It's quite funny having national tariffs on a global economy. No mud slinging from me, because let's be honest it'd sprayed in all directions. Things are going to liven up a bit
Posts by roadrunner
Just an idea. We are all guilty of listening with our eyes and preconceptions of what sounds good. So a feature that blanks the screen, randomises whatevers on the kpa, and just an ability to save what you like without any innate biasing. I'll bet some surprises will pop up for everyone
If you've been on the profiler journey long enough, the reaction to each update is pretty much like groundhog day.
At that price it's worth taking a holiday to Germany and sampling their fine beer, whilst the unit is being repaired.
Well one third of the mystery is solved. Mr Murray is rocking on an axe III on this tour.
A stellar opportunity for Kemper to jump on the AI bandwagon, and put HAL to good use sorting through the mighty rig exchange for us mere mortals.
No, I wouldn't be happy at all. Thanks for clearing that up for me, I was having a blonde moment. This is something for Kemper to answer, as there's always two sides to a tale, but it doesn't look too peachy at the moment.
Are you saying the unit signed off by Kemper was replaced by Andertons, the problem went away and everything works ok now?
I just updated mine to the latest and greatest, no problems whatsoever. Profiler and Rigmanger. Dunno what your problems are, but it ain't with with Kemper's side of things.
Invaluable means very valuable. English is weird. 😀
Why do you think it is invaluable ? Recording my sound and change the parameteres to see its effects is not possible via rig amanger or kemper directly I guess..
There are some quirks to the English language, admittedly. I forget that a lot of you chaps, English is not your first language. Props to everyone here that does converse in a second or even third language. You have my respect.
Looper in pre or input is an invaluable tool for tweaking sounds. Record your thing, put your guitar down and concentrate on the job at hand. I'm not sure if this feature is promoted enough?
Hey All, just wondering if anyone has experience or a opinion on this gizmo. A kind of watch shaped thing metronome that pulses the beat, so you feel it instead of hearing it.
Does word salad count toward one's five a day?
So with all these interesting and informative points of view here, is the kemper kab/kone the best of both worlds?
What was this thread about?
I'm pretty sure it's going to be after the last update. To be fair to Kemper they've been very consistent, one could almost say they're set in their ways.