Rig Manager Public Beta #3

  • I was thinking I was missing rigs from RE as well. Then realized that some of the rigs had different dates in the RE versus RM. After discovering that, I realized I was getting all the rigs, but had to look back on the RE to see them. Could be wrong, but I'm assuming that the RE date is the date it was loaded to RE and the RM date is the date of the profile. Maybe someone can confirm this or provide a better explanation.

  • the date you see is the date the rig was created on, not the point in time when it was uploaded. this is consistent with the way the profiler would sort the rigs. the easiest way to find out if something is missing, is to search for the name of the rig in question.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Do you run any additional firewall preventing applications to "phone home" etc.? Since that is exactly what RM does.
    If the connection test fails, the application is obviously not allowed to communicate.
    Are you using other browsers than Internet Explorer? Can you log in with Internet Explorer to the web based RE? Any chances you are using a passwort with special characters or a space?

    Timo, I'm running Win7 64bit and have Norton360 virus support running my firewall. It fails even with the FW off. I never user Internet Explorer. I use either Firefox or Chrome. I just logged in using IE and it works fine. My password uses letters and numbers. Very confusing.

  • the date you see is the date the rig was created on, not the point in time when it was uploaded. this is consistent with the way the profiler would sort the rigs. the easiest way to find out if something is missing, is to search for the name of the rig in question.
    best, gs

    It would be cool to have RE upload date as search function too... BTW, I like rig manager very much already.

  • Hi Kemper...

    Will there be an XP Version of this released at any time? A lot of Musicians still use XP because it runs way faster than Windows 7 and 8, and although I have a Dual Boot System (XP & 7) I only use XP - Windows 7 is a last resort... Thanx in advance

  • most musicians/producers I know that have a Win OS, made the switch to 7 a while ago.
    me included.
    all you have to do is to disable all the fancy visuals and streamline it a bit just like you would XP for a DAW.

    besides, many use the switch to upgrade to a 64bit OS and adding lots of RAM is the single best thing you can do to improve DAW functionality.

  • all you have to do is to disable all the fancy visuals and streamline it a bit just like you would XP for a DAW.

    Don't do that, chances are likely you actually achieve the opposite!

    If you are running Aero (AKA "fancy visuals") on any grafic card that is younger than 5 years, chances are good all workload is done by the card. DirectX 10 takes care of that. If you turn off all the visuals and use the legacy GUI DX is not used and it's no longer rendered by the card but by the your CPU and you really don't want that. Running the legacy window design is only recommende if your grafic card doesn't support DX10 or the GPU is very old and very slow or you are running AGP/PCI-cards. Then the bandwidth comes into play.

    But with every modern PCIe-grafics adapter: Leave everything as it comes out of the box.

    There are other optimization tipps that were required with XP (or at least would have a slightly positive effect) but not with Windows 7 or 8. I have done extensive tests with all the internet tipps and myth's and it's all a waste of time. It doesn't change the DAW-related performance a single bit. But it might hurt other applications if you accidentally disabled a service you that is required for the proper functions of other applications.


    In my experience optimisation and streamlining is responsible as much for PC-problems as is crappy hardware. So please everybody: If you use Windows 7, leave it alone and use it as it came out of the box.

    Sorry for the rant, but I had to troubleshoot so many PCs that had been screwed with in good faith and by using some optimization tutorials from the net that I just can't stand it anymore.

  • I'm still looking for the OSX version... I put it on the PC but honestly, don't want to waste valuable disk space on my Mac for loading dual OS's... for no more than what it does, it's just not worth the additional issues.

    I'm thinking a Mac version is really "pie in the sky" stuff for us... Why would the team spend time building a Mac version and divert resources from their .Net version, when they could be improving the PC version, which needs improvements? (it's bare bones) And then how many versions of a Rig Manager do they have resources to manage? Wouldn't releases get fewer and farther between and improvements constantly being gapped between the OS's? Seems to be flawed logic from the beginning somewhere... just saying.

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • I'm still looking for the OSX version... I put it on the PC but honestly, don't want to waste valuable disk space on my Mac for loading dual OS's... for no more than what it does, it's just not worth the additional issues.

    I'm thinking a Mac version is really "pie in the sky" stuff for us... Why would the team spend time building a Mac version and divert resources from their .Net version, when they could be improving the PC version, which needs improvements? (it's bare bones) And then how many versions of a Rig Manager do they have resources to manage? Wouldn't releases get fewer and farther between and improvements constantly being gapped between the OS's? Seems to be flawed logic from the beginning somewhere... just saying.

    1. A MAC-Version in the works has been confirmed many times.
    2. I'm thinking a PC version is really "pie in the sky" -- //sarcasm

    90% of the game is half-mental.