What would be your killer feature for a Kemper 2 ?

  • BTW - I have some very close friends that were in a Rainbow tribute band that has been going for 20+ years :)

    A few intros like that one brought me to music. .

    Voodoo child,burn,tarot woman and I always loved the interaction of the guitar with fat keys/synth leads. Jon lord,Tony Carey,that guy who played with malmsteen (made me to sit down and learn far beyond the sun with 16) and some others..

    Great memories and a lots if fun.

  • - more accurate captures

    - ability to capture an amp across various settings/switches etc to build a deeper model rather than a snapshot

    - plugin integration (be it processing in the plugin, a player, a capture plugin, or even just to save settings)

    - some kind of hybrid approach between modelling and capturing

    - I have to say, touch screen on the quad cortex works great for adjusting mic positions. Even some kind of touch sensitive strip you can drag around to move the mic would be great.

    - more fx loops

    - variable input impedance

    - nicer/more modern menu system

  • While i can understand plugin integration, i think it is technically impossible. The cpu of the KPA is of a very different architecture, so the plugin would have to be recoded for the it. And ofcourse the KAOS is unique too.

    What you are asking is for Kemper to allow third party access.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • a decent size of screen on the Stage Profiler! Festival gigs on big stages . Difficult🙄

    Also the basic premise of everything being preset oriented and having to audition hundreds of sounds to find the handful that are decent starting points is tedious, but I guess that’s the nature of the beast. It does (eventually) sound great tho. 👍

  • 1 - ability to route the looper to a separate out

    2 - ability to store several loops and transfer & load them to/from rig manager

    3 - faster startup


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • I’m still in love with my original one. I am hopeful the modulation effects section gets an overhaul soon in the same way the delays / reverbs / distortion / fuzz did. I’d like to be able to save fx chains within rig manager and apply as a batch to a bunch of profiles. Both of these are doable with what we have so I’m hopeful. But otherwise I’m good.

    Would be nice if tonestacks worked as per the original amp but again I’m not broken hearted about it - I’m happy with the sounds I get even if it means multiple amp profiles to cover the bases as opposed to one and ‘you’ve got the amp as it actually is’.

  • Would be nice if tonestacks worked as per the original amp but again I’m not broken hearted about it - I’m happy with the sounds I get even if it means multiple amp profiles to cover the bases as opposed to one and ‘you’ve got the amp as it actually is’.

    Personally I'm a bit torn on this one. When amp designers built their amps, I'm not sure they designed the tone controls to behave in a non-linear way but this was a by product of the circuit design ( this is pure speculation, I could be totally wrong).

    In my experience the non linear effect is not always beneficial and therefore to see that as the panacea of an amp full emulation seems possibly not the best route.

    In most cases you have to "learn" how the tone controls interact rather than it being logical. For that reason is it really desirable? Its the "sweet spots" we all love and so a snap shot of those and the ability to make linear changes to me is still better?

    Someone tell me I'm wrong, as I'm sure I'm missing something :)

  • Personally I'm a bit torn on this one. When amp designers built their amps, I'm not sure they designed the tone controls to behave in a non-linear way but this was a by product of the circuit design ( this is pure speculation, I could be totally wrong).

    In my experience the non linear effect is not always beneficial and therefore to see that as the panacea of an amp full emulation seems possibly not the best route.

    In most cases you have to "learn" how the tone controls interact rather than it being logical. For that reason is it really desirable? Its the "sweet spots" we all love and so a snap shot of those and the ability to make linear changes to me is still better?

    Someone tell me I'm wrong, as I'm sure I'm missing something :)

    completely see your viewpoint here :) It’s one of the things that, arguably, mean that the Kemper doesn’t behave like the original amp so you could say ‘it’s not as realistic’. Completely agree that realism isn’t always beneficial….. I’ve got a Matamp C7 which has ‘highly interactive tone controls’. Which is another way of saying they make zero sense. It’s part of its charm. Or not, depending on your world view! Myself, I tend to load sweet spots of commercial profiles and actually tweak very little these days.

    If the Kemper could do gain / tonestacks exactly like the real thing? The good news would be that you’d be able to have one profile of an amp rather than 37. The bad news? You’d spend extra time dialling in sweet spots and saving them as presets anyway. From a practical perspective, if you buy commercial profiles and load sweet spots / tweak very little then I guess it wouldn’t make a massive difference. For the completist that wants to believe that their profile of a particular vintage amp acts identically to the original? It’d be one step closer to reality, even if reality isn’t necessarily practical.

  • While i can understand plugin integration, i think it is technically impossible. The cpu of the KPA is of a very different architecture, so the plugin would have to be recoded for the it. And ofcourse the KAOS is unique too.

    What you are asking is for Kemper to allow third party access.

    Even something like Rig Manager in a plugin format would be really useful as a way of recalling the correct presets for each track(and remembering changes). And porting Kemper to a different architecture is certainly not easy, but eventually these things always become possible. People have said the same thing about so much other digital gear over the years, from reverbs, modellers, UAD, synths etc.

  • Dear santa,,,,I mean Mr Kemper,,

    I need a mini profiler floor board,no bigger then 12" by 8" by 4"ish,,,,at least 8-10 foot buttons,,,,built of alum,,,light,,rugged, water resistant,,,,with a sun visor,of some kind,or a back light option, (just cant see in bright sun filled stages anymore) that fits in a small carry on,,WITH a 20/30 watt mini amp built in,( like the mooer baby bomb) it must have hybrid mode,,,(presets on 1 row, stomps on the other row???,thats how I roll)

    with a 5 inch color touchscreen, and all the ins and outs of its big brother,and,,it does not need to make profiles, just store and play,

    I would glady pay up to a grand for it, NOW!!!!!!

    I just dont need anymore bells and whistels on the old kemper,It works just fine,,( other then transpose)

    Im old , back and eyes are shot,and just need smaller lighter, SMARTER,easier to see,, kemper,,


  • Quote

    Surely most wanted feature everyone wants is the one below. But even QuadKemper would not suffice, I'm afraid.

    I have that feature already. Sadly it is called alcohol and the secret is to get the audience to use it whilst you abstain...

  • I’m with you Brother

  • I’m still in love with my original one. I am hopeful the modulation effects section gets an overhaul soon in the same way the delays / reverbs / distortion / fuzz did. I’d like to be able to save fx chains within rig manager and apply as a batch to a bunch of profiles. Both of these are doable with what we have so I’m hopeful. But otherwise I’m good.

    Would be nice if tonestacks worked as per the original amp but again I’m not broken hearted about it - I’m happy with the sounds I get even if it means multiple amp profiles to cover the bases as opposed to one and ‘you’ve got the amp as it actually is’.

    A yes for me … rather a „golden buzzer“. No need for Kemper 2. In my opinion Flanger-Effects are not really good, same with Phaser. Tremolo is nice but not able to do Stutter-/Killswitch-Stuff. A second morph level or the ability to use fx with the effect button (on/off) as well as with morphing. Currently you have to make a binary decision…

    Something great would be a kind of room correction. Meaning that the room effects on my tone could be erased by plugging in a simple microphone in the return input. I still have problems in our rehearsal room… compared to my earphones they seem to be miles apart although I own two high end BlueAmp-Cabinets…

  • Marketing, definitely that is what will get me to upgrade from my Kemper :P

    Only half joking, it’s a sad truth of the human condition.

    I would really like to see even better quality profiling, managing to work with those difficult last few amps, but also focus on cleaner tone profiles.

    I’d love to see onboard room and general reverb profiling (i.e. IR capture with a little fancyness to detect spring sounds).

    Dual amp and more fx routing options would be nice.

    I think in general a UI overhaul, what it has is great for initial Kemper but they’ve added so much since. So a color (iPhone like, not capacitive) touchscreen, different layout for handling more effects with perhaps some common dedicated physical controls like mix, ducking, touch/pedal/LFO shapes etc. daw integration with profile recall on track selection etc. color led rings and digital scribble strips on stage/pedalboard. All that good stuff.