Just an FYI...There are 5 Powerheads/toasters, and 3 unpowered racks in Los Angeles for sale on Craigslist, all othem under $1200...ugggg Makes me want to buy a back up.. There's even one for under $1K... So much for Kemper holding the value (..Powerhead still my fav of all the modeler/profilers..)
Kempers are dropping in price
steinweiner -
December 9, 2023 at 2:24 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Considering the location, I would ask for proof of purchase from the seller. They could be selling cheap because of five-finger discounts.
Craigslist isn’t exactly the place to get top dollar for anything.
I'm selling my Stage because I have a Rack now and I bought a Fender Tone Master Pro. I'm 74 and don't really need that much gear. I bought the Stage 2 years ago from a member on the Steel Guitar Forum and don't have "proof of purchase".
Fine with me, I’d like to get another one to leave set up where we practice.
Now, where to find another powered Kemper cab “dropping in prices like flies” too.
Don't forget that these units have been out for almost 12 years, and you would expect the older ones to be worth less ...
Don't forget that these units have been out for almost 12 years, and you would expect the older ones to be worth less ...
Now that’s ageism and we can’t tolerate that here….
/massivesarcasm #itsajoke
None are stolen (?!?!?)... 2 are already gone from my post yesterday.. All are in excellent condition..Doesn't matter if it's 12 years old, or 1 year old, exact;lty the same hardware..ANyhoo.. A few folks are going to get a KILLER deal..wish I had extra $$..
Doesn't matter if it's 12 years old, or 1 year old, exact;lty the same hardware.
Hardware ages.
Now that’s ageism and we can’t tolerate that here….
/massivesarcasm #itsajoke
Exactly. I spent today playing with 32year old Triaxis. Which I think has its original tubes (or the last owner bought Mesa tubes). Sure, both of us have dodgy knees, and mainly forget why we were here.... goshdarnit. Get off my lawn.
Times are so tough in LA people are selling their cars for gas money.
Times are tough, my 11 year old vintage white toaster still serves me well, the only other unit that interests me is the stage.
See what sort of money you get for a Axe of similar age or worse a line 6 unit.
I think I chose wisely.
Hardware ages.
While this is an objective truth……solid-state, SMD electronics are incredibly durable and reliable.
Any (real) depreciation is probably due to cosmetics vs the age of the unit. Does anyone even post a Profiler’s age when selling?
While this is an objective truth……solid-state, SMD electronics are incredibly durable and reliable.
Any (real) depreciation is probably due to cosmetics vs the age of the unit. Does anyone even post a Profiler’s age when selling?
The profiler is unusual in its longevity (kudos to Kemper!), so we now have the case where the used market might see a 12 year old unit and a 1 year old unit for sale. Would you value them the same?
The profiler is unusual in its longevity (kudos to Kemper!), so we now have the case where the used market might see a 12 year old unit and a 1 year old unit for sale. Would you value them the same?
If you know its age and all things being equal between them, not pure equals. But not hundreds.
Had to look for myself on ebay.
Sure enough, there are plenty that have gone for at or below 1K while there are still quite a few above 1K. Still, looks like selling price from on-line stores for the Rack for instance is around $1300 used.
Personally, I would recommend a used KPA to anyone at that price.
I would agree that the design is getting some years on it now. For the longest time, used units sold very close to the new price. I guess it was only a matter of time until enough used units were on the market that the used prices had to fall (that whole supply and demand thing).
I even saw a rack WITH a FC that went for $750.00. That is a crazy good deal for that fortunate soul.
While I paid ~$1700 for my rack and another $400 for my FC, I feel I have more than received my return on investment and then some. I bought mine in 2013, so I have enjoyed more than 10 years of use. I would never dream of selling though. I guess the used market is going to have to survive without my KPA :).
I guess selling price is more about the financial situation for the seller than the market
Just my 8 cent ... ( inflation...
Cheers !
I guess selling price is more about the financial situation for the seller than the market
Just my 8 cent ... ( inflation...
Cheers !
It's always about supply and demand. Your point is certainly to do with the demand side. People in the market for used equipment are more price sensitive than those looking at new equipment for sure. The demand curve is relatively weak in that case.
More people wanting to sell their KPA used -> More supply. Both of these trends move the price point lower on a used KPA.
Had to look for myself on ebay.
Sure enough, there are plenty that have gone for at or below 1K while there are still quite a few above 1K. Still, looks like selling price from on-line stores for the Rack for instance is around $1300 used.
Personally, I would recommend a used KPA to anyone at that price.
I would agree that the design is getting some years on it now. For the longest time, used units sold very close to the new price. I guess it was only a matter of time until enough used units were on the market that the used prices had to fall (that whole supply and demand thing).
I even saw a rack WITH a FC that went for $750.00. That is a crazy good deal for that fortunate soul.
While I paid ~$1700 for my rack and another $400 for my FC, I feel I have more than received my return on investment and then some. I bought mine in 2013, so I have enjoyed more than 10 years of use. I would never dream of selling though. I guess the used market is going to have to survive without my KPA :).
Agreed 100%.
- Official Post
edited the title for less drama