Profiler Stage Introduction Thread

  • The only thing that confuses me about the product launch is the decision to not show it off at Summer NAMM. I feel that letting the retailers and users play with it, make and post videos would have created even more buzz.

    Obviously the people who want it are excited but to me the whole point of NAMM and trade shows is to make people want something they didn’t know they wanted!

    I think exhibiting at Summer NAMM would have had it lost in the mix of announcements. Besides, NAMM is more about merchants. Not the players themselves. Besides, attending NAMM isn't cheap and Summer NAMM is quite a bit smaller than Winter NAMM.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (July 24, 2019 at 6:23 PM).

  • I'll say it again...damned if they do...." I saw the editor, why isn't it ready" , damned if they don't " Why didn't they show us this earlier"...

    I'm just pleased they gave us a quick preview a few days before NAMM...

  • I personally don't get the hype at all about dual-amp. Same signal through 2 amps is not how you make guitar wider in a mix. I'm actually genuinely curious as I might have been missing something about this but in your example of "Stack A and B panned on either side", I'm not sure when that could ever be favorable over a proper double tracking panned on each side. If you really want the exact same track with two amps, just re-amp the DI track with a different amp... If I want a different kind of definition or accentuate different frequencies, it's probably because I haven't chosen the right amp/eq/settings to begin with. Seems to me just like a trendy feature that make it sounds like all of a sudden, your guitar will sound better because 2 amps must mean bigger/better tone...

    Edit: Sorry about going off the topic of this thread!!

    Exactly. People often confuse multi amping with double tracking.

    Dimebag Darrell is a classic case of using ADT to fatten up his guitar sound with two amps. It's obvious that if the amps are outputting the exact same riffs, you'd want to blend them.

    But if you're a single guitarist looking for a bigger sound on stage similar to a dual guitar act, you'd want to use ADT.

    Phase would not be a problem.

    But I think a dual (parallel) full Rig topology would not meet the requirements of most users that want to run dual amping, because you want to plug both amps into the same studio effects most of the time.

    Am I right?

    Maybe not the full rigs, I'm sure you would want delay left and delay right for example and reverb to be applied to both amps.

    But more routing would give more opportunity to sculpt the base tone, such as by using EQs, or ODs, or whatnot.

  • All this clamoring for a dual-amp feature is annoying. If you can't

    I think exhibiting at Summer NAMM would have had it lost in the mix of announcements. Besides, NAMM is more about merchants. Not the players themselves. Besides, attending NAMM isn't cheap and Summer NAMM is quite a bit smaller than Winter NAMM.

    We're just having a discussion with Mr CK. There's little point in getting upset or annoyed about that.

  • Talking about dual amping or parallel effects routing. We have a unique feature set that is relating to the serial signal flow as it is. That is „condition-free spillover“ of the DLY and REV module, individual output sources such as Stack, Mod, Dly&Rev wet - and especially MonitorCabOff, to switch off the cabinet solely for the Monitor Output and run a real guitar speaker through the power amp. Those features can be set globally, without tweaking every individual rig.

    I would settle for being able to move the AMP block to accommodate more/less stomps pre or post. 6+AMP+2 or 3+AMP+5... etc.

  • Unboxing the Stage

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    Edited once, last by Syntek (July 25, 2019 at 2:54 AM).

  • First look.

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  • I do not see Copy and Paste buttons on the front of the KP Stage. If it lacks those functions (or even has them somehow embedded in the controls) it would be of little value to me. I use that often to copy stomps and effects from one profile to another. Also, where did the Rig Volume control go? Still, a really cool permutation of the KPA for the live player.

  • V8guitar yes it comes with os7 watch this

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  • I do not see Copy and Paste buttons on the front of the KP Stage. If it lacks those functions (or even has them somehow embedded in the controls) it would be of little value to me. I use that often to copy stomps and effects from one profile to another. Also, where did the Rig Volume control go? Still, a really cool permutation of the KPA for the live player.

    copy paste is available in the Stage model simply by pressing the button for the module you want to copy from or paste to for 2 seconds.

  • Didn't we get the 2 new reverbs with the latest 6.0 firmware? Formant and Ionosphere?

    Yep. Formant and Ionosphere became the 6.0 release in May. I think to throw us a bone since NAMM stands for "Not April, Maybe May".....and they were going to be well past May if they waited for all the new features to be ready. Heck, the new Rig Manager will still be a beta when they drop it soon.