Posts by unclemar

    as a studio owner and a giging player , the Kemper changed my life, It was hands down the best gear I ever spent money on,,but after a real bad exp, on a daylight stage,unable to see what the hell I was doing, I had to change, Its not Kempers fault,not at all,,,

    I just hoped I could keep playin his great gear,I am in the studio,, Who Knows what he has up his sleeve,?? the man has changed music , for me, forever, and I will always love KEMPER,,If he brings out new gear, ill buy it, but for me as cool and wondeful as the free update is,its more for the purist whos wants to tweak their tone forever,or who wasnt happy with it, I was/am, very happy, did not need better tone, dont need tone stacks, more eq,,,,,I jus need better tools,,,I jus wanna play,have fun, and not think about gear,, which I can now, I walk in and out of a gig, any gig, in one trip with no help,,its a beautiful thing,Hope CK has some wonderful gear in the works, hope I live long enough to see it,,Peace all,,

    not blaming CK, luv that guy, I wanted to give him more money, Luv his Co,luv his gear, been there from the start,

    I love my kemper and will never sell it, jus need more modern easy to use tools, simple as that,

    doesnt matter how great a piece of gear is, if I cant see it, I cant use it,

    i Dont think a small mini profiler player, witha big screen,, is that big an ask,, but the market is full of solutions,

    Lets face it,, its a TINY screen,,,with TINY letters,,it is what it is,,,My cell phone is easier to read,,

    I luv Kemper,, but,time marches on,,my eyes are bad, and I still love to gig, so,,,,,if kemper cant help, I move on, nothing personal at all,

    Jus got a quad and loaded all my Kemper profiles into it,, color touch screen is a game changer for me,Loaded all my pedals,big fun,,works great no diff in sound,,no one in the band even knew I changed gear,sound wise,,

    CK could have done something like this, maybe he is,, I cant wait any longer,Please no flame throwing, Im jus a working slug, kemper has a new home in studio rack,quad fits in my backpack,,progress waits for no man,,,or musician,,,,,,forward,

    thats cool, but I was hoping for a mini kemper player for stage and studio work,small, light,modern,EASY to read,,load 5 amps and go...

    My eyes are shot and even with 3X readers, I cant use the Kemper anymore, The little green screen is just too hard to read, and no, I do not use a computer with it,,Honesty, since I found the Morgan profile 10 years ago, I was/am,, completely happy with the sound,,,

    Just not the form,,,and display,

    so,, as sad as it is, Its time to go in a dif direction,,But,,, I waited for you Mr Kemper,,I wanted to give you more money for your great stuff,,We've been together from the start,,I'll always remember our first gig together,,,all the good times,,the sessions, where I wowed the producer with all the amps inside this magic green box,,,good times,,, for sure,,but,

    I dont need better software, I need a modern, small, portable,easy to use, hardware solution,, with a screen I can see in daylight, on a big outdoor sun lit stage,,( I found have what works for me, even with its limitations)

    The update is still cool.. if your a tweaker,,I'm a player,jus a workin stiff that needs great, easy to use, tools,,,You will always be in my rack,,just a little dusty,,,Thanks for the memories,,,

    have you tried all of these? it works for my rack,,…iz3hXjZULlf0dhM

    esp, this part,,,,

    KPA does not start anymore

    There are different reasons why the KPA may not start anymore.

    The most common thing is a corrupt rig e.g. after downloading a corrupt file

    To reset the last used (corrupt) rig do like this:

    • Switch the main knob to off
    • wait a few seconds
    • hold the 'Rig' key
    • while still holding the 'Rig' key - switch KPA to tuner

    If the above did not help:

    There are other keys to reset other parts of the KPA memory.

    To reset the (corrupt) Midi settings do like this:

    • Switch the main knob to off
    • wait a few seconds
    • hold the 'Quick' key
    • while still holding the 'Quick' key - switch KPA to tuner

    To reset the (corrupt) System settings do like this:

    (Note: All your system settings will be erased - but not your rigs)

    • Switch the main knob to off
    • wait a few seconds
    • hold the 'System' key
    • while still holding the 'System' key - switch KPA to tuner

    If the three options above did not help your KPA back to live, you may have a completly corrupted rig library or even the firmware may be corruped

    Check the sections below to recover from this.

    I luv my TJ and RM profiles,,still use the Morgan AC,,,

    as far as the sound of the units go,,maybe someone smarter then me can chime im in, but as far as I have read/ heard, these units dont have a "sound" of their own, maybe im wrong, I think the more power/speed it has, the closer it can reproduce what its given/or samples,,,,Its a profile player,,that can can altered it after its loaded,,,,, I would love to know, not that it matters,prob not that simple,,( but I am)

    I've been a kemper guy for over 10 years ,as well as all the others,,I have my kemper set up, in the quad,now,,I worked years to get it to sound and work the way I like,, I Use what I use now because I'm old,and my back is shot,,I'm mostly blind, cant read the kemper window, under stage light condions, or dark studio, without huge reading glass's, and it fits in a backpack carry on, had nothing to do with sound,but thats just for me,,kemper now has a home in the studio, and the others travel,,Love me a can dream cant he???

    I own a studio, so I have whatever one might need here,,also a hired gun so I need to cover whatever gig comes my way,,also have fractal, helix headrush/moore,, and some others,,right now the quad is killing them all. mostly because of size and the ability to take all my pedals inside it,and a huge color screen I can read without glasses,,Im a kemper man,, but, just cant read the little green screen anymore,cant get my reading glasses out during a gig,,,,loaded my fav kemper profiles into the quad,it works,,been here for last 5/6 years asking for smaller modern kemper, when /if it comes, ill be ready.I love my Kemper,but it sits in the studio now,,

    Dear santa,,,,I mean Mr Kemper,,

    I need a mini profiler floor board,no bigger then 12" by 8" by 4"ish,,,,at least 8-10 foot buttons,,,,built of alum,,,light,,rugged, water resistant,,,,with a sun visor,of some kind,or a back light option, (just cant see in bright sun filled stages anymore) that fits in a small carry on,,WITH a 20/30 watt mini amp built in,( like the mooer baby bomb) it must have hybrid mode,,,(presets on 1 row, stomps on the other row???,thats how I roll)

    with a 5 inch color touchscreen, and all the ins and outs of its big brother,and,,it does not need to make profiles, just store and play,

    I would glady pay up to a grand for it, NOW!!!!!!

    I just dont need anymore bells and whistels on the old kemper,It works just fine,,( other then transpose)

    Im old , back and eyes are shot,and just need smaller lighter, SMARTER,easier to see,, kemper,,


    with color pix/vid, coming in from mars, 5g phones,, super computers,profiling amps, pedals,, etc,,, why cant we get a transpose that works cleanly,, ??

    Just asking, not trying to be a wise assss,,,,,is it really that hard to move it cleanly a semi tone up or down without all the artifacts?