pocoman54 Please get in touch with support.
Posts by HELL-G
JCW308 Please get in touch with support.
M4tth3w Please use the Factory Reset function in the SYSTEM menu.
smi_100 Please open a support ticket.
Paulmusic36 Do you use Performance or Browse mode?
car_100 The Tuner Reference Pitch is accessible in the SYSTEM settings of the Rig Manager mobile app.
SWASS I cannot replicate the described behaviour. Which operating system version and Rig Manager do you use?
Which Profiler model do you use?
If you are okay with going mono to FOH with both the acoustic and electric guitars, you can use the Panorama in the RIG menu. Pan acoustic hard left, electric hard right. Set the Output source for the Main Output to Master Stereo. Avoid using stereo FX such as PingPong or adjust the settings to accommodate the mono Output.
Welchen Profiler nutzt du? Du kannst die Monitore an den Profiler anschließen.
Oder du erzeugst ein Aggregated Device in den Audio/MIDI Einstellungen des Mac.
Sandra Flothwedel Du kannst in Rig Manager Mac mit der Funktion Tools => Backup Rig Manager content ein Backup erstellen und dieses auf dem Windows rechner mit Tools => Restore Rig Manager content wiederherstellen. Damit ist der Rig Manager auf dem Windows Rechner im gleichen Zusatand wie vorher auf dem Mac.
forum.kemper-amps.com/wbb/attachment/20113/Would you recommended keeping this on -12db and just adjust the main monitor out ? You must enable the Kemper Kone switch on the left.
The Power Kabinet cutting out could be a hardware issue. Please contact support.
The buttons do not light up blue. There is no setting to achieve this,
The color depends on the angle that the camera has toward the Player. I just tested it with my iPhone camera.
mberd217 Which version of RM do you use? I cannot replicate the issue here with 11.1.51 and RM 3.7.20.
mberd217 Please update to Beta 11.1.51
Kemper (again) does not respond to an email request.
Did you use the https://www.kemper-amps.com/contact form? Where did you send your request to?
Jemjulio The Rig Manager mobile app only connects via WiFi. Bluetooth is for audio streaming only.
rcknrllmn The faceplates do not show if a Profiler Head or Rack is powered. The back shows the red jack of the speaker output. The serial number indicates that the unit is powered (AP... for Power Head, AR... for Power Racks).
PauRomero Try using CC 11 for morphing the Rig Volume?
i have an issue bit different
Contacted support over a week ago no reply.
Looks for an old version during startup
cant run rig manager tried uninstall asks for old version. Deleted and tried to remove registry references but n good.
Burkhard answered your ticket on August 23rd. Please check your spam folder.
Thank you! But why not to add a volume control at usb section 🤔
Because we are talking about an INPUT parameter. You want to get the optimum level for the Profiler to process. If the level were reduced in the OUTPUT Section, the DI would not drive the Profiler with the same level your guitar did while recording.