Wireless features incoming?

  • 2 things:

    1) I wish they would share this on here first - I know its about PR but...

    2) Is that function ( one touch morph) new as well ? Wonder what changes they have made to RM alongside pure remote connectivity...

    Whilst I see little use for me, I'm still excited!!

  • Ive never used the Remote. Ive always been disinclined to use anything on the floor especially at a show other than cheap expression pedals, and maybe a very minimal midi controller. And that would still be my preference. In someone else’s studio, a laptop is kind of crucial, but now if all you need is RM, that could be an iPad. I would say that the interface on the toaster has probably limited my deeper exploration of the device’s potential, but I would still not want the front panel to become dominated by a large screen. for what I’ve needed, which is yknow guitar tones, the user interface has been brilliant. Recently I’ve migrated almost completely to rig manager, but nonetheless throughout the day a lot of tweaking still happens on the front panel of the Kemper.

    Only reason I bring up the Remote is because the Stage is literally a head/rack and remote in one box. Apples to apples....my thinking is that the Remote should be included.

    Everyone's workflow and use case is different. Personally, the Stage doesn't interest me due to the footprint and knobs on the floor. Yeah - RM can address that, but I do enjoy the tactile feel of twiddling knobs. I'm roughly 50/50 between adjusting with RM or on the unit.

    With an iPad available to run RM, I can see several advantages. Even if it has to be wired to the unit.

  • 2 things:

    1) I wish they would share this on here first - I know its about PR but...

    2) Is that function ( one touch morph) new as well ? Wonder what changes they have made to RM alongside pure remote connectivity...

    Whilst I see little use for me, I'm still excited!!

    Isn't it the same as rig button morph ? So pressing the remote rig changes to other morph state ...


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • Interesting stuff. There seems to be some metering happening in the video.

    Hope they spill the rest before the weekend.

    It is a bit annoying that these are posted only on Insta and Farcebuck - both of which require user accounts. Why not youtube or some other open service for the rest of us?

    They post on Twitter as well, of course more accounts for you

  • Cussing is not something I'm proud of doing. But sometimes, they're the only words that work.

    F@C& YEAH !!!!!

    I'm shocked that you would actually use the ampersand in public. :)

    The toaster is an older model is says "profiling amplifier" , aren't the new ones just saying "profiler" :)


    Vintage, man. Vintage.

    2 things:

    1) I wish they would share this on here first - I know its about PR but...

    2) Is that function ( one touch morph) new as well ? Wonder what changes they have made to RM alongside pure remote connectivity...

    Whilst I see little use for me, I'm still excited!!

    There's an excitement (and thus buzz) factor when you discover something on your own and then share it with the world. If they posted here they'd get a good reaction, but if someone "finds" it in the wild, then it's like you're doing an expose. Revealing secrets is sexy stuff on the Internet, and thus good marketing.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited once, last by Chris Duncan (May 19, 2021 at 4:44 PM).

  • Looking at the latest video, it could be intentional or just simple framing of the picture. But you can't see the connection port on what appears to be an iPad Pro.

    Speculation being fun while we wait, I'm guessing the connection for the Toaster/Rack will be wired. Maybe with a wireless ability if you own or buy an adapter.

    I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

  • Looking at the latest video, it could be intentional or just simple framing of the picture. But you can't see the connection port on what appears to be an iPad Pro.

    Speculation being fun while we wait, I'm guessing the connection for the Toaster/Rack will be wired. Maybe with a wireless ability if you own or buy an adapter.

    I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

    if you are talking about the instagram video... well, the frame is square on instagram. But on Facebook it is landscape in the same video and you can see there is no cable .


  • if you are talking about the instagram video... well, the frame is square on instagram. But on Facebook it is landscape in the same video and you can see there is no cable .


    Speculation: Dispelled

    This is awesome. Thanks for pointing this out.

    As far as Facebook goes......."You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy......."

  • 2) Is that function ( one touch morph) new as well ? Wonder what changes they have made to RM alongside pure remote connectivity...

    it was always possible to morph witch a button press on the remote or with a switch connected to the profiler

    We assume there is no wireless built in liek the stage so therefore dongle seems the most obvious....but exciting eh!

    There's a wifi module in the stage

  • It`s just a preview of the new upcoming crypto currency that Kemper has been developing for a time now.

    It utilizes the hardware in the kemper to mine Kempcoin based on riffs played per hour.

    The heat from the fingers during shredding boosts the internal A/D converters so that you can decrypt the currency in relation to the tap tempo, the faster you play the more coin you mine.

    To see if your Kemper has updated to the mining funtion just play the intro to Sweet child of MINE ;)

    OMG! I just made a similar comment on tonejunkie video about this. Though I must say this one was wittier.