Can we all agree on a list of 5 classic OD we would wish

  • paults , some combination of both choices, would be ideal. If the presets for the roll-your-own-efx, can accurately replicate the classic sounds, I'd be happy.

    Nobels ODR-1

    Klon KTR/Centaur

    Turbo Rat

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • The thing is how long will something like this take to build. The editor and verb are good but i wish most for the improve stomps.

    Well it will probably be another 6 months for the current Namm teasers to be released as OS6, another 6 months for teasers of stomps and another 6 months for a full release. Pure speculation of course but having owned the KPA for nearly 7 years it’s something I had to get used too, it’s just their way, Almost died waiting for the foot controller8o, but having said that they always deliver and they get it right. Still maintaine that The KPA is my best ever gear purchase, the guys just keep on giving free incredible updates, but you need patience.

    Just buy the OD pedal you want and sell it later when Kemper comes to the party, sold my El Cap when the delays came out, I’m pretty sure my Big Sky will see the same fait soon, hope to sell my Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe some day in the future.


    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • 1. Klon Centaur/KTR ( because every one love this)
    2. Analogman King of Tone ( because it's a must )

    3. JHS Morning glory (sound amazing, really)
    4. Fulltone OCD ( because it make job)
    5. BK Tube driver (less transparent but wtf sounding amazing)

  • I really think there is zero chance (or need) for a list of different classic stomp pedals. I think it is much more likely that Kemper will apply the same philosophy to the FX stomps that they have already used with the delays and reverbs.

    There are really probably less than 10 unique OD Distortion circuits out there. If you think about the Tube Screamer as an example. The TS8, TS9,TS10, 808 etc are all pretty much the same pedal with maybe one or two components changed; but the basic circuit is the same in all cases. Then you have about x,000 different pedals from other manufacturers that are basically TS clones or derivatives. I’m not an electronics guy but I sure if you are you could easily cataloge the basic topography of pedals any narow it down to less than a dozen design styles.

    Therefore, Kemper will most likely issue updated OD/Distortion/Fuzz /Boost engines that follow these basic styles. However, they would then include MASSIVELY increased flexibility in terems of programming features. This would then let users create their own presets that sound like their favourite version of these circuits.

    There is already evidence of this approach working for the Wah effect. If you download the full list of Wah presets the Don created and Monkey_Man colated you can see that the existing wah engine can sound like virtually any wah ever made if you know how to tweak it. This seems a much more Kemper solution than creating a a limited number of “models” of classic stomps. axe FX and Line 6 etc already do modelling down to component level which sounds great but is pretty processor intensive and requires the manufacturer to create a new model everytime users need a new stomp. I just can’t see Kemper going down that rabbit hole.

  • I think it is much more likely that Kemper will apply the same philosophy to the FX stomps that they have already used with the delays and reverbs.

    That makes a lot of sense to me. I'm certainly no pedal guru (hey, I'm a software guy - hardware is down the hall), but that's my perception as well. A handful of basic / classic pedals out there, i.e. hardware "engines" that people then tweak. I'd much rather have a highly capable engine than be locked into exactly X pedals, and only X pedals, because they're trying to do precise stomp box emulation.

    Of course, even though I have the remote, which is a very nice, custom tailored solution, I rarely use the stomp box switches and prefer to have a profile that's the complete sound I want. So my current favorite OD stomp box is actually a complete Friedman that was profiled with a Klon in front of it. If I want to lose the Klon, I just pick a different profile.

    Press button. Play guitar. Naturally, that approach doesn't work for everyone, but I'm a very simple creature. :)

    they always deliver and they get it right. Still maintaine that The KPA is my best ever gear purchase, the guys just keep on giving free incredible updates, but you need patience.

    Yeah, I haven't been around very long but I heartily agree. The patience is worth it when you look at the quality of their offerings.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I could see a hybrid of both

    Like, if they added something like the jhs Bonsai and the Muffuletta with additional and expanded parameters and a wheel to dial between all the circuits.

    That would cover most of the tube screamers and big muffs and then some.

  • According to the great improvements in the upcoming next OS-Releases (regarding the NAMM-Show), I wouldn't be too astonished, if CK implemented a new feature in the Profile-Mode, to store a Profile in a different file-type than .kipr. This could then be stored as an effect-preset in the profiler.

    This enabled us to make preamp-profiles of any existing OD-stomp at any individual Setting.

    Just dreaming ....:whistling:

  • I really think there is zero chance (or need) for a list of different classic stomp pedals. I think it is much more likely that Kemper will apply the same philosophy to the FX stomps that they have already used with the delays and reverbs.

    Yeah. That seems the way ckemper would approach this. A new release of OD/DS/Boost algorithms with a set of new presets emulating popular pedals (Clones, KofTone, BluesBreaker, OCD, GreenScream TS10, GreenScream TS9,....). NAMM 2020, please.

  • Yeah. That seems the way ckemper would approach this. A new release of OD/DS/Boost algorithms with a set of new presets emulating popular pedals (Clones, KofTone, BluesBreaker, OCD, GreenScream TS10, GreenScream TS9,....). NAMM 2020, please.

    NAMM 2020? You're a patient guy. ;) Well me too. I'm not in any hurry.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • A problem feature that software algorithms don't have. Once you've got it right, it's right time after time. :)

    my point is: since the different series are very close to begin with, part tolerances blur the lines between them, effectively creating overlaps. so who is to say what a TSx sounds like, when you can find units that are 'all over the place' - same with Fuzz Faces that on paper use the same parts.

    at one point I aquired 50 british mil-spec (!) germanium transistors to build Fuzz Faces with. When measuring these transistors I got wildly different values. Add to that, that a FF has one transistor 'feeding' another, so even the order makes a difference. Using these NOS transistors from the same batch I could go from a very vintage, low gain FF to a totally saturated, bassy mess (in a good way) just by selecting part number identical transistors.

  • my point is: since the different series are very close to begin with, part tolerances blur the lines between them, effectively creating overlaps. so who is to say what a TSx sounds like, when you can find units that are 'all over the place' - same with Fuzz Faces that on paper use the same parts.

    Yeah, I totally get that. There's a lot of religion over what a "real" xyz pedal sounds like, but of course this obviously negates that entire concept.

    I was just saying that the cool part about you guys emulating pedals in software is that you don't have to worry what the next batch of parts will sound like, or wonder whether or not it will totally screw up your work. You find a TSx sound that you like (after the requisite Internet forum arguments about what The One True Tone is), sling some code until you get it right, and then your hard work lives forever without being at the mercy of manufacturers.

    These ones and zeros certainly have their moments. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I was just saying that the cool part about you guys emulating pedals in software is that you don't have to worry what the next batch of parts will sound like, or wonder whether or not it will totally screw up your work. You find a TSx sound that you like (after the requisite Internet forum arguments about what The One True Tone is), sling some code until you get it right, and then your hard work lives forever without being at the mercy of manufacturers.

    yeah, that's kinda how CK did the Green Scream, starting from his TS808 and then later modifying the model a bit towards a Maxon OD-808, but still people will make an A/B test and remark that it doesn't sound exactly like their TS.
    The point being: It is pretty likely that no other pedal out there sounds exactly like their TS. ^^

    Especially if people compare visually transferred setting (drive at 9 o'clock) - sadly, it'll work even less that way. What you did was add the tolerances of the pots to the (already variable-rich) equation. ;)

  • Im not a pedal guy but I know people swear by their TS etc. Its a well made point by Don that even for the same pedal there is no common reference point...bit like a vintage strat - its the inconsistency that's part of the charm.

    So isn't the only real answer is to somehow be able to profile your fav pedal ?

    Seems a bit overkill when you can profile you fav Amp and pedal but I get why people might want just the pedal itself..