Saving Rigs issue

  • greetings all. Been having fun playing on my new Kemper and decided to tweak and save a few rigs to use with my band. However when i save it randomly writes ofer a factory amp and i cant figure out how to save to user slots and next to eachother.

    If i destroy a factory rig it asks me the second tome if i want to overwrite the currest or not. Whenni say not. It saves the rig 20 or so choices away destroying yet another factory rig. Has anyone had this issue?

  • You may want to consider changing the Topic of your post to "Saving Rigs Issue" - In Kemper nomenclature, Presets are effect settings.

    If you are in Browse Mode, the Rig display order is dependent on your Sort choices (by name, date, author, etc.). The new Rigs are likely not overwriting existing rigs - they are being placed into the sort order, and existing rigs are being moved accordingly.

  • They are all “user” slots! You can edit, change, delete any Rig.

    The easiest way to keep the old Rig while saving an edited version is to just rename the new edited version, if you want it to appear beside the original one, just put a number/letter at the end of the original Rig name.


    Original Rig : CoolRig

    Edited Rig : CoolRig2

    Make sure you chose the option “Store As” and not Replace or Rename.

    Edited 2 times, last by drog (October 21, 2019 at 6:11 PM).

  • i am happy with the tones i am getting. I just need to learn how to organize my tones cause its time to take the powered toaster for its first real test drive. Also need to figure out how to set it up live. Need to decide if i get a non poweted frfr or use my powered carvin 12 w horn that i used to use w my axe.

  • Thank you for the help fellas.

    So maybe i didnt blow away the original amps. Thats good. I will do as suggested. Number the rigs. I need to get the foot controller so i can gig with this thing. Thst way i can set up performance mode.

    Cheers. Thanks again for the clarification. I just purchased fortin american classic pack and fortin meshuggah pack to try some pro made metal profiles. Until i can make good profiles on my own. That should get me started.

  • Justa couple of comments that might help on this early part of your Journey:

    1) For live either get the FCB1010 which is fairly cheap or invest in the remote

    2) once you set up performance mode, you'll find saving and changing rigs easy as they are specific to the performance

    3) For monitoring the world is your oyster. FRFR is good because it will effectively mimic the FOH sound, but some people don;t get on with it. I would suggets you try your carvin but make sure you audition your profiles through FRFR so you really know what they will sound like. The reason I say this is I used to use a guitar cab but when I went direct it sounded pants. That's because the guitar cab had smoothed out the sound so much, it masked duff profiles.

    4) Look at Morph - it will add additional flexibility live. have all my base sounds in one performance and use morph to add additional boost ( for example) just for riffs. I have a separate solo sound which I morph will extra delay and reverb for slow solo very well!

  • The CARVIN is a PA speaker so I am guessing it will be an honest representation of what will go to FOH. I can set up my profiles using that.

    Only thing is, I wanted to set up my speaker to act like an amp behind me. And then take the main out to the FOH, I just dont want to have to control the volume on the back of the powered PA, Maybe I should invest in a NON powered PA and run out of the POWER SUPPLY to the non powered PA speaker for my "amp" and then give the main outs to FOH? Just dont know which to try or what to buy.

    I am going to save up for the kemper foot controller for sure.

  • Have a look at the Output section of the Kemper and the great things it can do for you. You can configure it in a way that the Master Volume only works for your monitor out in order to control your stage FRFR while the FOH gets a fixed level which is predefined (and only to be changed via the Output section menu - but that should be no problem). The pro is that you can easily adjust your stage speaker volume then via the Master Volume knob.

    Kemper Remote by the way is a really great tool. Gives you so much more control and options.

  • im going to save up for the pedal to go with the toaster. Since my PA Speaker is powered, I prob wont be able to control its volume unless i reach behind it and grab the tiny controls on the back. thats a pain in the arse on a dark stage. Maybe i should get an Un powered pa and run out of th power amp out. or maybe i am misunderstanding you. do you mean I can set the main volume control to control Monitor out? thus can use my powered PA, then send the main outs to FOH??

  • do you mean I can set the main volume control to control Monitor out? thus can use my powered PA, then send the main outs to FOH??

    Yes, you can do that, with the Power Amp Out, or with the Monitor Out. They both share the same Output Menu controls.

    In the Output Menu, Un-Link the Main Outputs from the Master Volume.

    The Master Volume will still control any changes in the Power Amp or Monitor Output.

  • Yes, you can do that, with the Power Amp Out, or with the Monitor Out. They both share the same Output Menu controls.

    In the Output Menu, Un-Link the Main Outputs from the Master Volume.

    The Master Volume will still control any changes in the Power Amp or Monitor Output.

    Or, of using MIDI and want monitor volume control on the fly, assign an expression pedal to MIDI CC73 and increase monitor volume at will for easier controlled feedback etc ?

  • Justa couple of comments that might help on this early part of your Journey:

    1) For live either get the FCB1010 which is fairly cheap or invest in the remote

    2) once you set up performance mode, you'll find saving and changing rigs easy as they are specific to the performance

    3) For monitoring the world is your oyster. FRFR is good because it will effectively mimic the FOH sound, but some people don;t get on with it. I would suggets you try your carvin but make sure you audition your profiles through FRFR so you really know what they will sound like. The reason I say this is I used to use a guitar cab but when I went direct it sounded pants. That's because the guitar cab had smoothed out the sound so much, it masked duff profiles.

    4) Look at Morph - it will add additional flexibility live. have all my base sounds in one performance and use morph to add additional boost ( for example) just for riffs. I have a separate solo sound which I morph will extra delay and reverb for slow solo very well!

    Hi Bud, sorry for the necro bump, was hoping you could help. Just acquired a 1010 with eureka upgrade. All is fine apart from the inside expression pedal which doesn't cycle through the full midi note range. The outside pedal is set for volume and is fine. As I have a better expression pedal I can use for wah and pitch, I was hoping to use the inside pedal for morphing which it would work perfectly for with the reduced midi note range.

    When I try to programme it - (Bank 1, cc 11, it still only changes the wah on the kemper. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks

  • Have you calibrated the pedals in the Behringer menu?

    Hi Thanks for replying here, yes did this. From reading other stuff online it seems the flimsy plastic strip read by the optical sensor can be the problem. I can live with that if I could use it for morphing. But what is strange is even when I set that pedal to cc 11 it will only ever activate the wah.

    I wondered if I am missing a step in the programming, but don't think so as it's fairly straight forward.

    I can get around this with another expression pedal ( already have a Pigtronix pedal which works fine).

    Better still, might put a proper Kemper footswitch on my Christmas list :)