Operating System Beta Versions - solved!

  • Just want it to work as advertised,not mad, just frustrated,,why not make the basics work right before all the extras,,,,? with a big team of smart guys, they cant figure out why the lights don't follow the sound??
    you would think that would be easier to figure out then how to profile an amp ?
    I love my kemper but please do something about this bug,,,I use it every day in the studio all day, and every weekend on a gig,,I need it to work,right,and it does on 3.30..
    In music,at least for me,,, timing is everything, its NOT musical to see the patch ,,not follow the toe,,,,,,,,,,,jus sayin,,, I WANT to go to the newer software, I tried,,, and its just not usable for me,
    PLEASE,,,FIX the patch change problem,,, at least let us know you are working on it and I will shut up and wait,,Its been too long with this problem,,
    ,,,thank you,Mr Kemper,, in advance!

  • I am still running 3.03 and switching is fine and acceptable for me (I have the remote) as a baseline. I'm concenred if further lag has been introduced.

    So, has additional lag been introduced because of the additional capability e.g. Morphing? Or is it in response to issues previously where people complained about switching lag on 3.x and Kemper have changed how the "request" is processed? Please clarify.

    Whilst I first thought was I'd prefer less audio lag than visual, I also changed from an FCB1010 to the remote because I often mis-hit pedals - on the FCB this meant it went into a spin and you got no sound.

    However, like Sambrox I need confidence when I switch that its taken place, bizarrely its not always obvious audibly - ask anyone with a conventional crybaby - did it click?? Wen switching I am often also doing something else ( singing, changing position on the neck) so its one thing I don't want to have to worry about. I take the visual cue that its happened before the audio...

    I'm going to upgrade to 4.05 now so I can see this for myself but as unclemar states, I hope this hasn't "ruined" the KPA/Remote - Lag causes frustration on stage usually at the worst time...I understand there are limitations with the hardware etc, but I hope enough performance tuning has taken place to continue the high switching standard - particularly when both units are dedicated i.e. not 3rd party units!

    Neither were cheap!

  • This is the first MIDI ( I have Remote) or program switch pedal I can remember having a lag time between The audio and the visual. And, like Sambrox, with the close quarters on the Remote, you have to look at the remote to make sure you hit only the switch you want to hit, so yes the lag is disturbing

  • It has not ruined it,, but I just want it to work in 4,, as it does in 3,,I get it,, its beta,,but its been beta for some time now,,,,again its not the sound,, its the lag for the remote to change, I am sorry, but it distracts me, its not right,I dont think I am being harsh,, , I just want it to work right, no lag,,,,this is not a cheap toy,,,Its my most important tool I use every day,,
    Thanks again for listening,,Its still the best money I have ever spent on gear,, and I spent a few dollars,,,,,,,,,

  • <p>

    @V8guitar @Jose7822 @whippinpost91850 - are all of your posts from today using the latest beta 4.0.6?


    As I said in my post I've not tried 4.x, I'm on 3.3...

    The comments suggested was that it was a concious change based upon issues people had previously raised on 3x, my point being is I've had no switching concerns with 3.x&nbsp; so Im worried that a probelm has been created BUT at the moment I can't say if it would cause me a problem.

    But, my preference ( if we indeed had to make a choice) would be visual change first, which sounds counter intuative but listening to Sambrox, I'd agree with him or Paults suggestion of a config choice.

  • Perhaps a new System Setting could be added, offering the user a choice of:

    1) audio switching priority - with faster audio response - for those of us who don't look at the Remote when we change sounds, or don't have an issue with the lag, or people with other controllers.


    2) Audio/Visual Synch priority - with OS 3.3 style display changes.

    This should make everyone happy.

  • Perhaps a new System Setting could be added, offering the user a choice of:

    1) audio switching priority - with faster audio response - for those of us who don't look at the Remote when we change sounds, or don't have an issue with the lag, or people with other controllers.


    2) Audio/Visual Synch priority - with OS 3.3 style display changes.

    Perhaps it should be sorted and we get Operating System that will do 1) and 2)

  • I really don't see the problem. ?(
    Audio switching is THE most important. When we used MIDI switches in the 80s, there was no display like we have with the Remote.
    At best, you had an LED for the program number.

    [Blocked Image: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/J8EAAOSwQTVWCH0D/%24_1.JPG]

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I really don't see the problem. ?(
    Audio switching is THE most important. When we used MIDI switches in the 80s, there was no display like we have with the Remote.
    At best, you had an LED for the program number.

    [Blocked Image: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/J8EAAOSwQTVWCH0D/%24_1.JPG]

    So what?

    I get that we should be thankful for what we have today, but that doesn't meant we should stop improving.

    I'm glad we're not in the 80's.

  • I really don't see the problem.
    Audio switching is THE most important. When we used MIDI switches in the 80s, there was no display like we have with the Remote.
    At best, you had an LED for the program number.

    The trouble is, no one's comparing the Profiler to midi gear, we're comparing it to tube amps...

  • 4.0.6 you meant @sambrox off course ;)

    I did this and must admit to finding performance mode (3.3.0) much slower than browser mode for midi program changes. I have been using a mute patch live to cut the sound in a few places. It worked very quickly with previous preamps, but I guess the Kemper is more complicated.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5