Who's getting a Kabinet?

  • In the Output Menu:

    FRFR Mode = Kone On and "Monitor Cab Off" not checkmarked

    Imprint Mode = Kone On and "Monitor Cab Off" is checkmarked

    OK so Dumb question #22, this setting I assume is a "per" profile setting- right? Otherwise Im confused... ?(

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • OK so Dumb question #22, this setting I assume is a "per" profile setting- right? Otherwise Im confused... ?(

    if there is not a cabin a profile, like with an acoustic guitar, it will automatically switch to full range mode. At this point, other than that, the imprint selection is global. They have indicated that there will be changes in the future, to make it more versatile.

  • OK so Dumb question #22, this setting I assume is a "per" profile setting- right? Otherwise Im confused... ?(

    Cab button is always left ON. Using it in frfr mode with kone ON changes per profile. To use the imprints, kone ON monitor cab off is selected too. Then you choose an imprint.

    You cannot change imprint per profile/rig right now but it’s coming in future update.

  • if there is not a cabin a profile, like with an acoustic guitar, it will automatically switch to full range mode. At this point, other than that, the imprint selection is global. They have indicated that there will be changes in the future, to make it more versatile.

    So after I digested this, I think this means that if you have an IR selected on the profile it stays in FRFR mode. If you have an Imprint selected, the IR that "was" with it is now set to whatever "imprint" you have chosen on that patch. I think that is correct, at least that's what looks like is happening on my Kemper. I will be glad when I can change this with the Editor (I haven't been able to figure that out yet if it's working).

    Please lemme know if this is not right- Thanks. :)

    wooops sorry if I hyjacked the thread...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (March 21, 2020 at 7:02 PM).

  • spikey


    FRFR Mode (Kone On, Monitor Cab Off - Disabled), you will hear the profiles’ Cabs through the Poweramp/Monitor/Main Outputs.

    Imprint Mode (Kone On, Monitor Cab Off):
    if a Merged or Studio Profile contains a Cab (or an IR converted you a Cab), the Imprint is heard through the Speaker/Monitor Output, and the Profile’s Cab is heard through the Main and Headphone Outputs.

    If there is NO cab in a Profile, Imprint Mode will automatically switch to FRFR mode for that profile. If you want to use a Direct Amplifier Profile with Kone/Kabinet, you will need to add a Cab to the Rig to stay in Imprint mode.

  • So I assume that there no way to use imprints without selecting a profile?

    I want to input amp sims from my UA Apollo with the cab sim off to the Kemper so I can use imprints and a pair of custom 1 x 12 cabinets with a pair of Kones in it.

    I suppose I can use the ultra clean profile I made of my Marantz Preamp and power amp with my Goldenear model 2 speaker. Then set up the Kemper to play the imprint I want through the cab with the Kone.

    I’ll just connect the output of the Apollo with the amp sim (no cab on in the sim) into the Kemper’s input. It should work like any effect in front of the KPA.

    I know this is not a “supported” usage of the technology, but I want to try it anyway. If it works, I will have added additional capabilities to the investment I am making in the Kone drivers. If it doesn’t work, I will just have waisted some time.

    An added advantage might be the ability to run the acoustic sim on one Kone cab and an imprint simultaneously with the amp sim on the other.

  • thanks paults I really under estimated how the cone can be used. I’m gonna need to test everything out and go by what I like the sound of. I have no knowledge that would allow me to make informed decisions when pairing imprints and cabs.

    Honestly, I didn’t know the cone/imprint could be on in frfr mode. I think I’ll go back and research properly:)


  • Watching the Tone Junkie video (regarding the cab). I want to order but have gotten suckered in by videos so many times (amps, pedals, software, etc). I tried a Celestion F12-X200 in one of my 1x12's with an open back and did not care for it. Can't afford to throw away money on more gear if it won't be used long term.

    Curious if the Kemper cab is even needed as perhaps the Kone speakers will sound good in a standard guitar cab? Lurking here reading reviews and opinions. Want to click buy right now!

    Edited once, last by Mookytc (March 22, 2020 at 1:24 AM).

  • supposed to work fine in any cabinet. I have just received both. I’m going to try a build a Cab between now and Tuesday. If I can get it done I’ll report back my findings

    Nice! Any special build specs in mind? When I purchased the F12-X200 I did not use in cab based on Celestion's advised specs. Just placed it into an old Vox cab that was sitting idle. I am very tempted to on buying a pair.

    Look forward to your review!

  • When can we expect a review? :D

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  • stupid question: can you save different imprints to different rigs, so use a Jensen for a Fender profile and a creamback for a marshal and so on ? or is the imprint selection a global setting which you can't switch together with profiles ?


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • Regarding the physical cabinet...assuming there are no "magical" non-speaker components inside? Meaning if one placed 2 Kone speakers in their own closed 2 x 12 the only variables are type of wood used, thickness, etc.? Hope this made sense I just woke up. Should probably have coffee before posting.

    Thinking after my initial post (making an edit here) would a 2 x 12 have to be wired in series? Cheers all!

    Edited once, last by Mookytc (March 22, 2020 at 3:55 PM).

  • I plan the following orders to get a DIY Kabinet inexpensive solution for home practice ( and low volume jams, no big live )

    1 Official Kone

    Palmer 1-12 Cabinet Unloaded

    Harley Benton Custom Line Thunder 99 : pedal form stereo power amp

    Whole powered solution cost is around 350€ :) with an option for real stereo.

    This little Power amp is rated @ 4 ohms , and runs in stereo with 2 inputs / outputs , so it looks like a perfect solution .

    Does anyone see any problem that I should not have thought about with my plan ?

  • If you want to go even smaller (and cheaper) for the cab, have a look at the Fame GN112 cabinet. It comes with a generic speaker that you can rip out and it costs only 79.-


  • I am waiting for a powered cabinet for my live setup. I don't see why this should take years. Isn't it "just" combining something like the existing Kemper power amp from the toaster with the existing new cabinet or could there be more to it?

    Or, guys, are we waiting for a powered stage without even having one clue...=O

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

    Edited once, last by Alienator (March 24, 2020 at 11:34 AM).