Ordering a Kabinet in these uncertain times . . .

  • Hi folks,

    I just ordered 2 KEMPER Kabinets yesterday. Now I realize that it might not have been such a good idea considering how the world is turning at this time.

    The money spent on these items may be needed elsewhere , who can tell how much prices will go up if any real scarcity sets in, like in food or medicine or fuel.

    And thinking that I need these Kabinets at this time is just vanity. I will be canceling my order with Sweetwater today.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any similar thoughts or, like myself, jumped at finally being able to buy these things while temporarily forgetting the new reality we are living in.


  • All going to depend on your situation. Not buying something you don't really need right now makes some sense. Things are uncertain, but the outlook isn't bleak. But it is difficult.

    Everyone needs to slow down, take breath and make the best decisions we can. Panic serves no one.

  • Yeah, was about to buy a new motorcycle, postponed it. I can escape to remote area on old one just fine (I am not even joking - things in the UK are getting worse daily).

    I'll be buying Kone as soon as this thing blows over, assuming I am still alive.

  • This will all blow over - personally I think it’s a tad overblown to begin with... but that’s just me. As previously said, depends on your personal set up - that said... you have to live life. Music gives me pleasure and allows me to escape the madness that is happening all around right now... and I think we need ways to relieve this stress in a positive way!

    The only reason I haven’t ordered is because there isn’t an active version available. When that becomes available it’s on!

  • My thoughts? If the world goes to sh%&. I want to be playing my guitar at full volume until to curtain drops.

    Seriously though, keep in mind that what we in the US, (and indeed most of the world) are doing right now, is really the best course of immediate action. If we had enough tests ready (like S. Korea for example) to test everyone in the country, we could be through the worst of it fairly quickly. Separate the few that are currently testing positive from the others, and the rest of the country could go on fairly normal. The problem that we have now is that we don't know who has the virus. So we must assume that everyone does, and apply these over the top methods. Like everything else, this too will pass.

  • I'll plan on a kab later in the year. I have a house three-quarters renovated and my wife just lost her job (due in part to this new world situation). I may very well be on a shelter in place order this week so we shall see how it goes. But my reward for my house reno (and maybe staying alive ?) will definitely be a PRS Vela and a Kabinet. Be well everyone.

  • I was going to buy a Kone but got laid off after 10 years in my management position for an oil and gas E&I company up in Canada. Sucks big time! Thought I’d ride this job out until retirement, now I’m 51 and looking for something else. Be smart is all I have to say.

  • I was going to buy a Kone but got laid off after 10 years in my management position for an oil and gas E&I company up in Canada. Sucks big time! Thought I’d ride this job out until retirement, now I’m 51 and looking for something else. Be smart is all I have to say.

    Super sorry to hear that Pat! Best of luck mate, you in Alberta?

  • There are no actual shortages of food or anything else, but people keep creating an artificial shortage in the stores by hoarding stuff they don't need. My mother lived through the Depression and WWII and nothing phases her now. She's 97 and not worried and neither am I. If the world would just use precaution and think the same way, it would get better quickly.

    I can't speak for your line of work; when business shuts down for a while, some people will be affected. Look at your savings and if you think your job will be affected, then make a decision to keep or return.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Quote

    . My mother lived through the Depression and WWII and nothing phases her now. She's 97 and not worried

    same with my parents..war,occupation,civil wars,military coups and migration..they don't fear anything..

    It is our (50 and younger)generation which is used to "security" and "convenience"..

    My father told me yesterday something very wise and true:Any "crisis" can be used to either loose your mind and do horrible things or ...doing something very useful.Discovering yourself, showing more live to your beloved people,making art..

    Now is the time for music.Get all the gear you really need(and not all stuff you want because of pure GAS) to make your(!!!) music because indeed maybe you will not be able to buy it tomorrow if money becomes (maybe) nothing else than additional toilet paper.If it really comes as bad as they tell us right now in the mass media we will have shit papers,food and medicine delivered by the governments(at least I hope so)..but I doubt they will care a lot for guitars and cabinets..

    And if (hopefully) after some weeks it turns out to be to much panic and overblown mass media bullshit..at least we had a few weeks for doing all the music we always wanted to do but never had the time for.I will happily close myself in the next week's in my home studio recording a lots of stuff with my KPAs..so happy to have all the gear I need now.For me making music with good gear expressing myself is never vanity.Rather a question of spiritual survival..I will not be useful to the ones I love in these hard times if I am all day in misery,out if balance and grumpy because I can't do the music I want.