[RM3] Windows 7 support!!

  • Please, please, please find a means to make RM 3 compatible with windows 7 64-bit! I intentionally still run windows 7, because it's still the most streamlined experience there is. I've experimented with newer versions and always revert back to 7. There's no way I'm going to update my main PC, and I really don't want to have to buy another device just to control my kemper. :(

  • There are lots of reasons for Win 7 to be held in high regard but a fast moving world of malware or viruses surely having a supported Op system from Windows is the way to go? At some stage Win 7 will go into the Windows 98 and Windows XP category.

    The editor may also be using software stuff that isn’t supported in Win 7 but kemper will have comment on that. Alternatively they may just be future proofing their product.

    It’s all a matter of choices I suppose?

  • Everything I have is on windows 7 pro. This new rig manager 3 requires windows 8 or up. Well I have a laptop with win 8....I installed the new rig manager 3 on the laptop.... guess what ....the rig manager won't open up! it starts to open, shows the icon, lasts about 3 seconds and just quits. now what? my kemper has been updated to the beta version 7.7.........

  • I don't think adding W7 compatibility to even be an option: I am certain the code would need to be different, and you have to draw a borderline somewhere in terms of back-compatibility, since supporting both Win 7 and 10 means a lot more effort for a developer.

    IME, W10 is quite stable; many of its annoyances can be killed anyway through small third-part utilities (just google for them).

    As a matter of fact, I've found much less tuning tricks for W10 than the ones available for W7, which tells me something in terms of how much the system needs to be optimised in comparison with the other one :)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • They said from outset they would not be making any editor Win 7 compliant so I wouldn’t hold your breath.

    I don't think adding W7 compatibility to even be an option: I am certain the code would need to be different, and you have to draw a borderline somewhere in terms of back-compatibility, since supporting both Win 7 and 10 means a lot more effort for a developer.

    I'm probably one of the most vocal opponents there is of Windows 10 in general. Nonetheless, I agree that there's a better chance of an asteroid wiping out humanity than there is a Windows 7 version of the editor. Even the small, furry creatures who benefit from our demise would probably still be running Windows 10 (SFC Edition).

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Microsoft is withdrawing support for Windows 7 shortly, so it becomes in effect an "unsupported platform". We've just had to upgrade all our PCs at work for this very reason. I don't think Kemper, or any other company for that matter, would make any software compliant with what is, for all intents & purposes, an obsolete and outdated OS?

  • From G String dated 15 Feb 2019 post #192 "Rig Manager 3.0 Editor" -

    "we support what makes sense from various standpoints. it's not necessary a good idea to start developing something and use deprecated/old technology right from the start. of course, we have no plans to exclude older versions unless we feel that it is necessary. macOS 10.9 is a borderline case, can't promise anything right now. for windows, it will be 8 or higher. there might be a chance that new rig manager version will continue to work with e.g. windows 7 but the editor part will be not visible in this case."

  • From G String dated 15 Feb 2019 post #192 "Rig Manager 3.0 Editor" -

    "we support what makes sense from various standpoints. it's not necessary a good idea to start developing something and use deprecated/old technology right from the start. of course, we have no plans to exclude older versions unless we feel that it is necessary. macOS 10.9 is a borderline case, can't promise anything right now. for windows, it will be 8 or higher. there might be a chance that new rig manager version will continue to work with e.g. windows 7 but the editor part will be not visible in this case."

    …and I can understand that. You guys also won't sit on a dead horse to make a horse race, don't you?!

  • ... or use a virtual machine, if you have RAM enough, and leave it online all the time :p

    I'm in the process of migrating my non-critical boxes to 10 so I can see what squeaks before getting into the important ones.

    Until I update the studio box (which may be quite some time), my plan is to install RM on one of my spare 10 boxes, USB that to the Kemper, and just remote desktop into it from my studio box. A bit clumsy perhaps, but until I migrate the studio to 10 it gives me a path forward. Since there will be some work to do anyway, I plan on waiting until both RM and the OS have most of the kinks worked out before I get into it.

    That said, if I didn't have the spare computers lying around the virtual machine is an excellent idea, and would be my approach.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Oracle Virtualbox is a free virtual machine program, and does work with the Host as Windows 7, and the Guest as Windows 10. I have tried it personally, the Profiler and Rm 3.0 works fine and communicates properly if you have the VM integration tools installed.


    Either way, complaining to Kemper about this, or blaming them for moving on, is a waste of time. Fix your problem.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms