[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • And they do because it's not just about the Drive (and Tone) setting but also the Definition and the Slim Down that changes the character.

    This times 100. It’s amazing how those controls interact to produce such varied and quality sounds. The Klon against my Tumnus is so good it’s ridiculous. Running multiple Kemper Drives stacks really well, too.

    Has Duffman even *tried* the Kemper Drive?

  • Are Kemper Distortion and Drive stomps only good for low-gain profiles? because If I run them on mid- or high-gain the sound always fuzzy and brightening all up. I don't know the terminologie of sound expirience/description. So it's hard to describe.

    Try adjusting Definition and Slim Down (as described in the 8.0 Addendum) to get more bottom and less top.

  • I think one of the points Duffman is making is that these don't behave like the pedals the presets are emulating. For instance, consider the Klon presets 1 - 5. They are all supposed to emulate the klon pedal with the same tone and volume settings but just adjusting the drive on the pedal; however, the kemper presets adjust three of the four kemper parameters to accomplish this feat. That's fine, and it's great that the tone shaping can emulate the nonlinear effect of adjusting the drive control, but that's highly non-intuitive if you want to emulate a klon pedal, i.e., the intuitive solution is that you choose preset 1 and just adjust the kemper drive parameter down to get a klon emulation with less drive.

    It seems like it would be much better to have completely separate kemper pedal presets, like the green scream vs the plus ds, with fewer adjustable parameters that then behave more like the pedals being emulated. For instance, have a Klon preset with just drive, tone, and volume, and have the definition and slim down parameters controlled under the hood by the drive control to match the Klon pedal. Having presets like this does not preclude retaining the ultra flexible kemper drive in the current beta, but separate kemper pedals with controls that reflect the actual pedals would be much better from a user standpoint.

    One other point I would add is that while this tone shaping is great, at the end of the day, the kemper drive is essentially just the green scream with a sophisticated eq added. While many pedals like the klon and king of tone are pretty similar to the TS808, others are not at all. For instance, the Boss SD-1 uses asymmetric clipping; whereas, the 808 uses symmetric. No amount of eqing will ever make the 808 sound like the SD-1, and it's a more than a little silly that the 808 and SD mid presets are identical (and the max settings are negligibly different) for pedals that are fundamentally different circuits.

  • I don't get it, seriously. You get something for free, you get one of the most versatile "drive pedals" ... and it doesn't take a full day until the borders of Complainistan open again. Use your ears and enjoy and explore the possibilities ... and in between, waste a second to realize the rabbit hole they would open if they started going your way. How many pedals would they be supposed to emulate? Your favourite pedal isn't my favourite one. There's a ridiculous amount of overdrive/distortion pedals out there and you can bet that they would get bombarded with constant requests for more, more, more. Enjoy what you get .... and if it's not enough, buy the real deal. Kemper takes pedals VERY well.

  • This times 100. It’s amazing how those controls interact to produce such varied and quality sounds. The Klon against my Tumnus is so good it’s ridiculous. Running multiple Kemper Drives stacks really well, too.

    That would be the way to roll your own KoT drive - stack the boost and the distortion presets for the KoT in series, pair them with two footswitches if you like.

    I think the point has been well made that this is just the first beta of OS8.0 - by the time we get to 8.4 or so we may be seeing rather more of these things.

    I hope we some models of drives with altogether different insides like the Butler Tube Driver. That is a simple tube preamp circuit with a tone stack and could also be profiled but, since we cannot handle series profiles with the current hardware, a stomp model could be the ticket.

    There has been consistency with the approach to verbs, delays and now drives. Perhaps we can look forward to further editions in the series: ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Mod-Monster and the Ferkakte-Fuzz!

  • Complainistan? Hehe I like that.

    Mate we’re all on the same team here, we all love this product. Just accept that not everyone thinks one way is the best. Look, other products from the most expensive to free iOS emulators seek to recreate multiple pedals. Is that wrong? Should every effect just be five knobs and as long as you like the sound then who cares? Sure, that might be for you. All I tried was to put forward a suggestion on the way I like to work. Maybe others feel the same.

    Wouldn’t during beta testing be the time to bring this up? As it is now? Why are people taking it so personally? Did I attack someone’s mother?

    Anyway I’m going to drop this now gitarretyp understands what I mean. I’m still going to enjoy using this product and hopefully you do too.

  • Duffman I totally understand the point you are making and agree we are all entitled to our own opinions. For me the route Kemper have gone makes total sense and is infinitely better than going down the multiple individual pedal rabbit hole. Bear in mind that the vast majority of users have never played through a real Klon (or even a Klone), many have never actually used a TS808 let alone Timmy, KoT etc. Even many of those who have at some point may not have done so recently so their memory of what it sounds like is probably a little clouded and “rose tinted”. Therefore, the concept of a pedal that sounds exactly like the real thing with the same settings is pointless to 99.9% of users. It may be intuitive in theory to someone who is intimately familiar with the real thing and know exactly what knob settings they would use on the real thing. But to most people (like me) trying to emulate the behaviour of the physical pedal would be just as much of a learning curve (possibly more) than just learning to get the sound I want from the controls on the Kemper Drive.

    i’m not having a go at you personally, just stating my own different opinion.

  • On the debate about "is it better to have one complete model of each original pedal or Kemper Drive?", there's something else that could be said.

    Some people like me didn't choose Fractal because tweaking was a nightmare for them, and Kemper proposed tons of immediately usable sounds, in addition to very intuitive settings that don't exist on real amps (and on their models by definition). Well, to me this Kemper drive does it again ! Ok some aspects of the logic is a bit hard to understand and I'll never be able to target a pedal type and retrieve the right numbers of the settings myself from scratch, but the presets with the right names are there anyway, and it's largely enough to make it very simple. The numbers I'll never remember, but the names Yes, then tweaking to taste from a good sweet spot is okay for me.

    Another thing I was thinking is about the notion of "sweet spot" that I've never heard before and that I find very interesting. To me it means that among the say 10000 possible settings of a stomp (10^4 combination for a stomp with 4 pots from 1 to 10) only a portion of them sound "sweet", am I right? This explains mainly why tweaking is a nightmare for me... So we can see the Kemper drive as a pedal that navigates from sweet spot to sweet spot of different stomp models. And the good point of it is that among the 10000 settings now, you mainly (if not only) have sweet spots. That's at least the feeling I have when I play with it, and I like it a lot.

  • Another thing I was thinking is about the notion of "sweet spot" that I've never heard before and that I find very interesting. To me it means that among the say 10000 possible settings of a stomp (10^4 combination for a stomp with 4 pots from 1 to 10) only a portion of them sound "sweet", am I right?

    Correct weight, mate.

    It's an old term in the audio-gear / audio-engineering world (and not just audio). Every piece of equipment has a sweet spot, be it an audio interface that performs better at a certain sample rate, a guitar amp-and-cab setup (Profilers would be well-advised to chase it if they're not already doing so) that sounds best to a given set of ears at certain combinations of settings and so on.

    Even a combustion engine that produces the best balance of highest torque and BHP output at a certain rev rate can be said to have this "setting" as a sweet spot.

    In short, a sweet spot is the set of circumstances under which a device produces its best-possible performance.

  • hi everyone, after 3 seconds my Full OC becomes an effect similar to the ring modulator impossible to play, how can I tell the kemper team?

    maybe timo ?

    i know it is a beta, i am testing

    I've had this when I've inadvertently loaded the drive into a delay slot as well as one of the ABCD slots

    EDIT: after further testing, it only seems to be the Full OC that causes the Ring Mod effect and only in the Delay or Reverb slots.

  • Second day of testing the drives and I can say this:Same things I love/hate with all these pedals since over three decades I found also in the new drive generator.

    But:It is much easier for me to find/create what I want.

    Also..I find that the green scream is still very good.Actually a lot I do now with the new drives I did already in the past with the green scream/shapers & EQs.

    Now I can do it all in just one pedal.Yeah..the definition and the slim down parameters are not easy to comprehend because both have a huge range and just changing a bit at each of these parameters will change the effect a lot.For me personally it is sometimes like I change between different shapers and eqs.Just much faster with each 0.1 I scroll up down on both of definition and slim down.It is a clever tool.

    Is it "magical".No.Yes.As are the pedals this kemper drive is simulating.?

  • Complainistan? Hehe I like that.

    Mate we’re all on the same team here, we all love this product. Just accept that not everyone thinks one way is the best. Look, other products from the most expensive to free iOS emulators seek to recreate multiple pedals. Is that wrong? Should every effect just be five knobs and as long as you like the sound then who cares? Sure, that might be for you. All I tried was to put forward a suggestion on the way I like to work. Maybe others feel the same.

    Wouldn’t during beta testing be the time to bring this up? As it is now? Why are people taking it so personally? Did I attack someone’s mother?

    Anyway I’m going to drop this now gitarretyp understands what I mean. I’m still going to enjoy using this product and hopefully you do too.

    If I understand your complaint, we don't have individual pedal choices to load and therefore tweak the knobs as they exist on what's being emulated.

    If that's correct, then the identical complaint can be leveled at Profiles themselves. Profiles are snapshots of an amp, with no attempt to match the behavior of the associated knobs. In virtually all cases, some controls don't exist on the amp in question.

    Why is it OK there but not here?

  • I've had this when I've inadvertently loaded the drive into a delay slot as well as one of the ABCD slots

    EDIT: after further testing, it only seems to be the Full OC that causes the Ring Mod effect and only in the Delay or Reverb slots.

    How does changing the Delay/Reverb mix knob setting in the Rig menu affect the issue? It seems to me that the series/parallel ability of that parameter, combined with a distortion that has its own mix control could provide complex harmonic (ans un-harmonic) distortion, especially if it is being driven by an amp module that has gain.