FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • This is not new behavior in 4.0 - Performance Mode has always worked this way. You can edit all the slots in a Performance without saving, but you must Save the Performance before switching to another Performance.

    Hi, it was I what thought and i was pretty sure that every slot kept all changing (gain,volume, reverb mix etc...) even if i change between slot to adjust to the place i'm playing in.

    Now when I tweak a slot, go to another and return to ear the tweaked one, the slot returned to the original setting.

    Is there a way to make it again autosaved tweak of slot of a performance ?

  • Is it just me, but like 4.0.3 .... 4.0.4 is very laggy / clunkywhen doing deep'er editing ...... sometimes too even when just scrolling through rigs ....

    .... and yeah .... boot time is still really r e a l l y r e a l l y s l o w ......... just as bad/slow as 4.0.3 [ ~01m 10s ]

  • Is it just me, but like 4.0.3 .... 4.0.4 is very laggy / clunkywhen doing deep'er editing ...... sometimes too even when just scrolling through rigs

    It's not just you. I finally upgraded to 4.0.4 last week and gave it a run at a last nights show. Our setlist got all screwed up due to audience requests, so I had to do a lot of jumping around the performance mode list (using the KPA remote). I really thought the unit had frozen several times when hopping up and down the list by several songs. No sound problems, and after waiting for several seconds it shows me what performance I am on, but I admit this really needs to be addressed. Even if it just showed the performance number change while tapping through the banks (while the performance name was being recalled) would give me much more confidence the unit hasn't locked up on me, and give me some idea where I am.

  • Also, had some delays doing weird things last night. One of my delays (used as an intro with just me playing so I have nowhere to hide!) the mix was totally wet until I changed to another profile then back to the delayed profile, then it was the correct wet/dry mix. Very strange. I just spent an hour tinkering and was able to reproduce the issue several times.

    Reinstalling 3.3.0 now. Running the 4.0.4 beta live was a bold experiment, but imo it's not quite bug free enough to be a keeper at the moment.

  • Running 4.0.4 and had a total freeze on both the profiler and pedal. It happened when using the pedal to change rigs in performance mode. The pedal went into some kind of sleep mode, it went dark and a while led in the bottom right of the pedal slowly changed brightness, suggesting sleep, similar to what a Mac does. I hit the bottom right switch on the pedal, it tried to wake up but eventually went back to sleep mode. The profile's leds and LCD were still on, but it refused to respond to knobs. Had to restart the machine.

    Before the freeze, 4.0.4 responded slow on interactions. When turning a knob I noticed that the audio would change, but the display was seriously lagging.

  • Also, had some delays doing weird things last night. One of my delays (used as an intro with just me playing so I have nowhere to hide!) the mix was totally wet until I changed to another profile then back to the delayed profile, then it was the correct wet/dry mix. Very strange. I just spent an hour tinkering and was able to reproduce the issue several times.

    Reinstalling 3.3.0 now. Running the 4.0.4 beta live was a bold experiment, but imo it's not quite bug free enough to be a keeper at the moment.

    Hi, fw 4.0.3 changed delay settings, but only for one of my fav deleays. The delay sounds wet and it appears only in the stomp section, not in a rig where it is stored under fw 4.0.3.
    I opend the rig where it sounds original and stored it again. This solved the problem .


  • Running 4.0.4 and had a total freeze on both the profiler and pedal. It happened when using the pedal to change rigs in performance mode. The pedal went into some kind of sleep mode, it went dark and a while led in the bottom right of the pedal slowly changed brightness, suggesting sleep, similar to what a Mac does. I hit the bottom right switch on the pedal, it tried to wake up but eventually went back to sleep mode. The profile's leds and LCD were still on, but it refused to respond to knobs. Had to restart the machine.

    Before the freeze, 4.0.4 responded slow on interactions. When turning a knob I noticed that the audio would change, but the display was seriously lagging.

    I had something like that also with other 4.* betas. Often I thought it was connected to using the looper to check out different rigs and save settings while having the looper still up and running but other times it also happened just outta nowhere. Overall the unit seems quite slow and lags at different points at this state of beta. What also bugs me is that changing things like the main eq or gain or volume isn't that responsive. Sometimes it seems like the device wouldn't recognize that I'm turning knobs and then jumps from i. E. 5.0 gain to 6.0 instantly with some serious lag.

    What I want to know is: Do all of you guys experience that and think at the moment the device is much slower compared to 3.3?

    And maybe a Kemper guy could answer if this lag issue will be addressed before the first stable 4.* comes out. Or in other words: I want to know if the device reached its limits or if the lag is due to software issues.

    I'm not complaining and I'm aware that it is beta and everything is fine. I'm just curious! :D

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • Hi, it was I what thought and i was pretty sure that every slot kept all changing (gain,volume, reverb mix etc...) even if i change between slot to adjust to the place i'm playing in.

    Now when I tweak a slot, go to another and return to ear the tweaked one, the slot returned to the original setting.

    Is there a way to make it again autosaved tweak of slot of a performance ?

    While you are editing a Performance you should either switch Slots manually (Rig Navigation Cross) or store the Performance before moving to another Slot. As soon as you load another Slot via Remote or MIDI, former edits are interpreted as temporary tweaks during a live Performance and completely withdrawn. This has been the logic since the early days of Performance Mode.

    You will find related highlighted notes in the chapter "Performance Mode" of the Reference Manual.

  • Before the freeze, 4.0.4 responded slow on interactions. When turning a knob I noticed that the audio would change, but the display was seriously lagging.

    I've seen this on all the 4.* betas. It makes editing difficult, especially where you have to use a knob to select a specific value (e.g., program change # output). I really hope this is addressed in the final release.

  • I am kinda gutted to hear that midi switching in browse mode has become slower in 4.x.x. It was already on the border of "just tolerable" in 3.0.2.

    I have no idea about midi switching (my FCB has been in a dark corner since I got the Remote), but with the Remote, it is only the display/LEDs that lag. The sound switches just as fast as it always did.