Performance Mode & Rig Manager - What the *******!!!??!?!?!?

  • I created one Performance today. It took me almost an hour.

    Yip! Welcome to the fabulous process of creating performances with the Kemper and Rig Manager. I've flat out given up on this process. Despite this being a glaring issue brought up by so many people, nothing has been done about it (yet). I still haven't had time to post a video showing how mind-numbingly clumsy this process is, but hopefully I'll get around to it this week so the people at Kemper can see exactly how messed up this thing is. Until this is fixed, Rig Manager is basically the electronic version of a paper weight for me.

  • Quote

    Until this is fixed, Rig Manager is basically the electronic version of a paper weight for me.

    Oh I find RM invaluable as a bank and depository for my most priceless profiles, but I agree that the Performances part isn't worth the hassle in its current form. I very quickly gave up and went back to editing on the KPA directly.

  • That's true. It does deserve credit for being a nice way to store and test profiles. I don't really use it for that much because I've got my main core of profiles that I use now and haven't needed to audition many in a while.

  • Any change you make to a rig in a Performance slot must be saved before you move to the next slot, otherwise those changes are lost. I understand this is just the way it is, but I must have hit that Save button about 1,000 times today. It would be nice for any and all changes to be saved in a buffer somewhere so the only time you need to save is when you are completely done editing the Performance.

    I learned a workaround for this: only change slots with the [rig] KPA buttons on the Kemper - not the remote stomps. Changes will be preserved until you finally save. Not the wholy grail yet, but at least one can compare basic stuff like volume and such.between slots.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • only change slots with the [rig] KPA buttons on the Kemper - not the remote stomps

    Thanks, this is what I do. But my changes were not preserved. I will have to go back and try again. It's possible amidst all the switching and saving and assigning of stomps I inadvertently switched rigs with the Remote.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I just read this entire thread.
    I am waiting for my remote to arrive. All I want to do is load 5 rigs into Performance #1 with the effects it has attached to each rig, in one action. At this point, I don't even want to be able to turn effects off or on.

    I have no home computer, and cannot access Rig Manager, so I have no understanding of what the majority of you are going through.
    I will not update to 4.06 yet as I cannot update from 3.201 to 3.3 even after many attempts with a brand new flash drive.

    I just ordered a Matrix VB 800 amp and NL-12 cab to use with my Kemper. If you all are going through Kemper hell with what you are doing and know about computers, I know that I'm in BIG trouble already.

  • Don't misunderstand, the Kemper is AMAZING. The Rig Manager software that comes with it is one of the VERY few things I don't like about the Kemper. And it's not all of Rig Manager. For me, it's just the way in works when trying to arrange performances (which, can be done other ways too).

    For your update, did you reformat the USB stick the way it needs to be done? This is in the reference manaual. That may be part of your problem. You can't just plug a USB stick in and go.

  • Don't misunderstand, the Kemper is AMAZING. The Rig Manager software that comes with it is one of the VERY few things I don't like about the Kemper. And it's not all of Rig Manager. For me, it's just the way in works when trying to arrange performances (which, can be done other ways too).

    Yep. This. Rig Manager is great as a library for storing and previewing rigs. Its strength is not Performance management... yet. :)

    I suspect (and hope, and pray) that Kemper will eventually come through with a brilliantly designed and fully functional software application that will be an awesome rig editor and performance manager.

    Regardless, this is absolutely not a show stopper for me. I bought the Kemper before I even knew of Rig Manager and I love the darn thing.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I like to use Rig Manager to load the Rigs into the Performances on my KPA when I am creating them. All ll it takes is a double click :)

    Thats what I do too.
    Dead easy creating new performances in RM. Just copy & paste the performance, then I copy & paste the rigs I need into each slot (Intro, crunch, lead, etc).

  • I just read this entire thread.
    I am waiting for my remote to arrive. All I want to do is load 5 rigs into Performance #1 with the effects it has attached to each rig, in one action. At this point, I don't even want to be able to turn effects off or on.

    I have no home computer, and cannot access Rig Manager, so I have no understanding of what the majority of you are going through.
    I will not update to 4.06 yet as I cannot update from 3.201 to 3.3 even after many attempts with a brand new flash drive.

    I just ordered a Matrix VB 800 amp and NL-12 cab to use with my Kemper. If you all are going through Kemper hell with what you are doing and know about computers, I know that I'm in BIG trouble already.

    If you follow the instructions in the Manual, you will be able to create your Performance :)

  • Thank you, one and all.
    I am looking forward to doing this.

    Question: If I load in my performance without the remote, when the remote arrives, will it see the loaded performance, and just let me use it right away?

    Thank you.

  • As regards the Profiler showing name editing performed via RM, try and double-click on the performance's name in RM after the fact. It works here.

    Apart from this, 100% agree the whole process should be more straightforward.

  • Nope, this thread is not obsolete. Trying to load a performance using RM is an absolute shit show. Rigs would scramble or disappear when loaded one the RM, then saved on the KPA. The fact that this thread was able to help me though this bullshit, and saved me from wasting an additional hour, and near level frustration the original poster shared with us, may hopefully motivate you folks to address this issue. I've not had this unit long, and thought I was somehow my lack of experience fucking it up...

    NOPE! All you.