during shows. [Blocked Image:]
I think they could squeeze in a little more large text up top possibly, would be able to get 3 characters not 2.
If you are using the remote take a look into the RJM mastermind if its a problem. Only reason I'm not too worried about the stage LED is because I won't need many patches
I plan on profiling the Dug Tech 21 pedal soon
One of my eyes is next to completely shot so I purchased an RJM Mastermind for the large leds.
One work around I found with the kemper (not having to use stickers etc) is to name the performance abbreviations of the profiles
So this would be Acoustic/Clean/Mid Gain/Hard Rock/Lead for a performance I'm yet to set up.
Maybe this can help some of similar vision
Wondering if this could be added to Rig Manager to actually show the pathway change graphically when selecting parallel path.
Good to know.....would be great if it could be shown
I've done a few. Obviously have to turn off effects and then try to replicate them if you are going for a specific patch.
I've generally had very good to good results/
Did a search and its been ages since I messed with rig manager but is there a way to show parallel path in rig manager? I selected it but nothing changed graphically (if it does?)
Do you want both the regular pickups and the piezo at the same time? Or just a pure piezo patch?
I don’t see any reason why not. Bass typically doesn’t need/get much reverb but if you are going to use then this is probably a good idea.
So essentially would block any reverb on the lower frequencies? If so...awesome!
Would this work for bass?