Any word on 4.0 yet?

  • I would LOVE to have to have 2 delays,,I hope we will be able to put 2 back to back,,always had 2 ,, or more on my pedal board,giged last night with the kemper,, flawless, great tone,sound man again came up and gave me thumbs up,,So much nicer then being asked to turn down,,,,
    Happy Easter all, thanks for all the help,

  • People have been asking for more flexible placement of delays (before amp/etc ) less opaque parameter editing (delays I'm looking at you) and basics like spring reverb for a while now. Years in fact.

    To some this isn't important. Personally I think it covers some essential basics for most gigging, studio and pro guitarists.

    it is simply taking too long in my opinion.

  • I don't understand the ''change of direction'' Kemper is suppose to take, I mean, when I got my KPA in 2012 it was already an ''all in one'' guitar processor and it still is...

    Adding new quality FXs is a very good move from the Kemper team since most of the critisisms have always been about this part of the device.

    I understand that for some dual amps capacity is a desirable feature but I doubt that it will be possible before the releasing of a completely new hardware.

  • I don't understand the ''change of direction'' Kemper is suppose to take, I mean, when I got my KPA in 2012 it was already an ''all in one'' guitar processor and it still is...

    Adding new quality FXs is a very good move from the Kemper team since most of the critisisms have always been about this part of the device.

    I understand that for some dual amps capacity is a desirable feature but I doubt that it will be possible before the releasing of a completely new hardware.

    My guess as well.

  • I don't understand the ''change of direction'' Kemper is suppose to take, I mean, when I got my KPA in 2012 it was already an ''all in one'' guitar processor and it still is...

    I read this I believe in 2012 or 2013 and you can still find it in the FAQ in this forum:
    " We have plans to add models of original passive tone stacks of popular amps; these can be chosen for profiling the corresponding tube amp and will give you the sound of your original tone controls at any position."

    This didn't happen yet! so yes, I see a change of direction driven by perceived market demand as OneEng1 stated. Clearly there are more vocal community asking for "all in one". My guess would be that this could be false market research as the KPA was demonstrated as a profiler. I bought it mainly for the AMP profiling and didn't care about any of the effects but was pleasantly surprised that it had good quality effects.

    My guess is that the majority of the owners who don't even participate or log in the KPA forum.could care less about anything else except for the profiling and profiles of amps. For recording, it's very rare that anyone records reverb and delay and for live, it can be treated exactly like an amp by using external effect from TC , line 6, roland etc.

  • I read this I believe in 2012 or 2013 and you can still find it in the FAQ in this forum:
    " We have plans to add models of original passive tone stacks of popular amps; these can be chosen for profiling the corresponding tube amp and will give you the sound of your original tone controls at any position."

    This didn't happen yet! so yes, I see a change of direction driven by perceived market demand as OneEng1 stated. Clearly there are more vocal community asking for "all in one". My guess would be that this could be false market research as the KPA was demonstrated as a profiler. I bought it mainly for the AMP profiling and didn't care about any of the effects but was pleasantly surprised that it had good quality effects.

    My guess is that the majority of the owners who don't even participate or log in the KPA forum.could care less about anything else except for the profiling and profiles of amps. For recording, it's very rare that anyone records reverb and delay and for live, it can be treated exactly like an amp by using external effect from TC , line 6, roland etc.

    A pretty wild guess at that. I think the forum is a pretty good representation of what users want. The idea of this silent majority who don't care about fx (but want estoric features instead) is pretty speculative. I think the opposite of what you have said is more likely.

    I believe most of us want an all in one quality unit that satisfies all our amp AND fx needs, it is the guitarist's idea of utopia for ease of use and sound quality. Heavy pedalboards, noise, spaghetti patch cables and bulky power supplies can take a running jump.

  • A pretty wild guess at that. I think the forum is a pretty good representation of what users want.....

    Not as wild as you might think. If I have to go by the number of KPA owners who actively post in this forum, there are usually ten to 20 users at most in the busiest of days logged in this forum whenever I log in. they're usually the same few members! There are thousands of KPA owners that probably don't even read this forum.

    Consider this thread, it was started on March 10 (over two weeks ago), there's as of this post 146 replies by probably less than ten-20 members, This is probably the most active thread for the last month!! I personally would hardly consider, this to be truly representative of anything except an indication of what the most vocal owners wants. I haven't received a survey request from Kemper , so unfortunately I think they probably adopt the opinion that this forum is representative of what owners want. I'm surprised that emails aren't sent to every registered owner to participate in a survey at a minimum. Clearly there's not a pressing need as the KPA is still selling very well as a profiler, not as "all in one". It's implied in the name "Kemper profiling Amp" not Kemper "Guitar Workstation"

    It would make life a lot easier if you can actually be certain that this forum is a good representation of the user base.
    My personal guess is, this forum or any product forum is hardly a true representation of the what the users want. Unfortunately companies put more weight on the forums than they should in my opinion because they're somewhat stuck with this minority who, if they turn sour, can detrimentally affect the marketing tremendously even though they truly are a minority.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (March 28, 2016 at 4:49 AM).

  • I actually believe that Kemper look to their professional users first to gauge what new features to give priority to. People that use the machine day in day out and are reliant on it for their livelihood. Let's face it, most of the registered forum users are semi pro at best, whereas those folks that spend hours everyday with their KPA are more likely to feel where it's lacking. Features that are need to have rather than nice to have. The price tag of the unit means that only the most affluent bedroom players can afford one, whereas touring artists, recording studios and session musicians are likely to have/need more than one, making that demographic their core target audience.

  • I can give you my opinion:

    Rarely used or would rarely use:

    - Pure Cab (changes the sound too much)
    - upcoming fancy delays (I'll probably never use these)
    - built in audio interface (I find asking for this is ridiculous, why anyone would need this is a mystery)
    - deep editing controls. It's good that they are there but I can't recall spending more than 3 minutes tweaking a rig, ever. Usually front panel EQ works well enough.
    - external editor only if I had to move my Kemper out of reach of my arm.

    I'll likely use morphing.

    What I'd definitely welcome:
    - 25% price drop on remote :)

    I'd very much like to see amp specific tone stacks though, but it's not something I can't live without.

    If KPA had only profiling and no effects I'd still buy it and pay the same price. Which is an "issue" because I'll never buy a modeller again unless there is a massive advancement in profiling technology, which is frankly hard to imagine. As funny as it sounds I think CK just nailed it first time. I don't think Kemper has any Kemper II head/rack development in the pipeline, they might have a floorboard version though (which I am not interested in).

    Edited 4 times, last by mdeeRocks (March 28, 2016 at 10:41 AM).

  • Clearly there's not a pressing need as the KPA is still selling very well as a profiler, not as "all in one". It's implied in the name "Kemper profiling Amp" not Kemper "Guitar Workstation"

    Dean with respect I am not sure I see your points. Because it isn't called 'Guitar Workstation' or similar we shouldn't expect particular features related to FX? I don't agree with this. There are many guitar all in one units which don't have highly descriptive names. In fact many names are oblique.

    Ultimately you have to look at the market and the marketing to decide what is expected of a product. There is no doubt this was marketed as an amp profiler and FX unit combined - competing with Axe FX and similar units in that market. So why not make it the best all in one unit it can be?

    You could argue that the people on the forum don't represent most users. But even if that were the case, there isn't anything to say that those outside the forum don't want improvements to the bread and butter features like FX and routing.

    Dean I appreciate you have your own opinion but I think the situation you describe is unlikely.

  • Top flight Amps, top flight FX, top flight interface with minimal set up time and weight. That's what attracted me to Kemper. Their continued commitment to improving on amp features, FX and user interface both with firmware updates and development of the remote is what keeps me from buying other gear.
    I am patient and will be grateful when 4.0 arrives. Kemper have done a good
    job so far. They can never please all the people all the time!

  • Call it as you like.

    For me the Kemper is all I need for live perfomance.
    I can carry the whole equipment at once. (Kemper in one hand, Monitor in the other and the guit at the back.)
    I will get improvements without any costs.
    And that for a fraction of the money that I have paid in the past for different amps, effects and cabinets.

    Call it as you like - I do not have a name for this, because I've never had a gear like this before. :)

  • Call it as you like.

    For me the Kemper is all I need for live perfomance.
    I can carry the whole equipment at once. (Kemper in one hand, Monitor in the other and the guit at the back.)
    I will get improvements without any costs.
    And that for a fraction of the money that I have paid in the past for different amps, effects and cabinets.

    Call it as you like - I do not have a name for this, because I've never had a gear like this before. :)

    Same as that , I can walk into a gig and be ready to go in about 2 minutes with the remote and KPA , guitar and monitor all in 1 go. Also, with the best and most versatile guitar sound I've ever had...... its a no-brainer really

  • @Dean_R
    What was the KPA designed for?
    So we can quit carrying amps and big cabs around I believe is a big part of it.
    That and the ability to have access to many different amps.
    The same could definitely be said for effects. Lighten the load and mess.

    Take a look at your KPA. There is a reasonable amount of real estate and menu space used for effects.
    I don't believe it is intended to be just a profiler.
    If it came with no effects, I probably would have never bought it.
    Although I was a bit disappointed in some of the effects .
    I must admit that I assumed it would come heavier in this department.

    I for one would love to have it all in one box. I am a home player but I really have no love for effect pedals and all of the cords everywhere. The more that they can cram in one device the better.

  • I don't have the data, but my guess is that the majority of those who bough the KPA bought mainly for the amp modeling and weren't focused on effects.

    If you think of it the other way, you might know what I mean. If the KPA had all these slots for effects and had great effects,but didn't have the profiling capability, as much as I hate to say it, I really doubt that it would have been a viable product. Meaning without profiling the KPA, wouldn't even exist. Again, not because the effects aren't good, but because the effect market is so saturated with very many and good enough contenders.

    The last thing that guitarists need are more companies making effects, but no one has good profiling. BIAS are trying and they can catch up soon, so why not focus more on maybe the ability to use Stomp Drives and Distortions profiles at the same time as Amp profile. I know many say it can't be done but I don't believe that. Drive boxes shouldn't require the same horse power as Amp Profiles. How would you like a KPA that let's you play any tube amp, and put any profile of any drive box ever made? I'd like a lot better than getting all the additional reverbs and delays.

  • I don't have the data, but my guess is that the majority of those who bough the KPA bought mainly for the amp modeling and weren't focused on effects.

    If you think of it the other way, you might know what I mean. If the KPA had all these slots for effects and had great effects,but didn't have the profiling capability, as much as I hate to say it, I really doubt that it would have been a viable product. Meaning without profiling the KPA, wouldn't even exist. Again, not because the effects aren't good, but because the effect market is so saturated with very many and good enough contenders.

    The last thing that guitarists need are more companies making effects, but no one has good profiling. BIAS are trying and they can catch up soon, so why not focus more on maybe the ability to use Stomp Drives and Distortions profiles at the same time as Amp profile. I know many say it can't be done but I don't believe that. Drive boxes shouldn't require the same horse power as Amp Profiles. How would you like a KPA that let's you play any tube amp, and put any profile of any drive box ever made? I'd like a lot better than getting all the additional reverbs and delays.

    I'm not saying it won't work, nor would it be welcome but the issue I foresee here is the way that a real drive box interplays with a real amp. I'm not overly fond of the phrase 'snapshot' used to describe profiling but there's something in it that rings true. Profiling a drive pedal won't likely capture the way the knobs on it function individually nor collectively and I'm not entirely sure that it will lead to the results we'd all expect.

    In comparison, Line 6 aim to make their models behave entirely like the device being modelled (and I'm not going to go into whether they achieve that or not) with all the inherent quirks and I think that it would be incredibly interesting to see if a profiled drive pedal will be that usable given that it will have been set to sound good into the amp it's feeding. Change the settings on the amp or put the same pedal with the same settings into another amp and it won't be such a tale. So with that profiled drive pedal, you're likely to have to significantly change the settings on it to suit the amp profile being used, moving quickly away from the tones that the real article might be able to produce.

    Would that still satisfy Kemper users?