Doesn’t make sense 2 me

  • i like my kemper on a variac like it at 260 volts

    Edited once, last by goldensheaf (May 12, 2023 at 6:30 AM).

  • Masters hate me and I love it. I bring up everyday user problems we are having and they just want to dismiss it. But just know I’ll be here to point it out till they kick me off.

    Many of us answered your question without bashing or something....

    It could be cool to know if you've read what we wrote, what you think about it or to know if i (we) 've wasted my time....

  • yeah I’m trolling because I’m pointing out the obvious. Truth hurts I guess.

    You used to come here, ask questions, provide reasonable opinions and basically behave like a normal person.

    Now? It’s nothing but criticism, demands and an “I’m right…you’re wrong.” mentality.

    You're not asking for advice and you’re not offering advice. You’re telling everyone why you think the KPA sucks and then watching what happens.

    On the Kemper-sponsored forum. The one place guaranteed to not react well to it.

    So, yeah…..exactly like a Troll.

  • Masters hate me and I love it. I bring up everyday user problems we are having and they just want to dismiss it. But just know I’ll be here to point it out till they kick me off.

    Why the attitude? If you need help with something post about it with details and people will help you. If you are only here to complain about the Kemper, sell it and move on. The way this thread started off isn't going to go anywhere good, especially if you keep putting the attitude out there. If getting kicked off of the forum is your goal, just delete your own account. No need to drag us through the drama in the process. We don't make or maintain the Kemper. We are users, just like you.

  • People the world doesn't need, with opinions no one asked for.

    Everyone here has their own personal reason why they prefer one or the other device.

    Discussing this is useless. The age of the missionaries ended long ago.

    Be the force with you ;)

    Edited once, last by Yoda Guitar (May 12, 2023 at 11:18 PM).

  • You used to come here, ask questions, provide reasonable opinions and basically behave like a normal person.

    Now? It’s nothing but criticism, demands and an “I’m right…you’re wrong.” mentality.

    You're not asking for advice and you’re not offering advice. You’re telling everyone why you think the KPA sucks and then watching what happens.

    On the Kemper-sponsored forum. The one place guaranteed to not react well to it.

    So, yeah…..exactly like a Troll.

    I like to mix it up on here. I love Kemper. I bought 2. Hard to read my tone sometimes. Guess you could misread it as trolling. I tend to point out all the negative stuff because it’s the things I’d like fixed that are bugging me personally. Kemper is great with all the frequent updates. Always room for improvement. You could just ignore it. Are you’re trying to get to that next level. What’s after master? You won. You know it all.

  • I like to mix it up on here. I love Kemper. I bought 2. Hard to read my tone sometimes. Guess you could misread it as trolling. I tend to point out all the negative stuff because it’s the things I’d like fixed that are bugging me personally. Kemper is great with all the frequent updates. Always room for improvement. You could just ignore it. Are you’re trying to get to that next level. What’s after master? You won. You know it all.

    You seem like a genuine guy….right until that last question.

    I did nothing to you, except call you out for being a jerk. The reality is that, from your initial post this week, you’ve had some sort of obsession with active members. None of which did anything to deserve it.

    “Mix it up?” The only time you responded like a human being was when you were called out. In the end, you couldn’t even get that right.

    So yeah….Troll.

  • I take the OP's post to basically be saying he longs for the warts and rough edges of analog devices and performing with them. It's more human. We have all this AI crap and other de-humanizing technology that is rapidly advancing...does it really make us better musicians or are we producing more organic and interesting music? Is this kind of what you're getting at OP?

    Digital or analog...they're just tools. You can get inspiring sounds from both. I do feel like many tube amps that are cooking in their sweet spot offer a sound, interaction, and experience you just can't get with digital. I personally feel like the Kemper does the best job of recreating a tube-amp experience, in a simple way, of any digital device I've used to date. It does have its own tonal footprint, but I'd argue that's why it's stood the test of time despite no relentless release of HW. When you throw in the volume control and simplicity of routing and set up, it makes it hard to go back to tube amps just for that special sweet spot feeling.

    Sounds like you have both, so enjoy whatever floats your boat that day and make some cool music.

    Edited once, last by mtmartin71 (May 13, 2023 at 6:28 PM).

  • I take the OP's post to basically be saying he longs for the warts and rough edges of analog devices and performing with them. It's more human. We have all this AI crap and other de-humanizing technology that is rapidly advancing...does it really make us better musicians or are we producing more organic and interesting music? Is this kind of what you're getting at OP?

    Digital or analog...they're just tools. You can get inspiring sounds from both. I do feel like many tube amps that are cooking in their sweet spot offer a sound, interaction, and experience you just can't get with digital. I personally feel like the Kemper does the best job of recreating a tube-amp experience, in a simple way, of any digital device I've used to date. It does have its own tonal footprint, but I'd argue that's why it's stood the test of time despite no relentless release of HW. When you throw in the volume control and simplicity of routing and set up, it makes it hard to go back to tube amps just for that special sweet spot feeling.

    Sounds like you have both, so enjoy whatever floats your boat that day and make some cool music.

    The irony is, the new crop of digital do a better job of emulating analogue...which is generally the goal.

  • You seem like a genuine guy….right until that last question.

    I did nothing to you, except call you out for being a jerk. The reality is that, from your initial post this week, you’ve had some sort of obsession with active members. None of which did anything to deserve it.

    “Mix it up?” The only time you responded like a human being was when you were called out. In the end, you couldn’t even get that right.

    So yeah….Troll.

    I had to hunt for that ignore button. I feel like it is trolling as well. I really don't need to read everything negative "mixing it up" that someone can come up with. I prefer to read positive posts instead.

    "Mixing it up" means something different where I live than where he lives evidently. Where I live that means we are out back throwing fists at each other.