Let's discuss 11.0 Beta

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    The addendum and main manual have already been updated to 11.0 so we can see all the details.

    I think a lot of people will love the ability to turn off clean compensation. Though to me, that's a feature that is unique to KPA that I love and something I probably won't turn off. However, being able to variably turn it off might be something worth experimenting with. To some degree a LITTLE bit of a volume jump when you bump up the gain might not be a bad thing since you tend to want a touch more volume when using a more distorted sound;. Being able to adjust this, rather than merely turn it on and off seems like another genius kemper idea.

  • i haven't really experimented with that setting but i'll get to it i'm sure. tbh it's a bit underwhelming that the combo footswitch function is still missing and i don't really find the assign functions very useful. but i'm always happy about the fixes.

    "No socks? No problem."

  • i haven't really experimented with that setting but i'll get to it i'm sure. tbh it's a bit underwhelming that the combo footswitch function is still missing and i don't really find the assign functions very useful. but i'm always happy about the fixes.

    They have some stuff in the works, such as the new effects they said weren't quite ready yet. I think though, with the Player being so new and the long-term efficiency of getting them all on the same OS makes a lot of sense. Then getting those bugs worked out, then getting out some other new features.

    Which footswitch thing did you mean? This one supposedly has the ability to assign footswitches from Rig Manager now.

  • Can somebody please explain the new function "clean compensation"?


    Have a look at the addendum:

    Where are slicer and auto pan? It's really disappointing...

    Maybe they were busy to unify the operating systems for the player and the profiler?

    And don't take this personally, but comments like yours show me why it's easier for developers to not show a preview for upcoming features or publish a roadmap.

    To put it in the words of the Duke Nukem-developers: "It's done when it's done."

    • Official Post

    Maybe they were busy to unify the operating systems for the player and the profiler?

    The unification was a necessary step. It makes more sense to roll it out now instead of holding it back, just to avoid getting the "I'm underwhelmed" comment. Let's face it: It doesn't matter what we do. Somebody will always be unhappy with it ;)

  • while I tend to agree with spotter regarding understanding developers and their pressures, that only goes for the upcoming additional effects.

    But describing a feature *in the manual* that is delivered with a device is more than just a roadmap. Just look how many questions we have in this forum from people asking how to use combo-switches....

    Kemper Player (LVL2), EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69

    • Official Post

    while I tend to agree with spotter regarding understanding developers and their pressures, that only goes for the upcoming additional effects.

    But describing a feature *in the manual* that is delivered with a device is more than just a roadmap. Just look how many questions we have in this forum from people asking how to use combo-switches....


    So, you want us to hold important bug fixes back for that?

  • keuneke

    So, you want us to hold important bug fixes back for that?

    no. I want to encourage the editors of the manual to *not* include stuff that isn't there yet.

    Kemper Player (LVL2), EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69

  • Long time owners understand the Kemper methodoligy when it comes to updates: Patience and patience has its own rewards.

    They did the unifying of uodates for the Stage when it first came out and after that, updates with new features were introduced for all in one update.

    You can be assured that time is well spent when it comes to updates to the Kemper ecosystem.

  • No one “should” be disappointed! Kemper doesn’t owe us anything technically after we buy their product, but they have been so generous to keep things moving forward, so don't be disappointed and if you are posting here does absolutely nothing good. Be thankful they are providing free updates…. I am.

  • The unification was a necessary step. It makes more sense to roll it out now instead of holding it back, just to avoid getting the "I'm underwhelmed" comment. Let's face it: It doesn't matter what we do. Somebody will always be unhappy with it ;)

    for positivity's sake, "i'm underwhelmed" doesn't invariably equal to "i'm unhappy". ;)

    "No socks? No problem."