Pacocito and all,
Thank you very much for helping.
Let me conclude what we have in our hands:
- Pacocitos second clip where everything sounds alright.
- The corresponding DI track that was taken without the Profiler.
- Pacocitos first clip that sounds absolutely horrible. As said, there is a constant comb filter like a flange on it.
- The corresponding DI track is not on Sound Cloud anymore, still it would be interesting to listen to it.
- Our support has received DI tracks taken by the Profiler, that does not reveal this flanger sound. However, these were different takes.
- No other clip posted reveals such a flanger sound.
- We have Trazans clips where he successfully attemps to recreate the sound impression of the OPs clips in question.
- We have no clip of the Profiler changing the tone from time to time.
- MentaL has offered him to reamp his dry track. No answer yet.
Some days ago our support has received a DI track and a processed track from the OP that would show a fault. I cannot tell if it was ever posted on this thread, since the OP has deleted most clips from his Soundcloud page by whatever reason. However, theses tracks consisted of well played single notes as well as some power chords. Both DI and processed clip didn't reveal any anormalies, they sounded flawless. There was some natural fret buzz on the power chords, but that should not be the problem. I would appreciate if the OP would put them on Soundcloud so everybody could check them.
If there was something wrong with the hardware, it would easily be noticable by everybody. A bad connection or a broken component would make a DI track sound like a mess, as a guitar signal is tremendously sensitive to even the smallest signal faults.
We are happy to help, so OP load up these clips again!
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Well. Cool.
This is all I asked for from the word go. Some help. From The Kemper team.
This all was so unnecessary. To get to this point.
I did not want to be on trial in front and by all of my peers. I would have been happy just dealing with this through the proper channels.
Yes I feel I have been put on trial by some here. Some have been very decent and seemed legit and sincere.
Some have been far from sincere.
Yet others were like a pendulum. Acting like they were with me for a post or two and then come back accusingly just to flip back friendly again. That to me is the definition of a troll for sure.
I will not give names. You would surely know who you are.
The only good thing I got from Burkhard Dinnie ( In my mind anyways) was in a nutshell to deal with him and not mix or compare anything on the forum. I DEFINITELY understand this even more now but....
I did try this and I got nowhere. So frustration kicked in and now I end up even more frustrated. Feel like a rag doll being pulled apart from all appendages at once with daddy looking down from above not stepping in to help. If anything, feeding the fire instead of pulling me aside and putting things back on track. PM or email.
I don't know Burkhard but I would prefer help from someone else.
I quickly read through the latest posts. Not sure if I got it down right.
Was somebody talking of my technique or somebody else's? This thread has been overlapping with others issues. I can't keep up. As I imagine others are getting lost here too.
If it was about my technique-
What technique ? They were simple single notes. Intentionally!
1. It was my guess that analyzing would be easier with a single note not being interfered with by others
blending in. Make sense? I think so. I could do some power chords or what have you but distortion in
In power chords will mask some of what I hear. Although they do not sound like they should either.
2. I also am not here to audition for anybody. Besides, I wanted my technique to not come in question.
There is no doubt it would happen. My technique does not change anyway. Unlike the sound of my KPA.
As far as picking hard. Once again I intentionally did not. Tried to keep it to ring as clear as possible as not to add yet another element.
As for deleting the older SoundCloud clips. Yes I did because it was getting messy. I was getting confused with what was what any more. Who was talking about what recording and all. I didn't think it would drag out like this.
All that is on there now is what I recorded directly from guitar into recorder.
Ok, enough of these wall of words posts. I just do not want to deal with this through the forum any more.
I shouldn't have to. At this point I will no longer.
For all of those that truly tried to help without being sarcastic, demeaning or accusatory, I truly appreciate your interest and help.
I just kindly ask that the Kemper team please email me with exactly what they would like from me.
They know what I am working with recording wise and all.
What rig. How to record. Through what.
The first DI and Main channel recordings I first sent had the issue but comparing them now, they were not as bad. This thing changes in severity. It has gotten way worse but I never know what to expect from one startup to the next.
If it is hardware, software, input, output, or settings I do not know. I just know what I hear. Night and day.