Lock per Performance - Can we have an answer please?

  • I’m a touring/gigging guitarist with different acts and around 100-130 gigs per year.

    As much as I love the sound of my Kempers I truly hate some of the limitations in handling, especially when it comes to live situations.

    Me and other guitarists in the same situation have been asking for a ”Lock per Performance” option for many years now. (I don’t even bother to explain all the benefits with this function one more time and there are many threads to read if you don’t know what this is.)

    I would like to ask Burkhard (who seems to be in the Kemper team) or anyone else in that position: Are you working on this option or have you decided not to go further with this? Please let us in need of it at least know if we should wait for it or just seek other solutions, that would be fair and the least you can do.

    Hoping for a clarification regarding this.

    Best / JS

  • I would like to have this functionality too.
    I assume that Kemper Team is hesitant cause there's only ONE lock button and it would mean another parameter to tick somewhere.....

    It would led to some mistakes/misunderstood from owners

  • I devoutly believe Kemper is able to make it easy for all users. In the end we might all have to decide on each effect in each rig if the effect being activated by the remote will be a master lock effect or a lock per performance effect. The only thing that might keep them away is that there will be a group of people wanting only a kind of effect memory for a slot per performance and others might love to have it set all over a performance. So this could then cause problems, though I personally would put a marker in the effect slot. But that is only me.

  • I would like to have this functionality too.
    I assume that Kemper Team is hesitant cause there's only ONE lock button and it would mean another parameter to tick somewhere.....

    It would led to some mistakes/misunderstood from owners

    If they can figure out how to accurately model any amp and cabinet signal chain with just a mic and a few white noise tones, surely this would be an easy problem for them to solve. ?

  • I would like to have this functionality too.
    I assume that Kemper Team is hesitant cause there's only ONE lock button and it would mean another parameter to tick somewhere.....

    It would led to some mistakes/misunderstood from owners

    If users press, let’s say a delay-button, there are maybe 10 different delays to choose from and even more parameters in each of those delays so I can’t see how a 3-option "no lock"/"lock per performance"/"lock globaly" (as it is now) could be a problem for users to understand.

    The Kemper team sure can do whatever they like, I just want to now if this is around the corner or if we who need this function have to seek other options.

  • This would be handy for me, as well. Would make some things easier. It has been requested, already, as far as I can remember.

    (among my personal all time favourite wish which is morphing with the 4 fx buttons).

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I use other products like Helix and Quad Cortex and as a user I have questions and tips for those companies too. From them I usualy at least get a reply to my questions but in this case with Kemper there is just a total silence. How hard can it be to at least say:

    We’ve heard your request but we have decided that this is not something we want to have in our product. I would accept that immediately and thank them for the reply. Then at least I would know how to plan my live-setup for the future . To not even bother to shortly answer a question is just bad customer support (and I have already bought 2 Kempers).

  • Kemper has always kept their development roadmap to themselves.

    Have you tried sending your question directly to them? Ask them a direct question?

    The same questions are frequently asked over and over. If Line6 and others are answering each one, they must love playing whack-a-mole.

  • Another thing is to try to call directly. I remember two times I called Kemper directly for something that was very important to me. They were very kind and helped me out. Yes, it may be embarrassing if everybody called in for every little thing twice a day but as long as they offer this service and it is very important to you could try. I am sure this is not a feature that is around the corner because otherwise I think a moderator would post something like "wait, it is just on the way". Also there is this chat you can use, have you tried that?

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • otherwise I think a moderator would post something like "wait, it is just on the way". Also there is this chat you can use, have you tried that?

    Yes, and you also tend to see CK or Burkhard asking specific questions about what the request really does and how it might work in specific situations which they can see issues with.

  • I once asked to have the option to show the clock on the stage as well as it was on the remote : they implemented it :)

    So if they actually think it's usefull they will do it ...

    btw I also asked at one point to let the morph state be visible by choosing another display colour :)


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • I just logged in to ask if this feature was available before finding this thread.
    It would be extremely helpful in many many ways to have lock settings saved per performance. I would use it this way:

    I could have a more pedalboard like performance where the slots range from less to much distortion without changing the effects. But also have instant changes on other performances for more drastic changes.

    Could be an option in preferences. Please make it happen :)