Rig Exchange Download Counts

  • It could be very helpful to users if the number of downloads was available on Rig Exchange (web). It would make it easier to see what people are finding useful. Rather than try to sort thru the 20k profiles available.

    A good example is Wooly Coats Spanky. I would have never found this myself going thru RM. I would focus on Marshalls, 5150's, etc. By MuddySludge suggested it and now I play it all the time. This diamond would have slipped by me.

    This could help the Kemper shine as people test the "popular/better" profiles. Instead of buying a Kemper, then trying 2000 bad profiles and selling the Kemper.

  • Agreed. The sheer number of Rigs available is bonkers.

    Even a ‘popular this week/month’ stat would be cool.

    I also think a Performance Exchange would be welcome. Then you could get both song and artist specific choices.

    Like….and Alex Lifeson ‘eras’…..his tone varied so much over the years…..but I’m also a Rush fanboy…

  • Downloads don't equate to quality.

    This brings up a point. When you are in Rig Manager and click on a profile it may be counted as a download. Even though it is just being sampled. Would explain why RE has a vote system instead. Only way to separate sampling and actual using.

    Even though I disagreed with your premise, I think you answered the question. Kemper does not have a mechanism to know which is which.

    Food for thought for Kemper 2.

  • I totall agree with you. Att least now we can try profiles thru RM. Before was a nightmare. Downloaded and moved profiles to the usb stick and imported them into the kemper only to find the profiles sucked. I hated that.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I also think a Performance Exchange would be welcome. Then you could get both song and artist specific choices.

    That would be fun but there's a catch. They could only be assembled from free user profiles. That would be difficult to police. I don't see a performance exchange coming to a venue near you any time soon.

    I've read through this thread but I don't think there's really a workable solution. 5 star system. Download counter. Thumbs up. Thumbs down. It's all too subjective. There is one profile in the RE that is uber popular. Way more downloads than anything else. Bunches of Kemper users swear by it. The name escapes me at the moment but I took it for a test drive once and said 'meh'. Really popular but wasn't for me.

    This reminds me about going into the guitar forums asking for recommendations on speakers or guitar pickups.

  • That would be fun but there's a catch. They could only be assembled from free user profiles. That would be difficult to police. I don't see a performance exchange coming to a venue near you any time soon.

    I've read through this thread but I don't think there's really a workable solution. 5 star system. Download counter. Thumbs up. Thumbs down. It's all too subjective. There is one profile in the RE that is uber popular. Way more downloads than anything else. Bunches of Kemper users swear by it. The name escapes me at the moment but I took it for a test drive once and said 'meh'. Really popular but wasn't for me.

    This reminds me about going into the guitar forums asking for recommendations on speakers or guitar pickups.

    What stops people from uploading paid profiles now? How would a performance be any different?

    It’s ALL subjective. The idea is to provide some tools to cull it down.

  • What stops people from uploading paid profiles now? How would a performance be any different?

    It’s ALL subjective. The idea is to provide some tools to cull it down.

    The banner at the top of the Rig Exchange mentions 'your own creations' or 'your own rigs' three different places. I thought that the implication was pretty self explanatory. I haven't tried uploading profiles that I did not create myself so I don't really know if there are any safeguards against it nor am I about to test it.

    It is all subjective. On paper it's a great idea until you try to quantify how input from one anonymous group of Kemper users on one side of the room is somehow more relevant than input from another anonymous group of Kemper users on the other side of the room. I just fail to see how adding more purely subjective tools helps un-muddy the water.

  • IMO, the most important factor is how authors fill fields....

    Usually, i'm looking for an artist, a band, an amp or a cab (to correspond to imprints ;) ).

    I'm sometimes surprised that there are really few Rigs that comes out. I search very common stuffs....Dire strait, mark knopfler, money for nothing, sultans....Creamback....very few

    A lot of rigs are filled with amps/cabs i've never heard about ?! ?( IMO, there's a common equivalent to a creamback/greenback/jensen/V30, etc....:/