Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • Can anyone get the ASIO drivers to work? They are not working in Cubase for me at all. It's available for selection at startup but Cubase doesn't accept them and just prompts me to select another driver.

    We are a minority at here looking for solutions to problems ;) Most people prefer sensations.

    September 30, 2024 at 11:05 PM

    I just created a new thread regarding ASIO as I do not want to post on some conflicting discussion about LI LII LIII arguing as I do not own player.

  • If you were only getting one controller, which of the 2 would you suggest? Really torn between these exact 2 models.

    Morningstar is obviously the superior option, but it's big. On the other hand, it may be more versatile if I ever expand to another setup than the Kemper player.

    The main benefit of the Ampero is it's size.

    Really unsure which of these two is the best option tbh.

    It's a tough call. The Ampero is a bit cheaper and the form factor is definitely a plus, if real estate where you are going to be using it is at premium. The Morning star, OTH, is built like a tank, has more buttons, and has a useable/useful screen. I am glad to have both. I am using the Ampero for gigs lately, though, as I have been playing venues with very limited stage space, so space considerations have been paramount. If space were not a consideration, the MC6 would be the winner for me.

    Current Rig: Kittycaster FX Groovy Wizard Fuzz Driver>ClinchFX Pico Pre>L6 HX Stomp>Kemper Profiler Player>Fender FR10

  • For my toaster, I used and then sold an MC8. It was easy to program and was a solid piece of gear. It had drawbacks with regard to performance mode. It was nightmare compared to the relative ease of using the remote that I purchased subsequently. The pages and banks also don't align well with the Kemper.

    For live use, I did not get along with the MC8 switching action - double tap, release and long press. Yes, it all worked as intended, but resulted in occasional unwanted switching. Bad news in real time, but YMMV.

    On a slight tangent, I am flabberghasted that Kemper did not design remote connectivity to the player. It could have been seemless.

  • I'm thinking about how I should ideally assign footswitches 1, 2 on the player.
    I would like to be able to switch/cycle between three banks

    1.1. Clean1.2. SoloXXX
    2.1. Crunch2.2. SoloXXX
    3.1. More Gain3.3. SoloXXX

    and switch/cycle in s song between slot 1 and 2 (or more if used)

    Stomp 3 I would like to use TAB/Tuner and Expression Pedal is connected and used for morphing to add or reduce reverb/delay or other fx.

    So is there a way to cycle with one stomp 1 thru Bank 1,2,3,1… and with stomp 2 between used slots?
    Any idea how I could do this?

    Set max banks to 3 and assign Combo 1-2 to bank down and combo 2-3 to bank up (or vice-versa) - assign button 1 to rig one and button 2 to rig 2. Assign button 3 to tap/tuner. For morph you can assign the pedal OR you can assign morph to 'rig button' and use the pedal for something else. You could also assign them exactly the way you describe and set it to not wrap I think but that sounds to me like it might get confusing to drive.

  • I'm thinking about how I should ideally assign footswitches 1, 2 on the player.
    I would like to be able to switch/cycle between three banks

    1.1. Clean1.2. SoloXXX
    2.1. Crunch2.2. SoloXXX
    3.1. More Gain3.3. SoloXXX

    and switch/cycle in s song between slot 1 and 2 (or more if used)

    Stomp 3 I would like to use TAB/Tuner and Expression Pedal is connected and used for morphing to add or reduce reverb/delay or other fx.

    So is there a way to cycle with one stomp 1 thru Bank 1,2,3,1… and with stomp 2 between used slots?
    Any idea how I could do this?

    How about dispensing with the 3 individual banks and having it all in a single bank.

    1.1 Clean - FS1 Load Slot 1

    1.2. Crunch - FS 2 Load Slot 2

    1.3 More Gain - FS Load Slot 3

    1.4 Solo - FS1+2 Load Slot 4

    FS2+3 - Tap/Tuner

    External FS Morph (you also have morph available on a second press of any switch to don't even need the external morph switch so could use it for something else like FX1+2 or turning on/off a single effect block.

  • Set max banks to 3 and assign Combo 1-2 to bank down and combo 2-3 to bank up (or vice-versa) - assign button 1 to rig one and button 2 to rig 2. Assign button 3 to tap/tuner. For morph you can assign the pedal OR you can assign morph to 'rig button' and use the pedal for something else. You could also assign them exactly the way you describe and set it to not wrap I think but that sounds to me like it might get confusing to drive.

    Hey dfdfan,

    perfect :thumbup:
    I was so focused on the layout of the stage that I completely overlooked
    the possibility of double occupancy of 1+2 and 2+3.
    By assigning button 1 to slot 1 (and 2), I can also activate morphing by pressing the stomp it again.
    I think I'll put the volume now on the pedal.
    This gives me everything I need for small gigs :)
    Thanks a lot also to Wheresthedug

  • Wow. Lots to digest here.

    First, cost of development does not dictate price of a product. The market does. Any company that is pricing their goods based on a cost plus model is doomed to go out of business (you don't really think it costs Microsoft >$200.00 for that little cardboard box do you?).

    Second, lets talk about market (that absolutely does matter).

    The major competitors in and around the player's competitive landscape are the Fractal FM3 {$850}, Helix Stomp HX {$650}, and XL {$700}.

    I would argue that THESE products and their pricing is why Kemper is charging too much for the Player upgrades.

    Now, even the FM3 can't do 10 slots (8FX+Amp+Cab), so none of this is exactly apples to apples ..... but I don't think your average consumer is going to be this informed when they make their buying decision. What they will see is an FM3 with a screen, and LCD scribble strips for all 3 buttons compared to the Kemper Player. I would argue that this is a tough sell (although you might get some people that see the expensive Kemper as "premium" and buy it simply because it IS more expensive than the others).

    Another thing to keep in mind is that it is always advantageous to price a product higher at launch and then lower the price later. No one is going to complain if you lower the price. The opposite ..... not so much. I suspect, in the future, pricing will come down.

    Having said this, Kemper has now eliminated one of my key complaints with the Player. With level 2 and especially level 3, I can use a Player as a backup and throw go rig. I wasn't even expecting level 3.

  • Hey. Guys what kind of switching solutions would you suggest to maximize a Player Level 3. I'm looking at the Morningstar MC6 currently, mainly because it has a screen and it would be really handy.

    Any other solutions you can suggest?

    Buying a stage?

    I don't understand people, wanting a display, lots of effects and possibilities, lots of switches, but then they buy a Kemper Player.

  • Buying a stage?

    I don't understand people, wanting a display, lots of effects and possibilities, lots of switches, but then they buy a Kemper Player.

    I agree. A used Stage at 1K would be a better way to go. In fact, a used Kemper Stage is about as great a value as can be had today. Nothing else even comes close IMO.

  • I agree. A used Stage at 1K would be a better way to go. In fact, a used Kemper Stage is about as great a value as can be had today. Nothing else even comes close IMO.

    I agree. The Stage is awesome and about as great a buy as they come these days. I bought the Player for the fly gigs I’d usually use my HX Stomp for. It allows me the same great base tone and an ok set of effects. I just watched the Tone Junkie Namm video and Christoph said the tremolos (at least the harmonic trem) were coming as a free update for the Player as well as the rest of the line. I suspect the Player, even at Level I, will continue to grow in usability and value. I’m still a bit miffed about the price of the levels and lack of loyalty discounts, but I still love both my Toaster, Stage and Player. Different tools for different gigs.

  • I agree. A used Stage at 1K would be a better way to go. In fact, a used Kemper Stage is about as great a value as can be had today. Nothing else even comes close IMO.

    I sold my Stage for $900 when the Fender TMP was released. I had a used Stage and a Brand new Rack when I got the TMP and I had more Rack space available than floor space so I sold the stage cheap just to recover part of the funding for the TMP. Still, at that price it took 2 months to sell it here in the Florida panhandle.

    I passed on the Player when it was first released for a number of reasons; mainly I/O options. I kept an open mind while waiting on the Player upgrades, thinking the Player might be something I could use with my Pedal Steel Guitar but the cost is not justified imo because I have better options. Mainly I can control the Rack with an iPad from across the room and 2 Quilter steel guitar amps (Steelaire Rack and TB202).

    I turn 75 next Saturday, started in my 1st working band in '64 (last gig 2021)and have an abundance of music gear and like 20 guitars and the bottom line is I can make it all sound good (or I trash it). I just got a Fender Micro Plus yesterday (25 amps / 25 effects @ $129) . If the Kemper player offered me anything I needed /wanted, I would buy it even at the current price. If I was still doing gigs I'd buy it all in a heartbeat.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Buying a stage?

    I don't understand people, wanting a display, lots of effects and possibilities, lots of switches, but then they buy a Kemper Player.

    Well its mainly the portability. Sure I'm losing out on many functions but for a studio session I can just carry and Player and that's all I need. Tbh even a level 1 player has been great for sessions for me. Midi is mainly required for live setting where one needs to change sounds quickly.

  • I could not find a FM3 for your price mentioned. Only the used market gives a yes to me. For a new FM3 (only MkII is available) the retailer wants 1400€. One can argue if in that case a stage would be a better investment.

    I was honestly thinking about a player as mainly a backup in a live situation but 1.000€ for so many drawbacks is not justified. As you said the market offers loads of opportunities. And with the „budget“ floorboard FM3 you get all the goodies of the bigger units for free though later - but for free. In the end we are all caught up in a defined world of different systems. Once you are into Apple you have to live with high prizes and phase out of products. But in the musicians world there is a real danger for Kemper to loose customers once and for all. I guess especially to Line 6. And once lost the buy in at a later stage of time is a huge effort and rather unlikely. Therefore I hope that there will be a shift of their current business model of the player and that they provide at least a discount for long time users. I once discussed really hard with Steinberg about their prizing for a Update for Cubase Pro Users. And guess what: I purchased an Upgrade for 50€ from Cubase 12 to 13 instead of 250€ in the past from Cubase 10 to 11. In my opinion we should wait and see what will happe nat least for a while. Kemper: Better less turnover than none.

    One last point: I wonder how the upgraded players might sell as one is not able to see from the outside whether there is an upgrade on that floorboard or not. So many obstacles … meanwhile I might grab a Stage for 1.000€s and Kemper won’t see additional cash from my wallet. Also not a good business model.

  • Yeah, it's new

    That's brilliant! If Tuner mode also could use the Rig LEDs to at least show which string is tuned, the tuner will actually be very useful! I haven't seen this mentioned in the change log, but this is a big one for me! Thanks!

    BTW, my suggestion for showing string/note: Rig LEDs. 1 =e/E, 2=b, 3=g, 4=d, 5=a. Maybe the great minds at Kemper can cook up something even better, but this would help a whole lot.