FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • thanks sambrox for help, i set clean sense to -1 and Distorsion sense to -3, noise gate from 2.2 to 3.2 and it helps

    what what´s curious for me is the pure cabinet Feature, i don´t know how to set them right, in the Manual they write for metal stuff set them low to 3, for rock blues stuff set the high like 10

    i made a short pure cabinet test:
    1. without pure cabinet (set them to off)
    2. set to 3
    3. set to 10

    what do you guys prefer?

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    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • For me its #1 because its clearer than the other ones. I mostly dont use pure cab, because the pro profifes are made without pure cab and i wont change what good sound guys like guido and sinmix have created.
    Sometimes i use pure cab for clean profiles but never for gainy ones.
    But as i have written in another threat, some guys here and me too have requested pure cab storeable in the cab section per rig. This would be a great feature imho.


  • I vote for #2 as well. But in the mix #3 could sound better, you can't judge a tone by itself, unless you're going to use it solo.

    Also, keep in mind that PC is adaptative, that is its behaviour changes depending on the rig. IOW, applying it to a different ring will give you different results.
    In a next release PC will be turned into a "per rig" parameter rather than a global one. So, meanwhile, if you like what it does to your tones, experiment a bit with the rigs you like or use most, and find a mean value ;)

    I mostly dont use pure cab, because the pro profifes are made without pure cab and i wont change what good sound guys like guido and sinmix have created.

    Interesting... this approach would seem perfect to me when you and the author use the same monitoring system, but this is not always the case...
    OTOH, I've always tweaked my sounds\amps\modellers to adjust for my instrument, for the mix, for monitor\PA... it wouldn't seem an issue to me? :)

  • It s my main rig from mbritt called custodian 6 or so.

    I use it always for live gigs. Second player has a mesa amp. Works together fine in the mix

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • Pure cab is meant to eliminate the sound of the mic and room from the profile, i.e. make your FRFR speaker sound closer to the amps speaker. It's more effective on some profiles than others, I assume because any profile could use a mic with a different frequency response to the model. My advice is to treat it as an effect rather than a rule to follow and use your own ears.

  • The thing with Pure Cab is that most of my profiles are from the emulator out of my JMP1 and they don't need to be "de-microphned". So untill it's per-rig basis
    PC is useless to me.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • In PM - I have my presets configured (by default, with a few effects turned off but assigned to switches on the remote).
    When I engage an effect or two, normally, I'll just step on the preset button again to jump back to the default settings (all effects off) --- but now it doesn't appear to be doing that.
    Is there a setting that I need to change with the new firmware?

    Also, it seems like switching happens fairly quick but the lag time of the remote to display the changes is very slow.

  • I've noticed the following: big lag in switching when using the up and down "bank" in performance mode. It's like hit up switch then 2,3,4 then next rig appears when rehearsing and switching say from bank 45 and need to go up to bank 50 big lag. Prior it seemed very simultaneous. Anyone else see this?

    yes, neither bank- nor Slot-Change acts without delay.

  • I recently updated to 4.02 and have noticed a huge lag when switching between performances and even between some patches in the same performance. I will stick with it for now and hope an update comes soon. A lot of my delay setting are messed up now which isn't that much of a surprise since a lot was done with the delays. I have also noticed that changing the delay mix on one patch in a performance seemed to affect the delay mix in another patch. Could have been something else though so I am not sure about that one yet.

  • I recently updated to 4.02 and have noticed a huge lag when switching between performances and even between some patches in the same performance. I will stick with it for now and hope an update comes soon. A lot of my delay setting are messed up now which isn't that much of a surprise since a lot was done with the delays. I have also noticed that changing the delay mix on one patch in a performance seemed to affect the delay mix in another patch. Could have been something else though so I am not sure about that one yet.

    Is your kemper connected with your computer and RigManager is running? If RM is running I have also a delay as you said.