Public Beta 3.1.0

  • If you run your KPA through a power amp and a guitar cabinet, there's no use for the Pure Cabinet option - this is meant as am improvement of a miced cab simulation into the PA or linear speakers.
    For those who prefer the "Pure Miced" sound - just don't touch the Pure Cabinet button and you're fine.
    For those who mostly use metal scooped high gain stuff, the addendum explicitly mentions that they are likely to prefer lower settings on Pure Cabinet (or leave it turned off - as I may add).


  • I think i discovered a bug in 3.1.

    I mainly use 4 rigs... 1 completely clean (gain all the way down), 3 with different gain amounts.

    When switching through my rigs on the kpa: perfect: I LOVE pure cabinet!...
    BUT: When switching with my midi-controller from a drive-rig to the clean-rig, it sounds awfully dull... all the drive-rigs sound right.
    If i load the clean rig on the kpa-panel: it sounds like it should .. sparkle is there! .. now: if i switch to any of my drive-rigs (from the clean) with my midi-controller: waaaayyy too harsh!!! like all treble and presence all turned up... if i keep on switching from my midi-controller: no way to get it sound right (just the clean-rig sounds right).
    I have to switch to a drive-rig on the kpa-pannel: now it seems like the KPA is in "drive-rig-mode"... all the drive-rigs sound good, the clean one way to dull...

    feels like the KPA knows a "clean mode": all the clean-rigs sound right, the drive rigs way to harsh... and a "drive mode": all the drive-rigs sound good, the clean ones way to dull.... the KPA gets the change from a drive rig to a clean rig by switching on the panel. It doesn't get the change from drive to clean (or vice versa) when using a midi controller..

    All of this happens in the browse mode.

    In the performance-mode: no problem at all... but i don´t want to use the performance mode!
    Anyone can reproduce that behavior?


  • please make a backup and send it to support with this description.


  • Listening more...and one setting does not necessarily work best (subjective) for all because it seems to affect the profiles differently. Perhaps a Pure Cabinet setting within/for each profile is possible vs. output positioning.


    Edited once, last by WillB (August 8, 2015 at 12:17 AM).

  • HA, took a leap of faith and I'm glad I did!!!

    PureCab is so awesome it should be named "Mojo" :D

    The *one* thing that wasn't perfect in the KPA until now IMHO was the high end frequency response, I've always felt something was a bit off there, and it was something very difficult to fix without affecting other frequencies that I wanted to keep if not boost. Now this is the interesting part, PureCab does *not* cut the highs, in fact my perception is that they're a bit boosted, but this time in the right place! Like the high end response has shifted or something.

    Very, VERY welcome feature, thanks Kemper Team!

  • I'm having problems with both expression pedals connected to Remote and the Kemper own. I have calibrated, the volume pedal settings is as always, the wheel hard left. I have two expression pedals that lead me Moog 6 months and have never given me problems, until today I installed the 3.1 I have worked perfectly. what happens is that in the pedal all the way down to 75% of the route for the Kemper is zero, and this 75% 100% pedal KEMPER makes the journey from zero to 100% which makes it very difficult to handle and knocked out 75% of pedal travel. With both got it wrong with me, I give the calibration button and makes the whole journey but until I'm up almost no on-screen bar moves. This pedal has a wheel to limit the maximum abuts as it should be, and also has a standard swich to switch to another. I have tried all ways and nothing. paa has someone the same? Perfect for others, puree cabinet is amazing, it takes a big leap in terms of realism.

  • installed the firmware and got the error:
    expr=sqlite3_step( mGetSlotIds ) == SQLITE_ROW
    func=void Profiler:;ProfilerModes:;RetriveTrackIDs(Profiler:;ExtractedPerformanceData&)
    swvs="Release:" (CRC=44CDA158)
    Contacted support, but anyone already got solution?

  • I was definitely skeptical of this feature at first, and while i admitted it sounded great for some rigs, some rigs i felt it made things a little "off". I finally decided to set and forget it at 5.5. I havent looked back. Most of the time it sounds great - definitely very similar to an amp in the room tone. Hopefully we see it adjustible per rig in the future