• Oops are we allowed to discuss Kemper realted stuff in this topic :/


    It think it is related to QC, which is for sure a new great product. But I am no longer realy interested in QC or any other comparable product.
    Not interested due to the historical and future Kemper strategic product orientation (support, maybe second toaster or stage, kone cab,...)
    But I found the discussion and the different points of view very interesting. :thumbup::)

  • Everyone is different. In my case, it makes no sense to sell my KP and get a QC unit that eventually will do the same but differently. That’s diminishing return, IMHO. I would prefer more innovation within Kemper ecosystem, with more products and add ons to maximize my investment.

    For example. a Kemper Pedal (2/3 buttons) to bring KP profiles to any pedalboard, a Kemper Bluetooth Wireless Heaphone Amp to play profiles on the go, a Kemper DAW, Kemper editor for iPad, etc....

  • I've kept up with reading this thread even though I pretty much don't want one.

    With the toaster, remote, and one or two Kabinets I am covered. The tones are glorious, the remote keeps the stage clean for me, and the Kabinets give me more than I had with FRFR monitoring.

    I wouldn't want to go backwards on any of it.

    Wallet is safe.

  • I can understand the “moving on” mentality, freeing-up space physically and emotionally . But for me the Kemper has been at least amp-like, with so many nuanced tones I’ve created over many years, and from amps I’ll never meet again, and even because things like this fuzz are so specific to the device. And since it earned its cost back within days of owning it so many years ago, I kinda hope whatever else I experiment with, that I don’t let it go. No plans to. And if CK & Co do introduce a newer unit with compelling advantages that I could migrate these tones to, yeah I’d be down with that too. Sorry the QC sounds good but it just doesn’t seem so ”pro” yet. I love the Neural plugs as well, but there too, there are certain limitations that don’t allow for quite the granular control I need at times. Kemper is a great balance between easy peasy and deep deep. ymmv

  • I want a black t-shirt, please.

    I guess this thread will slow down until the QC fx update or the next wave of digital marketing expense.

    Meanwhile, ckemper please keep updating and growing the FX presets and more factory pro content, please!!

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  • Got mine a few days ago. Some of the captures are very good and multi amp rigs are really nice to have. However, I don't like the modelled amps much and a lot of the sounds seem to have a wierd sort of compression on them, even though there's no compression block there. It's not really a polished product yet and they seem to know that. I'd say it's about a year of updates and probably a hardware revision away from being a serious competitor for the Kemper. The "vulgar display of power" is a joke. You can run 8 stereo delays on a Kemper profile if you want and the QC runs out of power at 2.. it refuses to allow you to add any more effect blocks because it doesn't have the power to do it. They'll update it and make better use of the processors eventually, but they've massively oversold it's capabilities at present. I'm still deciding whether or not to return it and maybe come back to it in a year or so when it's much better. They're promising some big updates in the next few days, so we'll see how that goes. You kind of have to be fair to them though, it has only just launched and the Kemper is amazing now compared to how it was at launch.

  • I want a black t-shirt, please.

    I guess this thread will slow down until the QC fx update or the next wave of digital marketing expense.

    Meanwhile, ckemper please keep updating and growing the FX presets and more factory pro content, please!!

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    I think they also had REALLY bad luck launching their most important product ever during a global lockdown without anyone able to do any gigs - neither professionals, nor the smallest hobby band players. Lots of places would not even allow reherasals during months.

    So there is hardly any viral "propaganda" / information about how the unit performs in situations other than "the bedroom".

    And after watching the video, I can imagine that Jonathan Cordy hits really a critical spot when saying that a huge marketing point for the QC in particular to take on the Kemper, was the signal routing possibilities. If you are a modelling guy anyway, you have the Helix or the Axe with their parallel signal chains and dual amping and everything. The capture might be an additional feature, nice to have, but not THE deal-breaker for you.

    But if you were always interested in the profiling process but were eager for the dual chain thing, the QC seemed THE paradise unit you were always longing for.

    And then, if you see that all of a sudden, a lot of reverbs get blocked in the second chain, than given the way Neural DSP promoted the QC as the unit that will win the final of all wars just by sheer CPU power, it is just not what you might have expected.

  • I spent time capturing a few pedals today. A KTR Klon, Friedman beod and tried a beano boost by analogman.

    The first two were pretty good, something not quite right in the low mids I felt but sound was generally there. The treble booster was really trebly and didn’t work at all. I’ll keep trying though as I’ve not been playing long with it.

  • I think they also had REALLY bad luck launching their most important product ever during a global lockdown without anyone able to do any gigs - neither professionals, nor the smallest hobby band players. Lots of places would not even allow reherasals during months.

    You could also say that plenty of people had time on their hands if they wanted to get a QC. Normally it would be a battle to find time to fully get into a new modeller and prepare a full live set of patches.

    From what I have read, they seem to have done well and have enjoyed a lot of coverage on both the Kemper forum and The Gear Page.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Got mine a few days ago. Some of the captures are very good and multi amp rigs are really nice to have. However, I don't like the modelled amps much and a lot of the sounds seem to have a wierd sort of compression on them, even though there's no compression block there. It's not really a polished product yet and they seem to know that. I'd say it's about a year of updates and probably a hardware revision away from being a serious competitor for the Kemper. The "vulgar display of power" is a joke. You can run 8 stereo delays on a Kemper profile if you want and the QC runs out of power at 2.. it refuses to allow you to add any more effect blocks because it doesn't have the power to do it. They'll update it and make better use of the processors eventually, but they've massively oversold it's capabilities at present. I'm still deciding whether or not to return it and maybe come back to it in a year or so when it's much better. They're promising some big updates in the next few days, so we'll see how that goes. You kind of have to be fair to them though, it has only just launched and the Kemper is amazing now compared to how it was at launch.

    I don't really know how you put together your preset, but what you are stating is not correct. I definitely don't need that many delays (stereo or mono) in a preset, but I just put together a preset on my Quad Cortex that easily runs 6 stereo delays. Yes, that is 2 less than the Kemper can do, I'll give you that, but claiming it is running out of steem after two is simply wrong.

  • Still waiting for mine. Hopefully next week.

    The "vulgar display of power" thing is definitely an over-egged comment. It's powerful, sure. But it cannot add as many blocks as the Helix. This isn't too much of a disappointment to me, but I can see why people would be annoyed.

    For me, it all comes down to the neural capture, of which I am a big fan. Every time I use it (using a friends unit) I am impressed. Much more so than with my Kemper.

    We did compare captures of my VH4 to their actual model of the VH4, and the capture was superior in every way for us. It was actually a little disappointing to hear their model of it! But I guess this could be down to schematic differences, tube differences, etc etc.