Public Beta 3.1.0

  • I haven't tried it with a guitar cab yet, Dennis.My understanding is that Pure Cab works with cab on only though.

    Yes, Ingolf, this is correct for sure. I've only recently started playing with the CAB off, funny enough,
    but I still use it on some profiles, so I tested it with the CAB on for purecab.

    The difference to my ears using PureCab on vs off is that I take it off when emulating commercial recordings. But it has a clarity that should serve well with multiple guitar parts. This is uncharted territory for recording artists. It'll take some getting used to.

  • I am a technical junkie, and love reading patent documents. I understand that the "Pure Cabinet" feature has a pending patent application (per the notes in the Kemper addendum manual). I tried searching the USPTO database for patent applications by Christoph Kemper, but only found the original KPA application and full patent ("Musical instrument with acoustic transducer"). I also searched the European Patent database, but got the same results. That is, the searches are only coming up with the original 2008 patent for the Kemper Profiling Amp.

    Does anyone have a download link for the patent application specific to the new "Pure Cabinet" algorithm / feature?

    Thanks in advance.

    the addendum says "patent applied for" which means that it has not been published yet. Therefore you won´t find it on any patent search website.
    However, if you want to search particularly German patents, start here:

  • John,
    the addendum says "patent applied for" which means that it has not been published yet. Therefore you won´t find it on any patent search website.
    However, if you want to search particularly German patents, start here:

    Hi Revilo,

    I don't believe that is the case...that is, that it hasn't been "published" yet. "Patent Applied For" just means the patent is in the application process (not yet approved/granted).

    In fact, the USPTO has two seperate databases, which allow you to search for either patents, filed and granted (PatFT -- Patent Full Text Database) or for patent applications (AppFT -- Applications published Full Text Database).

    I assumed that the Pure Cabinet technology, which Kemper has indicated is "patent applied for", would fall under the AppFT database.

    Any patent that is filed and granted will appear in both databases (as the original application is maintained in the AppFT database). Patents that have not yet been granted, only appear in the AppFT database, obviously. I believe a similar system is in place for the European Patent office as well as the German patent office.


  • Just got my kpa back from the mothership :)
    downloaded the beta version and installed the new RM.
    Kuuuuudos kemper team!!
    Pur cab : It works perfect. Setted it to 5.5 and thats it. Clean and chrunch sounds are much better. Its subtle but i feel if i pulled a woolplate from my frfr a little. Much more difference in the sound, this parameter clears the sound up. I don't care so much to my distorded sounds, because its a subtle effect, i wish it would be storable per rig in the future and that in the cab section.
    Many thx to you for your work at the RM. Its awesome to copy and paste rigs into a performance and rename it with the keyboard ( i have directely ordered a wireless one from logitech, hope i get it tomorrow).
    Special thx to your best working service, the repair was sucsessfull . All my problems are solved, the unit is working perfectely.
    Again, thx for all, you guys rock!

  • Finally got to perform the update and try the Pure Cab function, on my home studio monitors. I really like it.

    I've read that it might not work well for high gain profiles. I guess that might be true for very high definition (as in, the Kemper amp parameter) sounds for ultra tight djent or tech death riffing, where the "sharpness" of close miking is part of the intended effect; but I like my metal tones a little more fat and growly, and for me Pure Cab seems to work great. Can't wait to try it at full rehearsal volume!

  • Patents are not instantly publicized when they are applied for.

  • Patents are not instantly publicized when they are applied for.

    Hi Michael,

    Yes, understood.

    I mean, I didn't expect a patent application to be uploaded onto the patent office's database immediately...but I did assume it would occur within the order of a few weeks.

    However, I did some further research and know I understand that this is not the case. In fact, the patent office may take up to 18 months before the application becomes public. This seems a bit counter-intuitive, as this 18 month window creates a black-out period between the filing date of application, and publication. If Joe Q. Public is searching for a examples of prior art, he is going to miss any new applications that fall within this black-out period.

    In any event, I didn't intend to veer so far afield and off-topic. So, back to our regular scheduled programming. :D


  • Finally got to perform the update and try the Pure Cab function, on my home studio monitors. I really like it.

    I've read that it might not work well for high gain profiles. I guess that might be true for very high definition (as in, the Kemper amp parameter) sounds for ultra tight djent or tech death riffing, where the "sharpness" of close miking is part of the intended effect; but I like my metal tones a little more fat and growly, and for me Pure Cab seems to work great. Can't wait to try it at full rehearsal volume!


    I also like the Pure Cab option for high gain. With Pure cab on, I tend to disconnect the studio eq.

  • I've read that it might not work well for high gain profiles. I guess that might be true for very high definition (as in, the Kemper amp parameter) sounds for ultra tight djent or tech death riffing, where the "sharpness" of close miking is part of the intended effect; but I like my metal tones a little more fat and growly, and for me Pure Cab seems to work great. Can't wait to try it at full rehearsal volume!

    I very much agree with this.
    personally, I also prefer fatter high gain tones like Suicidal Tendencies, Soundgarden, etc. over the more modern, quite 'technical' and very sculpted sounds.
    Pure Cabinet works very well with these 90s-type of sounds.
    It's also great for fine-tuning fuzzy doom, sludge or stoner tones.