studio profiles have the cab and mic "baked" in. better for studio monitors. Merged have the cab and mic separated, meaning you can load a different cab/speaker or Impulse response as they are called, used mostly for frfr or real guitar cab/speakers plus you can turn the cab "off" when using real guitar speakers. I use merged and DI for real guitar cab and speakers.
Posts by muleblues
What amps are these?
Can't wait for you to post it here!
muleblues: Wouldn't that LX (being tube power) compromise the the profiles and defeat the purpose? I've got a Fryette (VHT) 2/90/2 that I haven't even tried with the Kemper. It's really magic but I was thinking of selling it cause I don't want to haul it around anymore. I know literally anything would sound great out of it but was thinking it wouldn't present the profiles as authentically. Like playing a tube amp through a tube amp. Also the LX is a single mono isn't it? I'll get around to profiling the VHT before I ever sell it.
I am currently using the Fryette PS2. Its 50w 616 mono. The Lx II can be stereo at 50 or 100 mono. I find the SS poweramps have this overtone to the profile, digital on top of digital. I owned the SD powerstage and various class D,G poweramps/FRFR powered speaker. The closest, imho, of a tube feel with a SS is the orange pedal baby. It's a class A/B poweramp. I've watched videos of SS vs tube power amps, the tube always won out. I had to try it my self and loved it! Sure, the tube amp "colors" it a little, in a good way. Gives it a real amp feel, the way the pick bounces off the strings, it chugs! I would go back to a real tube amp before I use a SS power amp again.
For versatility, I'm digging the Kones in a 2x12 cab powered with a fryette PowerStation 616 tube power amp. For straight up rock/metal, love a 4x12 or 2x12 of V30's with the fryette.
what are you playing through?
get a fryette Lx. tube powered at 100w. nothing like it
I'm using a fryette ps2 with my toaster and a 4x12 cab. I know getting those tubes cooking helps with the sound for sure. I've been normally running it -13db and I end up cranking it up about 9-10 to compete with a mesa rectifier 1/2 stack. I'll try it out next practice.
Welcome! Let us know how it turns out
Definitely want to try the cameron profiles
¿Did ypu solve the problem? i have the same issue
I didn't "solve" anything actually. It magically went away (fingers crossed). Very strange. It was frustrating that rehearsing with the band and it would drop out and I'd have to unplug it and replug back in. Hope yours fixes itself.
Sorry for not getting back. I never received any correspondence from kemper via email or message . I've had the toaster for 2 yrs now and also bought it used. Updated to latest version, etc. Was thinking the input jack was getting wore out maybe? My issue was with the input was I'd be playing then it would randomly sound like it was pulled out just enough were the volume would drop and sound "transitory". I would pull it out all the way then plug it back in and it would be back to normal. I did try different cables, etc. Crazy thing is, it stopped doing it (jinxed) using same cables, everything. I don't know lol Thanks everyone.
Profile the Peavey with the Kemper and then return the Peavey. You will have both and extrasounds like he wants to pwer
sounds like he wants to use the peavey as a power amp.
I have a 2x12 with kones and a 2x12 with v30's. Going back and forth between the two. Should I get two more kones or v30's to have (2) 2x12 cabs and space them out. Real world problems
Thank you so much! I searched this forum and nothing came up.
unfortunately no. Contacted kemper service to see what they recommend, never replied.
I have been using the amp's profile volume to morph as a boost for solos, fills, etc. When my wah button is lit even though I have it set to "heel off" , I hit the button to morph, the wha gets activated, it starts to "wah" when my volume increases, then stops. It's annoying. I've used an eq in the X section previously to boost also, it did the same. My morph settings are under a second each, rise/fall. How does one use a volume boost with out activating the wah besides turning it completely off ? Btw, was hoping to less tap dance Ex: button to morph on remote, hit wah button on remote(when needed) then go to expression pedal if needed in solo. Hope this makes sense