Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • In fact, what people complain about is that the price is too high. If the price is set at 199 euros, people will not complain anymore. I hope kemper can give some discounts to everyone.

    I don't buy this argument at all. Go to any local music store and try to buy gear for $300 which will give you functionality added in Level III and convenience of not using any or little additional real-estate. Good luck. I don't really understand why people expect to receive functionality of bigger units for free / almost nothing? Of course cheap / expensive is subjective term, but let's not forget that we are talking about high end digital guitar solution - which is, IMHO, in category of luxury goods that no one really needs, but we buy it only because we see value in it - and as such from my perspective it is rather cheap for what it offers, even at $1000 for Level III.

  • Even though I wish the upgrades were cheaper, they seem fairly priced. I was planning on getting an Eventide H9 or a Strymon Big Sky to add extra effects to the Player. Both would have set me back 350 USD(second hand) plus cost of cable and board and power supply etc. So the price seems fair that way.

  • I honestly feel like all of this is fueled by greed. Not Kemper their greed, but the greed and entitlement of customers.

    Do they really expect Kemper to sell something with 90% of the stage features at 50% of the price? That would be a stupid decision that would destroy stage sales.

    I don't see it as a scam that forces us to pay more to get "software already in our product"

    It's an option to pay less to avoid the features we don't need because let's be real, if they released the fully unlocked player as the only version it'd be at 1k EUR and a lot of people who own and enjoy using one now would be priced out (including me).

    I would've loved a cheaper price as well, 200 for both levels would be ideal to me since I am priced out of the current upgrade package as well. The Kemper player was a big splurge for me, I can't afford 300 EUR for the upgrade in my current financial situation while I do really really want it.

    But grow up people. If you look at what you are getting and compare it to all the other options out there, you aren't being ripped off. It's in line with what the others cost or even cheaper.

    People are just mad because there is this weird entitlement that hardware should be expensive and software should be cheap. That isn't how it works. In this current day and age software is where the labor and magic happens.

  • I thought about it again. You are right.

  • Imagine if guitarists, YT and IG influencers, would wait 48 hours before commenting or making their YT IG review "Kemper upgrade" videos...after a day or two thinking about it your opinion will be very different to what you thought ten minutes after it was announced...

  • Do they really expect Kemper to sell something with 90% of the stage features at 50% of the price? That would be a stupid decision that would destroy stage sales.

    I don't think this is really correct. While the guts might become identical to the Stage, the I/O options and buttons/display do not. Even if you buy a player and add the upgrades and buy a remote you are at the same price as a Stage, but still lack the massive I/O of 2 stereo loops, stereo XLR, two stereo jack, headphone, digital etc I/O.

    So saying a Player becomes a Stage for just 299€ upgrade is not exactly right.

  • I don't think this is really correct. While the guts might become identical to the Stage, the I/O options and buttons/display do not. Even if you buy a player and add the upgrades and buy a remote you are at the same price as a Stage, but still lack the massive I/O of 2 stereo loops, stereo XLR, two stereo jack, headphone, digital etc I/O.

    So saying a Player becomes a Stage for just 299€ upgrade is not exactly right.

    That's why I mentioned 90% :p For a lot of people the player I/o is enough and if it isn't the stage is a better choice

  • It will be interesting to know how many of us get which upgrade. Can we do a poll?

    I guess the software is already within the player and just needs activating. Anyone know the process of how it enables all these expensive goodies?

    I think there should be some loyalty program- if you already own some kemper products a points or discount system could be implemented but then i guess there will be people who throw their money at this straight away. I suspect eventually the price will come down to get those on board who dont buy at the initial price. Better to sell some at a lower price than not at all?

    Extra FX blocks and morhphing will require additional buttons to control all this stuff in a live situation so you need to factor in a midi controller and the price of the controller+KPP+level-packs probably equates to the stage.

    I like my KPP for fly-gigs and would like additional FX blocks but for the amount of fly-gigs i do i find it hard to justify this cost.

    Anyone want to start that poll?

  • That's why I mentioned 90% :p For a lot of people the player I/o is enough and if it isn't the stage is a better choice

    The 10% can make a huge difference.....

    I will never prefer going to rehearsal or gigs with a Player instead of my Kemper Stage..... It's night and day..... Why saying a player in this configuration is exactly like a Stage ? I could argue by the absurd the opposite : a Stage has 14 switches , the Player 3 : 21%, so the price at half is coherent....

    I'm not a greed, I've bought a Stage, a Kone, A bag, A mission all that goes directly to Kemper....

    I love my Stage and Kemper sound but this price is just unreasonable,

    I see how acts other companies and i really feel like I've been betrayed....

    I'm even about to wonder if I'm not going to sell everything, i'm really Bummed

  • Your post sort of confirms my software/hardware point. You compare the amount of switches which is a pure hardware thing. The difference between Kemper, line6, fractal, neural DSP etc isn't the hardware. Those are probably almost identical. It's in the software.

    These devices are nothing but shells for software to run, what we really buy is the software.

  • Comparing Behringer-level to high-end guitar effects isn’t a fair comparison.

    Like comparing a Chevy Spark with an AMG Mercedes GT63 Pro.

    I don't need a 300usd boost to boost my 2203KK, I just need a SD1. nobody said anything about behringer.

    you seems to be a gear snob, sorry but I have no time to spend with people like you.

  • These devices are nothing but shells for software to run, what we really buy is the software.

    We are not talking about new features that require RnD and need time and money. It is pre existing stuff that the device could provide from day one and they just put them behind a paywall.

    They have lost time and programming to restrain the bigger units abilities ; THIS, is a new developpement....

    If it would represent an important amount of money, they would have launched a 900€ unit with all till the begining, it would have been much simplier....

    And we would have a clear view of the final price tag....

  • I'm very glad that there are ASIO drivers! This was a problem for me. I don't know if this is a good step with paid unlocking of higher versions for the company. There was a time when there were RIGOL oscilloscopes whose high sampling rates were unlocked with a code. Quite quickly someone found a way to unlock it and after a few years RIGOL was giving away this unlock as a bonus free upgerade.

    BTW if someone is interested to combine several ASIO interaces on windows, there is a tool called VB- Audio Matrix.

  • I get questions from people accusing this model, if CK announced it from the start. As far as I know, it was known from the beginning that Kemper would offer paid upgrades, right? Are there any references that confirm that? Any press articles or youtube videos from CK?

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I get questions from people accusing this model, if CK announced it from the start. As far as I know, it was known from the beginning that Kemper would offer paid upgrades, right? Are there any references that confirm that? Any press articles or youtube videos from CK?

    Yes. He said it clearly in the Tone Junkie NAMM video. Probably said it in other places too but that's the one I remember.

  • I get questions from people accusing this model, if CK announced it from the start. As far as I know, it was known from the beginning that Kemper would offer paid upgrades, right? Are there any references that confirm that? Any press articles or youtube videos from CK?

    I am aware of posts by ckemper on this forum, where this was all laid out, in December of 2023. Read a few posts in this thread here:-

    Dear Players,

    Thanks for your overwhelming interest in the Player!

    For those that didn't have the chance yet to put their hands and feets on the product, I am happy to shine a light on our thoughts and the approach to the Profiler Player concept.


    It is post no #134 - #138 in thread titled

    Ahhh What's that? A New Kemper Model? Profiler Player - Page 7 - Profiler - Questions and answers - Kemper Profiler Forum (

    I am not aware of any press releases or YouTube vids - not saying there aren't any, but I haven't seen any.

    Edited once, last by DunnyDaw: Edit - corrected my year quoted above from 2022 to 2023 (September 28, 2024 at 3:23 PM).

  • I get questions from people accusing this model, if CK announced it from the start. As far as I know, it was known from the beginning that Kemper would offer paid upgrades, right? Are there any references that confirm that? Any press articles or youtube videos from CK?

    When i see upgrades' prices, it's hard to read "offer" and "paid" so close together in the same sentence :rolleyes::/;)