Posts by Slyman
I don't think so.
If this works well (I need to more testing) an amp pack that used to contain loads of different settings could be reduced to one good liquid profile per cab/mic and have more alternate mics or cabs for less time spent profiling.
Agreed 👍
Ok, so the weekend is finally here (yea!). Got some time and got liquid.
Took quite a bit of time since I was on 8.7 (did a backup), loaded 9, rebooted and made sure everything was still alright. Then loaded 10 beta.
First thing that happened was I found the same bug others have reported in that my output didn't work anymore. Also as others reported, removing my USB from the computer and rebooting the KPA fixed it (it is a beta after all).
I wasn't sure when all the discussion started how excited I really was about this update, but figured in theory it should make it easier to get good tones faster.
BOY WAS I RIGHT. I am stunned at how quickly I can take an old profile and tweak it now to a number of great tones without much effort at all!
I have always felt that the KPA was the easiest of the digital amps in the high end market to get a good tone out of, but LQP has made it WAY easier than it was before.
Further, it just seems like every rig that I work on just comes out better than I was ever able to get it before and with very little effort.
So here is my take:
What I thought was going to be an "eh" moment is actually the best firmware update (for me) since I bought the KPA in 2013. From an overall standpoint, my guitar tone is going to be more improved by this update than from any other update ever. Not because the KPA got better tone, but because it let me (someone who is not Michael Britt) get so much more out of a profile by tweaking it than I could before. To be clear, I don't think this will do anything for Mr. Britt since he is one of the most accomplished masters of getting good profiles out of the KPA on the planet. For the rest of us mere mortals, LQP is the biggest improvement in the KPA since its inception IMO. Of course, YMMV.
Now, I have to get back to my KPA and continue to create tweaks of my current list of favorite profiles. Fortunately, my wife and daughter are off in Chicago this weekend so I can make all the noise I want! :).
Thank you ckemper . Great update!
My thoughts exactly! 👍
Thanks for sharing.
Rig Manager se compose de deux sections distinctes - My Profiler (tout ce qui se trouve sur le Kemper ) et Local Library (disque dur de to PC/Mac)
Simplement te créer un sous dossier dans" All Presets - Local Library et glisses-y tes IR's. Pour les auditionner, simplement glisser un cab sur l'icone CAB dans la chaine d'effets.
Pour ta deuxíeme question, tous les amplis que tu installes directement sur le Kemper se retrouvent dans "My Profiler"" sur Rig Manager.
Je te conseille toutefois de les sauvegarder également dans All Rigs - Local Library - en créant tes propres sous dossiers.
Beam us up, Scotty!!!!!
I've used different interfaces and DAW's these past few years and I've always noticed a loss in tonal clarity with these headphone outs compared to the Kemper's HP output. I am now using an RME Babyface Pro which is by far the best box I've owned and still notice a difference. Nothing major, but it's there. I guess circuits/converters always affect the sound to a certain extent....and some more than others.
That said, the headphone output of the Kemper is top notch.
Just a thought...It could also be possible that your friend's amp is a real gem. If not already done, try profiling it and then compare....
Updating took a bit longer than usual, but everything went ok.
Only thing is that I'm now experiencing a lag when auditioning rigs with RM using the Left / Right arrows keys (Windows10).
Profiler takes about 2-3 seconds to react to the key stroke and change rigs.
Anyone else?
EDIT: After reinstalling following G-String's instructions above, all good now.
Running my non-powered KPA through a Headrush 112, using mostly TJ and MBritt profiles (clean to high gain) + Celestion IR's,
Sounds great with most profiles. I'll sometimes swap the cab with a Celestion IR or tweak the High and Low shift parameters in the cab section and
that usually gets me there pretty quickly.
Question: Why did you get a Headrush if you have a powerhead? As Clselby mentionned, a non-powered FRFR with the KPA amp would work best IMO.
Welcome and enjoy!!
Big Montreal Thanks to MaximeLajoie !!
Merci and Stay Safe!
To my knowledge, only 5 stomps with the FCB1010.
Unless someone found a way to use all 10 switches as stomps..............then please share!!!
The cab and how it was miced matter more. If a profile is good I sometimes try another cab and see if it suits me better.
Same here, but first I'll play with the High and Low Shift parameters in the cab section.
Great carving tools.
The Celestion Creambacks IR's are my go to cabs for instant gratification....
But often, instead of reaching for an IR, I'll simply dial in/out Low and High shift in the cab section.
You can make some magic happen right there.
I've tried some acoustic guitar IR's in the cab section (Taylor, Gibson and Martin)
Got some interesting results with some minor tweaking.
Of course you can. Click on the rig name on the right column and type whatever you want.
Love my tone junkie ones for sure
Their Chimera profiles are awesome with single coils.
Wow! Great to hear, Man!
Thanks for the clarification, HW!
Keep those profiles coming! (The recent 57`' & 69' Bandmasters are absolutely fantastic)