Did you really need more fuzz effects? or has Kemper stopped listening to users' requests?

  • There is something I am curious about and I could not stop without asking. Why isn't there any additions in terms of overall sound quality improvement instead of constantly adding stomp boxes? Global EQ adjustments can be expanded, all sounds can be amplified more vividly by adding Limiter to the master plugins, maybe the memory may not be enough for them, but some of the least used features will be removed and some improvements that will affect the whole sound in general will be much better so that whoever uses whatever tone will improve the sound. Will be able to feel in every tone.

    A person who does not use Fuzz will not feel any advantage of this update. Please consider the requests of users and minorities.

    After Edit:

    • We are in 2021 and is the 3 band equalizer really enough for the main output? I am having serious problems with this. The 3 band equalizer setting was also available on the Boss GT8 20 years ago. The treble setting on the main output is too far from the frequency I want to tune.

      Unfortunately, I use all the slots after the amp slot and there is no slot left that I can use for only one treble setting.

      *The limiter effect can bring serious vividness to many tones and loudness without going into digital chopper. The limiter effect I mentioned here is like it is used in mixes and masters. Record a simple guitar score and see how clear the dynamics become when you add Limiter VST.

      Compressor options only have 2 options, hard and soft. Wouldn't it be nice to model a few more punchy or different compressor models?

      *The input impedance setting (Ohm), which is in most other companies, can be adjusted. In this way, when I get a tone that is miles away from the tone I hear in a video clip in a profile I bought, I can play with my guitar with the impedance setting and match the tone without disturbing the original settings.

    • Edit 2:

    my goal is not to underestimate the fuzz plugin and not about the kemper team never listening. I am aware of an incredible development chain when I do changelog reviews from the past to the present.

    However, when you examine the dissatisfaction with the kemper product in the forum and the titles opened by the people who sell the product after they buy it, I see that the sound that many users hear in the presented profiles is caused by the fact that they hear a completely different or very bad tone when they throw the profile to their device. I have this problem too, and when I upload a profile to my device, I have to stop playing the guitar for days and make adjustments and produce many different versions, and all this when I get out of the original nature of the tone, the time I wasted is wasted and I go back to the beginning. However, despite all this, I still do not deny that I got the best tone among all the equipment I have acquired so far.

    It is really expensive to buy a monitor cabinet in the country I live in, I could only buy my kemper product by taking 36 months of credit, so I connect to not professional speaker system or not active monitor and at this point, the frequencies that I cannot adjust in the global eq, become a big problem for me.

    Input empedance change

    Expanded global eq


    These updates will extend the lifespan of the device and will be super useful for all users who want to improve their overall sound quality without distorting each tone individually.

    Edited 2 times, last by Qfever (April 25, 2021 at 10:08 AM).

  • Hi,

    I’ve had my toaster for 7 years now. Since that time it has improved vastly due to user requests and also cool things that the company have come up with that users may not have thought of.

    IMO the core sound quality has always been there; I think profiles are (generally) getting slicker / better but there’s never been a lack of great core noises out of this box.

    What was lacking in the early days was fx that were of similar quality. They were ‘better than a lot of people made out’ but for sure were the weakest part of the system.

    Since then, we’ve had:

    Delays that are awesome. Lots of user requests for these.
    Reverbs that are awesome. Lots of user requests for these.

    An editor. Go look at the length of threads wanting that.

    A remote. And a stage version. Both huge user requests

    Distortions / stomps - again, lots of requests. I was really pleased with the distortion but am over the moon with the fuzz. I love fuzz and I think they’ve done a great job.

    We’ve also had the Kone which addresses the complaint of some users that ‘it doesn’t sound like the amp in the room’. I bought one - it’s the first money I’ve given them since buying the remote.... I really like it.

    Lots more ‘little’ things too but a crazy amount of added value.

    I think they’ve been really good at listening to user requests. They take a long time to implement things but, when they do, it is killer and it is free (unless it’s hardware of course). I continue to be impressed at the value I get out of this box. For me, I’m hoping the revamp the modulation section next.

    Can you explain a little more about your request and what they’re ignoring? If they are ignoring it, maybe it’s because it’s either not a common request (they’re not a huge company so makes sense to deal with popular requests) or maybe the request isn’t possible?

  • I think profiles are (generally) getting slicker / better...

    Only the Profilers' amp-adjustment and mic'ing techniques can account for this Gary 'cause the Kemper's Profiling engine hasn't changed. There was a tiny adjustment made to the low end many years ago (OS3 perhaps), but it didn't change core tones 'cause it was a frequency-response tweak that sat well below the normal guitar range. In addition, LF rolloff during mixing meant that it was 100% inconsequential for anything being used in a mix.

    I don't get where the OP's coming from either. When Profiles are already as accurate as they can be using Kemper's methodology the only things left to enhance are the FX variety and authenticity.

  • A person who does not use Fuzz will not feel any advantage of this update. Please consider the requests of users and minorities.

    Not totally sure I understand this sentence. Not everyone will benefit from the fuzz effects, instead they should listen to minorities? Sounds a bit like a contradiction (not native speaker though).

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Global EQ adjustments can be expanded

    If you want global EQ, put a Graphic Equalizer or a Studio Equalizer in your signal chain. If you want it not to affect the distortion characteristics, put it post stack (or even in the very last slot (REV) of your signal chain.

    all sounds can be amplified more vividly by adding Limiter

    That's the first time in my life that I hear someone saying that a limiter makes the sound more vivid. But this being said: Have you tried to put a Compressor in your signal chain with Attack set to minimum and Intensity in middle position (or less)? That's basically a Limiter because the Compressor stomp has a fixed ratio of infinity by design.

    On a more general note:

    You seem to struggle with this topic since day one, as I can read from your past posts. Maybe you still struggle with basic things like:

    1. Pick a profile that suits your taste and requires only minor adjustments. Ideally make your own profiles that give you exactly what you're looking for and at the same time make you understand your Profiler much better.
    2. Don't use too much additive EQ, You much rather get used to subtractive EQ.
    3. I noticed that your latest video on Youtube clips quite a bit on the Profiler output. Fix your gain staging.
    4. Also I noticed that in this video you play a profile with gain at around 5.0 although the overall tone is just at the edge of breakup. Is this because you dialed back the guitar volume knob or did you mess around with Clean Sens & Distortion Sense in the Input section?

    To be honest, I don't see anything you couldn't already do, nothing that needs to be "fixed" by new features.

  • Yes to more fuzzes, Alan. ;)

    All you need is fuzz. Fuzz is all you need. Yeah, yeah, yeah. :)

    Personally I've never enjoyed fuzz, so this particular feature set doesn't do much for me. However, I still haven't finished playing with all the features from previous releases that I do enjoy, so I don't really feel like I'm being ignored. Besides, it would be a pretty boring world if everyone was exactly like me, so fuzz out and rock on!

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • All you need is fuzz. Fuzz is all you need. Yeah, yeah, yeah. :)

    Personally I've never enjoyed fuzz, so this particular feature set doesn't do much for me. However, I still haven't finished playing with all the features from previous releases that I do enjoy, so I don't really feel like I'm being ignored. Besides, it would be a pretty boring world if everyone was exactly like me, so fuzz out and rock on!

    What the fuzz are you talking about? Fuzz me!

    It's fuzzing amazing!

    OK... I'll shaddap now...

  • For me,

    I would prefer that Kemper solve some problems and issues first,

    before thinking about adding more futures and effects.

    only some open Issues ...

    - RM search in subdirectories.

    - RM reorganization of directories

    - RM Assigning effect buttons via RM

    - RM Performance Mode handling and synchonisation.

    - RM Saving Stompbox and Effect Groups like on KPA

    - RM Grouping Performances as Setlist.

    - KPA Wild flashing of the BPM LED display

    - KPA boot startup time.

    - KPA Looper volume via expression pedal

    - KPA sporadic MIDI Buffer overflow exeption when working with RM, Remote and PC/MIDI

    -- KPA Performance Mode adressing a Performance Slot by MIDI that is disabled or not setuped will select the first slot of Performance. Makes it hard to work with an third party controller. I would expect in general that a MIDI Message that is not correct or not executeable should be ignored iststead of executing something else.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • We are in 2021 and is the 3 band equalizer really enough for the main output? I am having serious problems with this. The 3 band equalizer setting was also available on the Boss GT8 20 years ago. The treble setting on the main output is too far from the frequency I want to tune.

    Unfortunately, I use all the slots after the amp slot and there is no slot left that I can use for only one treble setting.

    *The limiter effect can bring serious vividness to many tones and loudness without going into digital chopper. The limiter effect I mentioned here is like it is used in mixes and masters. Record a simple guitar score and see how clear the dynamics become when you add Limiter VST.

    Compressor options only have 2 options, hard and soft. Wouldn't it be nice to model a few more punchy or different compressor models?

    *The input impedance setting (Ohm), which is in most other companies, can be adjusted. In this way, when I get a tone that is miles away from the tone I hear in a video clip in a profile I bought, I can play with my guitar with the impedance setting and match the tone without disturbing the original settings.

    But instead of all these, we should add more FUZZ modeling ..

    I am really having a hard time understanding ..

  • i’m not trying to belittle your request. I understand that these features are important to you. However, you seem to in a minority and Kemper have been steadily adding features (such as OD an Fuzz) hat most users have requested.

  • There is something I am curious about and I could not stop without asking. Why isn't there any additions in terms of overall sound quality improvement instead of constantly adding stomp boxes?

    Have you made posts to the Feature Requests forum for the specific improvements you'd like to see? I think that would be more useful to the dev team in prioritizing features than a thread that basically says, "I'm unhappy with the way you do things."

    This isn't meant as a negative criticism, but as a way to help you get what you want.

    My thinking is that there might be others who value the same kind of things as you, and if enough people respond on your feature threads it would help the dev team see what's important to the most people as they prioritize what to add on each new release. I'd recommend making one post per feature to keep it clear. That allows them to see how many other people comment and value a specific thing that you've suggested.

    They keep giving us these new releases for free, so it seems clear that they're dedicated to keeping their user base happy. However, at some point they have to prioritize feature A over feature B in terms of what gets put on a release. If you contribute your requests in a clear and concise manner, you're giving them valuable information to work with.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I have been passively watching this thread and have decided to put in a comment. First I am not a fan of fuzz at all and it is one of the only effect pedals I have never owned and never wanted to. Now that being said, there are songs and song parts that require fuzz like the solo to Comfortably numb or Voodoo Child and this update gives me a great version of that effect without having to buy it. The other thing that I love about this update is the effects being listed in the menu for the rig blocks it huge for me. I think the only other thing that I am anxious to see would be the ability to assign the effect buttons in RM.

    Thanks Kemper