Posts by Deny

    Haven't been posting here for a while and when I did it was usually criticism because I'm just that annoying :p

    But here's some praise where it's due: I have finally adjusted my rigs using the new single delay and it's made a huge, and I mean HUGE difference in my tone. First off, just being able to roll off both low end and top end reduced boominess, mud and high end fizz by a lot, and at the same time brought up articulation that I never knew the KPA even had to begin with. Being able to select pre or post ducking detector positions is just icing on the cake, I'm very thankful this has finally been implemented. BTW I've always known the legacy delay was responsible for some of the weird frequencies that I've heard from the KPA, just a matter of comparing it on and off. I was never able to make it behave the way I wanted with the bandwidth and frequency controls, but now I'm finally happy.

    Sorry to be the one to tell you, but the mpx r1 does not have real sturdy footswitches, those are just metal actuators for some flimsy and very unreliable pcb mounted surface switches. I own one but got tired of its switches failing on me and having to replace them so I've designed and built my own midi footswitch. My advice would be get something else as soon as you can; the mpx r1 will work with the kpa but not for long. I used to have it in setup mode so I could send whatever midi pch message I wanted to my kemper, but IIRC it can't be programmed to send the tap tempo cc that's required by the kpa.

    Good luck.

    Interesting to see other people with similar impressions to mine, there used to be a crowd who jumped in these kinds of threads basically saying there must be something wrong with your hearing or you're doing something wrong.

    Here are a few tips from someone who suffered through the same issues with the KPA, maybe they'll help:
    Browse through the "master" section pages until you find the "pure cabinet" options, turn it on and crank the amount to around 7. That will likely get rid of most of the high frequency nastiness.

    Having done my fair share of ITB mixing, I've noticed that a lot of the distorted profiles are captured on-axis, which really doesn't make a lot of sense to me but let's just skip that discussion; you'd think that could be fixed with the "Studio EQ" but after years of owning my lunchbox I haven't been able to figure it out, maybe I'll do a pink noise - FFT analysis of its behavior some day, but if you're used to stuff like ProQ, get ready to be both disappointed and confused. The KPA EQ sounds weird, and will often make things worse instead of making them better. I've tried a simple 60Hz low cut, 10kHz high cut and 2dB cut @350Hz Q0.7 the other day and it sounded very, very weird, maybe it has phase issues, but I'm pretty sure it messed with frequencies it shouldn't have. Maybe us guitar players need a linear phase mode in that EQ, who knows.


    So I've upgraded to 5.1.0 beta, tried to import the rigs in the folder "Pitch Shifter Delay Demonstration Preset Pack" included in the firmware upgrade zip, and got the message "No import necessary, All Rigs and Presets already in Browse Pool", even though they're not there.

    Tried turning the KPA off and on again, retried import, no luck, same message.

    I've copied the rigs to the "\Shared" folder in the memory stick BTW.

    Am I doing something wrong? If not, anyone knows a workaround?

    +1 Meanwhile, have you tried switching it pre-and post-amp and see if it makes any difference to you?

    Ahhh, well said my friend, almost forgot: I would *very* much like to have both :)

    IMHO switching the tonestack to pre doesn't do much good because then the high end sounds weird and there's no tweaking that will fix it - I'll have to add another EQ after the amp and that deviates from my habit of keeping things simple.

    @Michael_dk, I'd have to dig through more old posts than I'd like, but I'm pretty sure it was scheduled for v3 and for some reason didn't get released.

    So, where are the new tone stacks that were scheduled for v3?

    I'll be honest: I don't like the current tone stack in the KPA. I think it behaves nothing like any of my real amps and preamps. Of course those are not placed *after* miking the amp as is the case with the profiler, but still.

    How about this: make the center frequency and slope for each control (bass, mid, treble, presence) adjustable so we can create our own.

    Anyone else has this? It doesn't seem to be firmware related as it has survived the last 3+ firmware updates (I'm on 4.0).

    This is what happens: tweak a rig, hit "store", some time the profiler shows the next screen immediately, some times it takes a few very annoying seconds (especially if I'm editing many rigs in sequence). Then when I hit "replace", my KPA at times takes as long as 5 seconds to show the "stored" (unnecessary, IMHO) pop-up message. Some times it shows after or during the change to the next rig because it takes so long, if I'm distracted I end up not even noticing the confirmation message never came up.

    So is my Kemper defective or do I need to perform some serious kind of global reset on it?

    So might it be the mic'ing after all?


    I honestly don't know, could be, but if that was the case, once the mic's response curve was compensated using pure cab the behavior should be nearly the same as the original amp, wouldn't it?

    Mr. Kemper once said the KPA had difficulty profiling some amps accurately, particularly ones with multiple gain stages, maybe the same limitation applies to a certain degree to some of the aspects of a speaker's behavior.

    Even if I'm sober (which I'm usually not), probably no, hence the "pet peeve" in the title :D

    Also there's that damn fletcher-munson curve that ruins our best efforts to set up our rigs at lower than concert volumes and screws up the high end onstage anyway ;(

    Deny, I'm probably missing some part of your line of reasoning... Are you talking about cabs or the Profiler? I mean, are you using the Profiler with a guitar cab and ascertaining the overall response is different than a real amp, or rather using a linear cab?
    The reason I'm asking is that the cab profile is got via mic'ing a real cab, which should - by definition - compress the highs, as you wrote, in the expected way...
    ... Any chance the feeling you have refers to something different than "cab compression"?
    If it relates to just the EQ, I found that Pure Cab does a great job :)

    Hey Gianfranco, I'm hooking the Kemper to a Yamaha DXR10 so my observations are in regard to FRFR response. In my experience the cabs in the Kemper don't seem to compress the highs the same way a real cab does, that's precisely the point. I agree pure cab helps a lot, but I feel there's some room for improvement in that area, just sayin' ;)

    Yes, I suppose I could tame the highs using EQ, still not as good as the way a speaker compresses the high end to my ears. The new high cut parameter in the studio EQ might get me closer though, have to experiment more with that.

    Hey fellas, long time no see.

    Today's pet peeve is this: real speakers compress frequency response in what I'll describe as a "natural" way (it's a simple inductive load after all).

    My KPA doesn't seem to behave exactly like that. On a real amp, no matter how hard you crank the highs, it's not going past the speaker response, but in the Kemper it does. Not by a lot, but enough to feel disturbing and unnatural, IMHO.

    Which begs the question: can this be improved?

    That's it for today kids, thanks for reading :)

    IMHO this has probably to do with the modulation control itself, ideally rate and modulation depth should be controlled separately but as it stands what's probably happening us that the rate rises to a more or less fixed frequency from very low values, making the effect too pronounced even at low modulation depths, which are the actual principle of phasers and then flangers. Crank it up a notch and you'll get into chorus territory, but then the effect is a bit over the top for my taste since there's no separate rate control as I've mentioned.

    Got mine directly from Quanta Music, the official distributor, but seems they haven't had any KPAs available for a while. The fact that our BRL is plummeting to a record low exchange rate doesn't help either, not a good time for buying imports unfortunately.