Too many rigs available

  • Is it just me or do most guitarists get stuck on auditioning so many different Rigs and hardly play any guitar??

    The upside is that when you're auditioning, you're playing, unless you employ a looper or DAW feed for this.

    I hear you, mate. Consider this 'though: If you keep getting stuck on Rigs for a while, they can't be bad-sounding or not fun to play, so it might be worth considering using those and ignoring the rest of the smorgasbord once in a while.

    Chasing Rigs is a never-ending rabbit hole 'cause they're being added to the Exchange and as commercial offerings as fast as you can properly audition them, and that's even if you've already tested everything in the Rig Exchange, which AFAIK, nobody's managed to do yet.

  • I wish there was more artist named rigs

    The only artist named rigs I care about are my own, cough cough :D

    In other words: I'm glad the Kemper Profiler ecosystem hasn't turned into a "my favourite shredder jukebox". Learn the characteristics of different amps / cabs / mics and get inspired by what you hear, not by a punchy name drop. If you want / need to cover famous songs, cover them your way, don't just try to copy someone you're not. Much more rewarding ;)

  • Is it just me or do most guitarists get stuck on auditioning so many different Rigs and hardly play any guitar?? Also , I wish there was more artist named rigs then name of the amps they would play.

    I have three employees that are instructed to narrow down the amount of rigs in Rig Exchange. So only the usable rigs remain and they present me the highlights of the new arrivals once every week. The hairy guy is playing "Bark at the moon" in a loop nonstop, while I have a listen with a cold drink in my hands.

    The three assistants also are instructed to vote down some of the worst AND some of the best profiles with 1-star ratings. Just to confuse the non-privileged average user.

    In the end I give each of the selected remaining rigs 2 seconds to completely convince me! That should be more than enough. Often I do not even hit a chord - I can tell apart good from evil by just scrolling through the rig list and listen to the weird noise some of them make while switching.

    On the other hand, I like rigs with nice names and tags without giving to much importance to the sound - like "Big Arsehall" (not on RE anymore).

    That is how Friedman sells all his amps. So rigs hitting under the belt - namewise - should never be ignored.

    (By the way a funny tag is on a Mattfig rig. Not joking. He tells you which mic is used. Model: Your mother).

    PS: I woke up this morning, just to figure out I only dreamed of the employees! I have already been surprised why they looked exactly like my wife, son and dog (the likable hairy guy with bad breath shredding "Bark at the moon"!) But none of them likes the Kemper in the real world, but hey... what a nice dream!

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (September 23, 2019 at 3:27 PM).

  • I definitely can see how all the rigs available can be daunting. I just got my Kemper last week and my OCD is kicking in hardcore. I'm thinking of moving all of the rigs onto the local library and a backup, delete them from the profiler and just have what I use. When I want to add more, preview from the local library, and add only what I want.

    Does anyone else do something like that?

    As for the names of players, I have some performances from MBritt that match specific songs. That was kinda cool, but I tend to fall on the side that I rather have the amp name. To each their own though. Cheers.

  • I'm thinking of moving all of the rigs onto the local library and a backup, delete them from the profiler and just have what I use. When I want to add more, preview from the local library, and add only what I want.

    Does anyone else do something like that?

    I am.

    I have close to 7000 profiles in my local library and keep about 50 on my unit.

    I often go through the library to find a specific tone for a song that fits in the mix.

  • I have close to 7000 profiles in my local library and keep about 50 on my unit.

    Same here. My Kemper is pretty clean in terms of rigs in it. I rather work with performances. Partly related to a song and partly related to specific (basic) sounds for jamming and multi-purpose (I could survive a gig with my three basic performances - but it is fun and way more sophisticated to use more).

    Typically I never select rigs in the Kemper directly. Doing all this with RigManager and Local Library (well organised) aside of it.

  • Is it just me or do most guitarists get stuck on auditioning so many different Rigs and hardly play any guitar?? Also , I wish there was more artist named rigs then name of the amps they would play.

    Would rather be auditioning good, faithful reproductions of amps than tweaking a zillion settings to make something sound like an amp. I’ve been down that route with previous gear... I find I play more now. Spent a little time on the rig exchange yesterday, called up a nice profile - tweaked it to my taste within seconds and played on it for most of the afternoon.