Because of what I said G String: it has solved a lot of issues on my system, specially when Support was unable to replicate them (as it seems to be the case here).
Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying that the SR does more than initializing global parameters to their default values: I'm saying that the effects this action determines are wide and can fix several issues.
Not sure what you mean with "a restart has nothing to do with a reset", I of course know this. What I was trying to convey (and maybe failed to given a poor English) is that, since a Profiler seems to keep more parameters in memory than a traditional computer when switched off, a restart is not enough to achieve the same results as a reset.
Also wondering about the statement that "there is no magic to it": where did you get the impression I'm invoking some magic? What I wrote is that a SR has been solving a lot of issues in the years. I (of course!) accept the fact that its effectiveness relies on what it does to global parameters. I just note that this seems to fix more issues than what it is supposed to fix.
I can just suppose that many little things Support can't reproduce (and that have been fixed by a SR) are related to global parameters.
Anyway, I'm just trying to be of help. It seems that a SR solved the issue in this case