it's in the rig manager menue ..."show tuner" or something
Posts by luntho
you can use the headphones out to FOH according to this video ...starts around 25 min
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nothing controversial about that...his profiles are usually made to sound good at "live levels" (LOUD) can always dial up the presence/treble or change the cab for something brighter
Anybody knows what are the improvements to the combo switches?
Any new problems with the new beta?the problem was that if I had combo 1+2 för bank down and combo 2+3 for bank up, morphing didn't work as expected on FS2. That problem is now solved
...haven't noticed any other problems so far
Thanx, it's working now with latest beta 11.1.2
I have nothing connected to the player...
Anyhow, I think you did an amazing job! The combo buttons are working perfectly!
did you try the combos in combination with morphing?
so todays beta 11.1.1 solved a part of the problem (see first post)...I can now use combos for bank up and down and all rigs starts a the un-morphed state..BUT after entering morphstate on fs2 it won't go back !! I have to hit fs1 or 3 and then back to fs2 and it's back to unmorphed..
If I only use one of the combos (1+2 or 2+3) everything works as expected
can someone else verify this?
i noticed that both e-strings use white and the other strings have a green led
One last point: I wonder how the upgraded players might sell as one is not able to see from the outside whether there is an upgrade on that floorboard or can tell by the colour of the gain is level 2 and blue is level 3
I have my setup like this:
FS2=rig 2
FS3=rig 3
FS1+2=bank down
FS2+3= bank up
I have morph active on all rigs but when switching to rig 2 it always defaults to the morph.state..happens on all banks and only on rig 2...I have deleted all morphsettings and set it up again but same thing happens every time....if I disable one of the combos it works as expected but I can't have both at the same time
it won't change the original sound
I have had my Player for almost a year with zero problems, all the sudden today with NO changes what so ever, when going to wifi mode with my phone the app opens and goes away immediately... Is there something 'm missing? was there a software change? or is my phone the problem? nothing has been changed...
had the same problem...updated the app and all is fine again
in RM menue under Profiler...install feature upgrade
thank you's working now....
Did you update your rig manager on your phone? I didn't...thanx
upgraded to level 2 and all is good...except I can't connect my phone anymore
and morphing and all fx in Level 2
I posted this a few weeks ago:
luntho July 25, 2024
Replied to the thread Tuner Reference Pitch - WATCH OUT!.
yesterday I turned on the tuner (unpowered toaster with latest beta) and it showed that my guitar was almost 2 halftones flat..i.e A-string was tuned to G + 10cents..E-string was tuned to D + 7 cents and so on..ref pitch on the kemper was set to 440..…the guitar was in tune according to another tuner and after a reboot the kemper tuner wasd ok too.....I have also noticed a few times over the years that ref pitch has changed to 439 by itself...