Posts by slateboy

    Here it is, i hope that's what you wanted to see, the audio is recodrded via the kemper, but it's synchronised, what you see is what it is.

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    Many thanks for your time and effort making the video, appreciated.

    Unless i missed it, i dont know how to quickly access banks 6-10 on the player using the illuminated buttons. The only method i know of is to hold bank button whilst pressing button 5 to get to bank 5 then repeatedly press the bank button to step up through the banks 6-10. Annoying if you over-press as you have to repeat the whole process.

    Other than reassigning foot switches or using an external controller, is there a quicker way or shortcut?

    I'm using it with the 10 switches unit, and i had no problems with it so far, is there something specific you want to see?

    thanks for the reply. Yes- i wasnt keen on the paint-audio KPP custom firmware for the reason that to change banks meant a press-and-hold of a button, therefore to change two or three banks can take longer than hoped for, I'm currently using the supergeek mode where i can skip banks as soon as the button is pressed with no need for a "long push".

    just be interested to see some preset/bank/fx changes in action to see how quick and easy it is and whether i would gain anything from my current "geek mode" thanks

    a useful tip is to have a blend of two mixes- everything except the guitar mixed (the usual rom the monitor send) with a 150-200Hz hi-pass and limiter. There is often usually enough low-frequency content audible on stage that gets into your ears without needing to send it down your IEM mix. Also, much of that low-end can eat up your headroom and a limiter can tame some of those spikes or highs that might come from other sound-sources.

    Mixing all of this separate to your guitar-sound means you always get your guitar sound pure and affected less by other sounds taking over and kept in line by the limiter.

    Some players like the hi-fi IEM for a full range sound. Others like the narrow bandwidth of other (cheaper?) IEMs that naturally have less top and bottom which is more inline with the frequency response of a guitar-speaker and helps focus on the mids that the guitar frequency spectrum typically occupies.

    Are you the sort of player who likes to hear the whole band sound like a FOH/studio mix or do you like to have more guitar than anything? This may be one of factors that lead you to particular set of IEMs or moulds.

    i think having the patch number in big text is more beneficial, especially with such a small display and small text. (my eyes arent what they used to be either!) Super-setup mode is very useful-

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    Do we know if the chorus cross-over parameter has be reinstated yet?

    Unless i've missed it, the last i read was it was removed a few OS ago.


    PS can we get a multi-selection option or an "all units" option when creating a thread where we have to choose "The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ... " as this seems applicable to all units

    Might be an obvious answer to this but how come the last few releases have all been beta (little improvements along the way) then we suddenly have an official release instead of one more beta?

    I conclude the latest beta was successful (though surely there is trial period before proved worthy of becoming an official release) plus a new minor change to that results in this latest official release, which i guess only time will tell if its safe to gig with.

    or is it that an official release is due after several betas?

    Surely its more time and effort to remove a feature? What is wrong with leaving it there as it is?

    There is a some assumption by the developers that "this" is how it should be. A bit like when the amp+EQ buttons were combined- It was nice when you could turn them off and on separately. The argument there was that you wouldn't do this on a traditional/normal amp. But the whole point of the modelling world is that it should be flexible enough to suit everyone's needs. And to remove a feature is lessening the possibilities.

    the only reason i can imagine is that it "frees" up some CPU for some other stuff though i guess that would be negligible.

    Traditional amps rarely have a mix-control for between direct and amp tones, why not do away with that too?

    rant over

    I'd bet at least half of all player users also own either a head or stage or both.

    Totally, i was looking forward to getting my KPP stable and out of beta (i'm currently on 11.5.53 so i think i am:rolleyes:) but, reading the changelog, see no reason to update to 11.5.54 days as the fixes are for the level 2/3 on the player. Also having a stable v10 rack and taking it on tour also, i have no interest to update my rack at this time.

    I feel most of the recent updates are to get the player unit to its max potential but some side-effects are to the cost of the other units.
    i appreciate it must be really hard to get a one-for-all firmware and unity/compatibility across all units, totaly respect for the developers.

    So, does anyone know, is the update a one-for-all or all-in-one multi package?

    A bit annoying that you now have to choose between head/rack/stage/player when making a new post when that post may apply to all. (can we have an "all" option or at least a multi-select option?) if not, it may somehow be the answer to this question...

    Now we have a "one firmware update for all units" can anyone clarify if this is a "bundle" update, ie firmware for each separate unit in one file and the relevant device "reads" the part of the firmware that is applicable to the unit concerned.
    it is actually the same firmware for all units but each unit only uses the code within that FW specific to itself and ignores code for the other units?

    It is clear there are physical and operational differences between units, hardware and operation so i wonder how the architecture applies.

    Recent updates/fixes only address issues to particular unit (head/stage/player) and therefore appear not applicable to the others, hence, there may be no benefits to updating the player FW if the latest FW addresses an fix/issue for the stage.

    Does that make sense? :/

    I have implemented first benefits of a bidirectional communication with KPP.

    But you can try it:

    Very interested to learn more about your project and custom firmware.

    Which versions of the pain-audio pedal does this support?

    Some video demoes would be highly appreciated so users can decide if they want to pursue this. Please share some when you can.


    Clarification needed please. Is the beat-scanner function available in LEVEL 1 or is it a paid upgrade?

    it appears to have been there in level 1 v11.1.2 firmware but today i installed v11.1.52 and can no longer find it.

    Here is evidence it was working, in v11.1.2 level 1

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    No reason to spread uncertainty and doubt.

    Perhaps a different thread title would be more appropriate? i apologise.

    To be clear, here the Player crashed always because of me and my code 😂

    Partially reassuring that i am not alone and take some responsibility in my crashes. I dont think that AleFretMaster intends to spread doubt either.

    I only wish to share my own personal experiences with no intention to scare users nor criticise the firmware. There's a lot of new stuff happening right now and we all work together to make it the best possible. However i do believe it is worth mentioning in case any other users have unexplained issue that may be similar. (and the video demo showed this) After all, that is one of the purposes of these forums.

    On a similar note, i had an issue in the past (completely separate to this one) where a problem persisted for a few years (not serious and a workaround was found) yet support could not reproduce the problem. Eventually, after conversations with support, a solution was arrived at by support that resolved the issue which appeared unique to me.

    i have nothing but praise for support who helped and corrected me with the matter and, as a working professional musician, rely on my kempers where reliability and dependability is why i have been using kemper for over 10 years.

    take a look here

    March 22, 2024 at 1:51 AM