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  • thats cool, but I was hoping for a mini kemper player for stage and studio work,small, light,modern,EASY to read,,load 5 amps and go...

    My eyes are shot and even with 3X readers, I cant use the Kemper anymore, The little green screen is just too hard to read, and no, I do not use a computer with it,,Honesty, since I found the Morgan profile 10 years ago, I was/am,, completely happy with the sound,,,

    Just not the form,,,and display,

    so,, as sad as it is, Its time to go in a dif direction,,But,,, I waited for you Mr Kemper,,I wanted to give you more money for your great stuff,,We've been together from the start,,I'll always remember our first gig together,,,all the good times,,the sessions, where I wowed the producer with all the amps inside this magic green box,,,good times,,, for sure,,but,

    I dont need better software, I need a modern, small, portable,easy to use, hardware solution,, with a screen I can see in daylight, on a big outdoor sun lit stage,,( I found have what works for me, even with its limitations)

    The update is still cool.. if your a tweaker,,I'm a player,jus a workin stiff that needs great, easy to use, tools,,,You will always be in my rack,,just a little dusty,,,Thanks for the memories,,,

  • tI cant use the Kemper anymore, The little green screen is just too hard to read, and no, I do not use a computer with it,,

    Can't help you with the "mini" but have you tried changing the colour, brightness and contrast settings of the display? I know it's just a little help but maybe you haven't found this. I discovered the colour options a year after I got my profiler.

  • Tough crowd.

    You can go up to strength 6 with reading glasses

  • the output sources for USB are the same as for the other outputs.

    I saw 4 output channels (2 stereo pairs) - is that the limit of the available channels? Does the Kemper also support using the MIDI input and output as MIDI input and output for the computer on the end of the USB connection - eg could you connect a MIDI device like a keyboard? That would make the KPA both an audio and MIDI interface.

  • To be fair. It’s not CK’s fault that you’ve having eye problems. He cannot make a version for all the different “disabilities” out there. The screen is fine for the majority of people.

    And the thing you seek might not even become a reality ever. How many seek a portable solution for their existing pedalboard with few options?

    AS I see it, a small easy-to-carry mini version would probably not have a screen and would be connected to the computer for usage and not for live. There already is a unit perfect for a live setting. So why change that, because a few have bad eyes and cannot see the screen or a few would like to add it to a pedalboard? I really see no sense in that.

    A Kemper Mini with room for only a couple of profiles has no future, if you ask me. For that situation the Kemper Stage is there. The hypothetical Mini would be a solution for the people, like me, that don’t use the physical Kemper at all. I turn it on/off. That’s it. A Mini would be suitable for me in the studio, where I just need something to run the sound and no knobs or nothing. But do I need it? Not at all. Would I buy it? Not at all. I have the full magic box and have had it since its release. But for new people, it would be great and the possibility of just loading profiles would be fine for me. I don’t make profiles.

    So I’m sorry your eyes are going bad. It’s a tough situation. Hope you cope with it and hope you’re finding a solution, that works for you. There are probably many solutions for you out there already.

    Edited once, last by b_ryan (May 4, 2023 at 6:51 AM).

  • not blaming CK, luv that guy, I wanted to give him more money, Luv his Co,luv his gear, been there from the start,

    I love my kemper and will never sell it, jus need more modern easy to use tools, simple as that,

    doesnt matter how great a piece of gear is, if I cant see it, I cant use it,

    i Dont think a small mini profiler player, witha big screen,, is that big an ask,, but the market is full of solutions,

    Lets face it,, its a TINY screen,,,with TINY letters,,it is what it is,,,My cell phone is easier to read,,

    I luv Kemper,, but,time marches on,,my eyes are bad, and I still love to gig, so,,,,,if kemper cant help, I move on, nothing personal at all,

    Jus got a quad and loaded all my Kemper profiles into it,, color touch screen is a game changer for me,Loaded all my pedals,big fun,,works great no diff in sound,,no one in the band even knew I changed gear,sound wise,,

    CK could have done something like this, maybe he is,, I cant wait any longer,Please no flame throwing, Im jus a working slug, kemper has a new home in studio rack,quad fits in my backpack,,progress waits for no man,,,or musician,,,,,,forward,

  • You can only use what works for you dude, so no flaming from me.

    I agree that the main screen is very small but the remote with layout C ( I think) seems pretty large/legible ? TBH I rarely actually read the screen. I don;t tweak much and I only use 3 performances and then I tend to know what I have on each switch, so I rarely reference the display....but...understand your point.

  • as a studio owner and a giging player , the Kemper changed my life, It was hands down the best gear I ever spent money on,,but after a real bad exp, on a daylight stage,unable to see what the hell I was doing, I had to change, Its not Kempers fault,not at all,,,

    I just hoped I could keep playin his great gear,I am in the studio,, Who Knows what he has up his sleeve,?? the man has changed music , for me, forever, and I will always love KEMPER,,If he brings out new gear, ill buy it, but for me as cool and wondeful as the free update is,its more for the purist whos wants to tweak their tone forever,or who wasnt happy with it, I was/am, very happy, did not need better tone, dont need tone stacks, more eq,,,,,I jus need better tools,,,I jus wanna play,have fun, and not think about gear,, which I can now, I walk in and out of a gig, any gig, in one trip with no help,,its a beautiful thing,Hope CK has some wonderful gear in the works, hope I live long enough to see it,,Peace all,,www.mariomassi.com

    Edited once, last by unclemar (May 4, 2023 at 2:19 PM).

  • Chris Duncan

    Can you take another break from your Kemper and then come back and ask what has changed....because it can't be co-incidence this time that we get a bumper load of improvements ;)

    You weren't working with Kemper during your sabbatical were you ? Ha!

    I'm not smart enough to work for these guys.

    This is just the way my little universe has always worked. It's been an interesting life thus far.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10