from rhythm to lead

  • I do this, too.

    When I decrease gain I loose volume. When I decrease volume (for rhythm) I want gain to stay and I can achieve that by putting the volume pedal at the end of the signal chain (right?) so then everything is sounding at at a lower volume.

    It's getting a bit more complicated when I have a clean sound (no gain) for rhythm and now want to play a louder distorted lead solo. For this I use the same rig (or use another amp preset) and increase the gain, save the rig and assign it to a next midinumber for a rig change. Again I can control volume this way with the volume pedal (within Rig volume), set at Location (the end of the signal chain). Right?

  • My approach is finding a great lead tone profile, copying it, then removing a touch of gain, the delay and reverb, and drop the voulme 3-4 db. Might even add a bit of presence to thelead as well if I'm playing in a "busy" band (two guitar players, etc..) Kind of like when I played through my Boogie years ago...Would turn off the delay and roll off the volume about 5-10 % (..very high gain)...

  • If you want to have a dedicated expression pedal to use as a lead boost I recommend a normal expression pedal plugged into the Kemper. Put it at the end of the signal chain and set the Range value so that heel down is your rhythm volume and toe down is lead. Done! ?

  • Hi all,

    I bought a mission ep1 kp pedal and tried to use it as a volume boost post stack or post rig.
    After configuring as a volume pedal at the appropriate location in the chain and setting the pedal range to +5 (max), I’d understood that I would get around 24 db of volume increase at the toe but get nothing like this. If I listen carefully I can just about detect a change in the level from heel to toe but no way you could call it a boost.

    I have calibrated the pedal and can see the midi number (cc?) go from 0 to 127 so don’t see an issue here. The pedal also works very well as whah so I’m a bit stumped why it doesn’t in the application I described.

    After looking through the forum, I see I can achieve what I want in other ways such as morphing the rig volume or morphing a boost in the output but it’s bugging me that this configuration doesn’t seem to work as it should.

    I have tried with the range set at -5 btw and it does work (although it transpires that this is certainly not a nice pedal to use for vol in my opinion). So it’s just positive range settings where it falls over.

    Any ideas of what I am doing wrong or similar experiences?

    Thanks a lot,


  • A couple of things come to mind as worth investigating

    Is the pedal type correct. Try changing from Type 1 to Type 2 or vice versa as this affects the taper of the pedal.

    Are you running Amp Volume or Rig Volume settings above 0? If so you simply be running out of headroom.

    Totally agree about the Mission pedal in general. It is brilliant or Wah but hopeless for anything else.

  • In principle this should work and many people do this. Couple of comments/as above:

    1) What volume are you boosting/morphing? Use rig volume as its overall volume - when you say "appropriate place in the chain" it should be post effects, hence morphing Rig volume will do this

    2) Check your linked volumes - sometimes that does strange things - unlikely but worth a check

    3) Persoanlly I avoid using an expression pedal for boosting. This is because I never use the in between volume, for me its either boost on or off. Therefore I use morph as a switch.

  • Thanks everyone.

    I did have wah to vol linked, (although no wah activated ) and when I unchecked it, I got the boost. Weird! And now cannot repeat the error.

    This pedal however is definitely not for me and I think I will buy a Dunlop DVP3, (especially as I have just discovered morphing which is a fantastic function).
    I appreciate your time. Such a cool forum!


  • Thanks everyone.

    I did have wah to vol linked, (although no wah activated ) and when I unchecked it, I got the boost. Weird! And now cannot repeat the error.

    This pedal however is definitely not for me and I think I will buy a Dunlop DVP3, (especially as I have just discovered morphing which is a fantastic function).
    I appreciate your time. Such a cool forum!


    I bought the Moog for like $49.00 and it works fine. No gripes at all about it.

  • haven't read all replies but here's what I do.

    I use the Pure Boost 'pedal' and put it in the X slot (after the 'amp'). I have this set to +4.4bB.

    I also have my chosen delay in the delay slot.

    I always have a bit of reverb active too, regardless of rhythm or lead sound.

    On my kemper remote I have 1 button set to engage the Pure Boost and the Delay stomp. It does not control the reverb as this is always on at the same level.

    This effectively creates a volume boost (quite a loud one as I play in a rock band with another guitarist so I need a pretty big volume jump to be heard properly) and engages the delay with 1 button.

  • I usually use the morphing feature to change the mix levels, so lets say boost is on all the time , the pedal sets the mix to 100% on toe down

    Works like a charm


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp