Liquid Profiles

  • This thread is making me laugh. I agree that Kemper has announced useful improvements that work on existing units. This is very good. But the level of optimism about something that none of us has yet experienced is somehow confusing. Can we hear and experience how the liquid profiling improves the sound before claiming it to be the next greatest thing? It is not yet clear, at least to me, that the tonestack will allow for a single profile of an amp. It is not clear that the sound will be noticeably better. Can we wait and see?

  • This thread is making me laugh. I agree that Kemper has announced useful improvements that work on existing units. This is very good. But the level of optimism about something that none of us has yet experienced is somehow confusing. Can we hear and experience how the liquid profiling improves the sound before claiming it to be the next greatest thing? It is not yet clear, at least to me, that the tonestack will allow for a single profile of an amp. It is not clear that the sound will be noticeably better. Can we wait and see?

    Welcome to the internet, where overreactions are what it's all about! I'm naming my next child Kemper profiling-amp! Two middle names, I don't care!

    In all seriousness though, whatever flaws exist in KPA updates, they are left out features that I'd wish they'd offer. One thing that has never disappointed is the quality of what is released; so these updates seem pretty exciting. For me personally, liquid profiles will be interesting to experiment with, but my favorite profiles that I use all the time are of amps that I have never actually played, touched, or perhaps even been in the same room with. So whether original stacks are quite close to these models or not, I couldn't say, nor do I know if I will find tweaks of these models preferable to tweaking the the already available profile adjustments and tone controls.

  • so, under "Kemper For Dummies," liquid profiling means (among other things) that the tone controls on a "liquid profile" of a '69 Plexi will behave as the tone controls would on the actual amp (within reason)? Same with gain? Will gain affect just preamp tube saturation? What about power tube saturation?

    this sounds awesome but not sure I'm following it completely.

  • wow !!

    They still prefer making happier already happy guitarists than selling them newer units (even the owners of the oldest units!!). Very impressive nowadays šŸ‘. And good for the planet...

    Do you think USB audio will be also for toasters?

  • I assume you mean epic in terms of thinly-veiled shallow suspense and intrigue in order to manipulate for the purpose of gaining increased attention on the basis of nothing tangible? If so, I agree 100%. ;)

    When did this forum get renamed GearPage?

  • This thread is making me laugh. I agree that Kemper has announced useful improvements that work on existing units. This is very good. But the level of optimism about something that none of us has yet experienced is somehow confusing. Can we hear and experience how the liquid profiling improves the sound before claiming it to be the next greatest thing? It is not yet clear, at least to me, that the tonestack will allow for a single profile of an amp. It is not clear that the sound will be noticeably better. Can we wait and see?

    Nowhere does he say this will ā€˜improveā€™ the sound. He never says it - and HW never says it.

    As for the restā€¦.my Lord. Just have some fun with it.

  • I never said CK claimed it improves the sound. And he never did either. There are quite a few posters here that made that claim without any evidence. Thanks for making my point for me.

    Is going along with unfounded hype having fun? ;)

  • I never said CK claimed it improves the sound. And he never did either. There are quite a few posters here that made that claim without any evidence. Thanks for making my point for me.

    Is going along with unfounded hype having fun? ;)

    If you knew CK had never said it, you should have said so. Instead of pretending you were waiting for someone to make your point.

    If you want to pee on everyoneā€™s fun, by all means go ahead.

    Just do it into the wind.

  • Any other company would have charge a lot for these new features. This is just making your purchase worth afterwards.

    They never even marketed the updates that much.

    They charge "a lot" maybe at first (it is worth it but still a lot of money for most people) but really delivers the goods.

    Looks like these people know what money's worth.

    It looks like old school honest business to me.

    Congrats Kemper.

  • Question: isnā€™t spdif mono? Meaning it has two channels that you can use for both dry and wet signal etc, but you wouldnā€™t have true stereo delays for example; is that correct? If so this would be very helpful for recording on the go when you donā€™t have all your recording gear.

    As to the rest, sound super exciting. The guys really deliver on their promise to keep developing a product instead of following the widely used business model.