OS7 Public Beta Discussion

  • How can the same software be in a beta state for hardware A and in a release state for hardware B ?
    I would understand if hardware B was older than hardware A, so you could say that the software is beta for the new hardware because of the new features. But since as we know, the stage is the new hardware, this doesn't make any sense.

    The reasoning is that it was not possible to sell a device with only beta software, so they decided to call it release instead, but the stage is indeed sold with beta software. Which makes me think the stage release was rushed (for financial reasons ? ).

    Well, it is also possible that they did much more thorough rounds of internal testing for the 7.0 software against the new Stage hardware, than what the did/usually do on the Toaster/Racks for which they can also "outsource" big part of the testing to the big user-base willing to instal Beta releases.

    The release of the Stage may have been rushed or not, but as a new piece of hardware running complex software, it is not at all unthinkable that the first versions of the software will have bugs that the users will run into, that weren't found in the internal testing, and that these will be quickly solved.

    Regarding the different naming convention (Release vs. Beta) for what appears to be the same software, it makes sense when you consider that there is no 6.* version of the OS for the Stage to be considered the stable one. A beta release warns the user: "This is not the version that Kemper recommend that you have installed in your hardware for the most reliable performance. You should only go ahead and install this software if you can put up with running into a few bugs that you are likely to find. Otherwise you are better off staying with the latest stable release for now".
    For Stage users, the recommended version for the most reliable performance is the latest 7.0.x update, and there is no reason not to install them. Calling those Beta would actually be more confusing, and may prevent many users from updating. And this, in turn, could imply a longer time for bugs on the Stage to be found and subsequently fixed.

  • hi all, just updated my Kemper Stage and got the following issues

    • Master Volume not working - Volume not changing
    • none of the effects is working - from presets or if I assign them. All parameters can be changed but effect not audible
    • all profiles have a very bad, noisy, like a defect speaker

    any idea or someone having same issues

  • hi all, just updated my Kemper Stage and got the following issues

    • Master Volume not working - Volume not changing
    • none of the effects is working - from presets or if I assign them. All parameters can be changed but effect not audible
    • all profiles have a very bad, noisy, like a defect speaker

    any idea or someone having same issues

    check if the volume link for the outputs that you use for monitoring is activated in the output menu.

    Also check the output source setting for the outputs that you are using for monitoring. They should be set to Master Stereo or Master Mono to include the complete signal chain.

    Are you getting the noisy sound on any output including the headphones?

    Check the volume settings for the output that you use for monitoring. Maybe it is clipping your monitors.

  • Which makes me think the stage release was rushed (for financial reasons ? ).

    My 1st thought on this is that there were time restraints and contract dates to be met. And you meet those dates or else in the business world.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • check if the volume link for the outputs that you use for monitoring is activated in the output menu.

    Also check the output source setting for the outputs that you are using for monitoring. They should be set to Master Stereo or Master Mono to include the complete signal chain.

    Are you getting the noisy sound on any output including the headphones?

    Check the volume settings for the output that you use for monitoring. Maybe it is clipping your monitors.

    had to make a full reload of the new 7.0.8 release and seems to work noe

  • Hi - I'm new to the Kemper, and the forum :) nice to meet you all!

    I updated my toaster to the latest OS7 public beta last night - after several hours of playing with both the floor board connected as well as rig manager running on my MacBook, I ran into a weird glitch - on the assumption that the dev team is watching this thread, I thought it would be helpful to post my experience.

    • Everything seemed to be going fine for a few hours - but at one point, after switching rigs via the foot pedal, the screen on the foot controller froze, and no further changes would be recognized when tapping any of the buttons. The foot controller then attempted to reboot itself, and went into a repetitive up/down cycle where it would go dark, light up, the kemper loading screen came up, and then it would go dark again.
    • Next i noticed that the patch I was playing on suddenly dropped volume
    • I thought I'd try to power down, then power back up the toaster itself - when I flipped the knob to off... the unit stayed on and did not respond. The Toaster screen was frozen for another 30 seconds... and then shut off abruptly.
    • Powering the unit back on seemed to restore the unit to "normal" (at least for the last 30 minutes...)

    Apologies if this has been previously reported (I'm guessing it probably has), but extra data points are always a good thing ;)

    Thanks - and looking forward to participating in the forums!


  • Hi - I'm new to the Kemper, and the forum :) nice to meet you all!

    I updated my toaster to the latest OS7 public beta last night - after several hours of playing with both the floor board connected as well as rig manager running on my MacBook, I ran into a weird glitch - on the assumption that the dev team is watching this thread, I thought it would be helpful to post my experience.

    • Everything seemed to be going fine for a few hours - but at one point, after switching rigs via the foot pedal, the screen on the foot controller froze, and no further changes would be recognized when tapping any of the buttons. The foot controller then attempted to reboot itself, and went into a repetitive up/down cycle where it would go dark, light up, the kemper loading screen came up, and then it would go dark again.
    • Next i noticed that the patch I was playing on suddenly dropped volume
    • I thought I'd try to power down, then power back up the toaster itself - when I flipped the knob to off... the unit stayed on and did not respond. The Toaster screen was frozen for another 30 seconds... and then shut off abruptly.
    • Powering the unit back on seemed to restore the unit to "normal" (at least for the last 30 minutes...)

    Apologies if this has been previously reported (I'm guessing it probably has), but extra data points are always a good thing ;)

    Thanks - and looking forward to participating in the forums!


    Same thing just happened to me too !

  • Hi - I'm new to the Kemper, and the forum :) nice to meet you all!

    I updated my toaster to the latest OS7 public beta last night - after several hours of playing with both the floor board connected as well as rig manager running on my MacBook, I ran into a weird glitch - on the assumption that the dev team is watching this thread, I thought it would be helpful to post my experience.

    • Everything seemed to be going fine for a few hours - but at one point, after switching rigs via the foot pedal, the screen on the foot controller froze, and no further changes would be recognized when tapping any of the buttons. The foot controller then attempted to reboot itself, and went into a repetitive up/down cycle where it would go dark, light up, the kemper loading screen came up, and then it would go dark again.
    • Next i noticed that the patch I was playing on suddenly dropped volume
    • I thought I'd try to power down, then power back up the toaster itself - when I flipped the knob to off... the unit stayed on and did not respond. The Toaster screen was frozen for another 30 seconds... and then shut off abruptly.
    • Powering the unit back on seemed to restore the unit to "normal" (at least for the last 30 minutes...)

    Apologies if this has been previously reported (I'm guessing it probably has), but extra data points are always a good thing ;)

    Thanks - and looking forward to participating in the forums!


    Had the same EXACT experience! I found I had to paused between actuations of PRESET up or down. If I quickly pressed the remote button too soon, i could get it to freeze up as yours did.. Pulling the power chord or shutting down the UPS that mine is on allowed it to reinitialize the KPA.

  • I'm once again reverting to OS 6. Found a couple issues:

    1. I've tried copy/pasting rigs from my Browse pool into a Performance slot. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, The "fix" was to quit RM and re-start. This worked, but hardly convenient.

    2. In Performance mode changes to a rig in a slot sometimes takes, sometimes not. Morphing seems to be one of the areas this does not work. Just now I tried to save a performance and my Profiler hung up. It did seem to save my changes, but I had to switch to a different slot and them back in order to "un-hang" the performance. Again, sometimes it works, sometimes not.

    These are minor but annoying bugs. Too much trouble to try to build a performance when minor problems interfere.

  • I see a few people here with issues with the latest beta. But I haven’t noticed nearly as many gripes as of late. Has this latest beta felt pretty reliable for most? Just wondering why feedback seems to have lulled.

    I have an unpowered toaster on 7.0.8

    Admittedly I may not be the heaviest tinkerer, but I have 40+ performances and I switch to different rigs via bluetooth MIDI.

    No problems here.

  • I have an unpowered toaster on 7.0.8

    Admittedly I may not be the heaviest tinkerer, but I have 40+ performances and I switch to different rigs via bluetooth MIDI.

    No problems here.

    From this thread it seems the majority of the remaining bugs are from the Rig Manager users. I dont use RM, and the current 7.xxx betas have been reliable for me. I will however use RM once it becomes an editor though so glad they are taking their time with the PC comms stuff.