Rig Manager 3.0 Beta Release Discussion Thread

  • You can upgrade to Windows 10.

    Yes very true but i have everything i need and everything running perfectly so i do not wish to upgrade to windows 10 just to be able to have this editor that just does not make sense it makes more sense for Kemper to have the editor working on Windows 7 , 8 , and 10 as most other developers have with there additional editing software.

  • Two features I would like to see:

    1) The ability to change profiles with only the keyboard. I believe I used to be able to do this with the spacebar, in the old RM.

    2) The ability to enter numbers for values, rather than using the on-screen knob.

    Keep up the good work on Rig Manager! Looks really nice, so far.

  • Yes very true but i have everything i need and everything running perfectly so i do not wish to upgrade to windows 10 just to be able to have this editor that just does not make sense it makes more sense for Kemper to have the editor working on Windows 7 , 8 , and 10 as most other developers have with there additional editing software.

    people need to accept the fact that Windows 7 is unsupported after a couple weeks. You’re not going to get it. You can update to 10 for free.

    I get it, I hated win ME (mistake edition) and wanted to go back to 98SE, but Win10 is a very solid OS, I’ve been using it for over a year for my work machine and updated my home machine from 7 to 10 last month, everything just works better now, printer issues gone, WiFi issues gone, etc.

  • people need to accept the fact that Windows 7 is unsupported after a couple weeks. You’re not going to get it. You can update to 10 for free.

    I get it, I hated win ME (mistake edition) and wanted to go back to 98SE, but Win10 is a very solid OS, I’ve been using it for over a year for my work machine and updated my home machine from 7 to 10 last month, everything just works better now, printer issues gone, WiFi issues gone, etc.

    I am on Win 8 but the new RM3 does not work on that so it seems it will work on 10 only.

    I thought the Free upgrade had stopped now?

  • people need to accept the fact that Windows 7 is unsupported after a couple weeks. You’re not going to get it. You can update to 10 for free.

    I get it, I hated win ME (mistake edition) and wanted to go back to 98SE, but Win10 is a very solid OS, I’ve been using it for over a year for my work machine and updated my home machine from 7 to 10 last month, everything just works better now, printer issues gone, WiFi issues gone, etc.

    As you know Guitar players are very conservative. They use tube amps since decades.;)

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Yes very true but i have everything i need and everything running perfectly so i do not wish to upgrade to windows 10 just to be able to have this editor that just does not make sense it makes more sense for Kemper to have the editor working on Windows 7 , 8 , and 10 as most other developers have with there additional editing software.

    You will see this more often in the future. Supporting Win 7-10 means a lot more effort for the developer. I have some other products which stopped Updates for Win7. So you can decide to stay on the last version or use an updated OS.

  • I have no idea what you are talking about. Windows 10 is great.

    Windows 10 is just fine until it reboots without permission (in the processing closing a dozen running applications and corrupting or discarding open files) to apply an unwanted update that breaks a driver that's been working for years. Then, said driver doesn't get fixed for six months, leaving you with expensive hardware reduced to a doorstop. Yes, all of the above happened to me.

    Windows 10 is unpredictable, unreliable, and unsupported. Not my idea of great....but I've been stuck with it for over a year so it doesn't matter to me in the context of RM.

    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • Windows 10 is just fine until it reboots without permission (in the processing closing a dozen running applications and corrupting or discarding open files) to apply an unwanted update that breaks a driver that's been working for years. Then, said driver doesn't get fixed for six months, leaving you with expensive hardware reduced to a doorstop. Yes, all of the above happened to me.

    Windows 10 is unpredictable, unreliable, and unsupported. Not my idea of great....but I've been stuck with it for over a year so it doesn't matter to me in the context of RM.

    I have been on Windows 10 since day 1 and never once have I seen that behavior. My ITS department at work will force reboots but I have never experienced Windows 10 doing that on its own. In fact I have seen on many occasions that Windows 10 is requesting a reboot and give you the chance to choose reboot now or schedule a reboot. I would be very interested to see the system and application logs on any Windows system that are rebooting on their own. I am sure there is more at play then just a Windows update.

  • Two features I would like to see:

    1) The ability to change profiles with only the keyboard. I believe I used to be able to do this with the spacebar, in the old RM.

    2) The ability to enter numbers for values, rather than using the on-screen knob.

    Keep up the good work on Rig Manager! Looks really nice, so far.

    Someone replied, in another thread, that you can change the active rig with the right arrow key. That is even more convenient, to me, than the space bar.

  • Windows 10 is just fine until it reboots without permission (in the processing closing a dozen running applications and corrupting or discarding open files) to apply an unwanted update that breaks a driver that's been working for years. Then, said driver doesn't get fixed for six months, leaving you with expensive hardware reduced to a doorstop. Yes, all of the above happened to me.

    Windows 10 is unpredictable, unreliable, and unsupported. Not my idea of great....but I've been stuck with it for over a year so it doesn't matter to me in the context of RM.

    I've been using Win 10 for nearly 3 years and have not had this happening.

  • We need to look at this for what it is, a profiler and not a modeller. Now that there is a editor "like other companies", this concept will go over the head of even more people. Unlike those other companies, on this platform, amps and cabinets are profiled together to constitute a rig (which are all listed two inches above in your list of rigs.) People used to modellers go straight to swapping cabs etc but while it cab be done, the algorithm to separate the cab part isn't perfect. So choose your rig first (containing amp+cab together) and then arrange effects and whatnot around that. If you want to work backwards, save your effet presets and then recall them on another chosen rig.

  • Two features I would like to see:

    1) The ability to change profiles with only the keyboard. I believe I used to be able to do this with the spacebar, in the old RM.

    2) The ability to enter numbers for values, rather than using the on-screen knob.

    Keep up the good work on Rig Manager! Looks really nice, so far.

    You can use your left-right cursor keys to change profiles, or use your up-down cursor keys to move to the profile you want to select and press CTRL-Enter (or Command-Enter for all you Mac users).

  • Rig Manager keeps crashing on MacBook Pro.

    Installed and re-installed now about 5 times rig manager 3.0.78 on my mac book pro running Mojave 10.14.6

    Though, it keeps crashing right after launch. Does not start at all. Anyone else experienced this issue?


  • Well, the editor looks exactly like what I saw at namm last january. Rad. Glad it's finally available. I never used RM very much but the editor section has me giddy for all the reasons everyone else already said.

    I'll chime in on the Win/Mac sub-convo happening: I am not inherently opposed to Windows, but when W10 came out I did update it, and all hell broke loose. It did a forced (meaning I could not stop it nor did I give permission) update in the middle of a home recording session. It crashed and took out the hard drive data with it. Six months worth of work down the toilet (I did take the HD to a recovery outfit. $1300 to recover with no guarantees). Probably a fluke, I recognize it as such, but it still sucked REAL bad. I run an iMac now and haven't had a single problem. (to be fair and unbiased, I did have the MB fail on an older MBP, but it was a generation known to have the problem)/ I now backup every session to both external drive as well as cloud storage just in case.

    Just a guy who plays a little bit of guitar.

  • Hi guys, maybe someone can help me here, the new RM 3.0 crashes every time i open it up on Win10.

    And yes, both the Kemper and RM are up to date, a complete reinstall didn't fix the problem.

    The previous version of the RM works fine.

    I have stored a picture of the error message as an attachement.

    That was the first problem i have with the Kemper since many years.

    Maybe someone had the same problem and could solve it ?

    Thanks in advance !