Posts by JohnnyBee


    That's simply bullshit. And why would you know how many people are suffering from an issue when you don't have any empirical data?

    And by the way.

    Here's link to a post in the forum about this problem, where Kemper admit a software problem.

    Hoki Toki
    November 12, 2019 at 8:31 PM


    That's simply bullshit. And why would you know how many people are suffering from an issue when you don't have any empirical data?

    You see. You talk about "bullshit" and bam, two more guys talk about the same problems.

    Just be honest. Not to me, I'm just a stupid customer. Be honest to yourself. During the last years, there were a lot of posts about exactly these problems with stage. 😉

    Had this problem already some years ago.

    My stage looses date and time if I don't connect it to power at least once a day.

    Had this problem already some years ago. Had to change the battery and all was well.

    This problem apeared after update to 12.0.10.

    Wonder that I never had any battery problem with my Toaster, which I have since 2015 !!!

    Officialy Kemper will never say, that there is a problem with the Stage, but there is one.

    Had anybody else, after updating the stage, similar problems?

    Es kann nur so sein, dass Du das Teil am Rechner mit RigManager hängen hast.

    Auf der Bühne, ohne Rechner, wird jedes Rig so geladen, wie es abgespeichert wurde.

    Du scheinst ja die Einstellungen der Output Section speichern und übertragen zu wollen. Dabei handelt es sich tatsächlich um Output Presets. Solche Output Presets enthalten viele, aber nicht alle Einstellungen der Output Section. Die Output Sources sind zum Beispiel enthalten, die Volumina hingegen nicht, damit es nicht beim Browsen durch die Liste und Laden solcher Output Presets zu unvorhersehbaren Lautstärkesprüngen kommen kann.

    Wenn Du, während die Output Section geöffnet ist, am BROWSE-Regler drehst, öffnet sich eine Liste. Da siehst Du im Auslieferungszustand ein paar Beispiele. Diese Presets kannst Du löschen oder eigene anlegen. Wenn Du bei geöffneter Output Section STORE drückst, erscheint eine Auswahl, ob Du entweder das gesamte Rig oder nur die Output Section speichern möchtest. Beim Speichern der Output Section entsteht ein Ouput Preset, dem Du einen Namen geben kannst. So legt man also am Gerät Output Presets an.

    Der einfachste Weg, solche Presets in ein anderes Gerät zu übertragen, funktioniert mittels Rig Manager für Windows/macOS. Während das Ausgangsgerät verbunden ist, ziehst Du einfach mit der Maus das Output Modul in die Local Library unter All Presets. Dort entsteht ein Preset. An der Preset Class in der Liste siehst Du, dass es sich um ein Output Preset handelt. Das kannst Du umbenennen zur besseren Unterscheidung. Wenn dann anschließend das Zielgerät verbunden ist, machst Du es umgekehrt und ziehst das Preset aus der Local Library in das Output Modul. Fertig!

    Nochmal zum Verständnis:

    Wenn man so vorgeht, wie Du es beschreibst, dann werden aber die verschiedenen Lautstärken der Output Sektion nicht abgespeichert und mit übertragen. Oder?


    This is my very first post. Is there a video anywhere that can walk me through the process of balancing rig volumes? .... I realize that everything will need to be much more adjusted and tweaked in a band setting. I just got my Kemper this past week. So far, I really love it. I am sure that this is a beat to death topic, but everything is easier for me if I can see it on a video or photo. I heard something about clean sense. Some rigs are really loud and some I can barely hear. I want to balance them much more together for live gigs.

    I have found a lot of YouTube videos and started watching them this weekend, but still have not found one on rig balance and volume levels. If you can help me out, that would be great. Someone said that MBritt might have a video about it, but I have not found that one either. Also, I am looking for some really nice clean rigs on Rig Exchange, perhaps Eric Johnson type cleans and moods ( delays, reverbs, modulation ) If I know the names and author, I can download them. That would be great. .... I have plenty of distorted and overdrive rigs right now.


    No chance.
    You have to balance each rig by using your ears or a technical messure method.
    There is no automatism or technical possibility in the Kemper.

    This was discussed several times before, but Kemper is not willing or able to build in
    a possibility that each rig has the same "volume" at the Outputs.

    And you are not the only one with that problem.

    Here are the Release Notes:

    January 17, 2025 at 1:06 PM

    I saw the release notes.
    But nothing about the Chrorus although CK promised that it will be fixed in the next release.
    So I had the hope that it IS fixed but not included in the release notes.
    Therefor I asked for experiences of users.

    Is in the new Beta the Chorus Volume problem fixed?

    That's what CK told us:

    December 4, 2024 at 12:34 AM