Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • I am glad what the KPA team had developed the last two years (two years ago I bought the kemper)
    It would be nice to have an editor or an app to control the kemper but I also wont miss the new delays, morphing and pure cabinet.
    Like to to see spring reverb more than an editor. Of course thats only me.

    In general I am very happy with the product and we see future development.
    Had many other devices from different vendors and there was no new firmware updates after two years because they throw a new product on the marked.

  • Like to to see spring reverb more than an editor. Of course thats only me.

    Nope! Me too. For 40-50 years, amps had only two effects built in, tremolo and spring reverb. It seems weird to me that a device as powerful as the KPA neglected 50% of the traditional amp effects (or more than 50% if you include Brownface Harmonic Tremolo).

    I can sound exactly like a Twin Reverb, except for the reverb part. To me, that is more basic than an editor.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • Yes, I'm afraid so. Of course they're all quoted totally out of context and chosen arbitrarily by me from this very thread
    Disclaimer: I am absolutely pro editor

    I didn't see a single demand in any of those quotes. It's not a demand to ask a sensible question or bring up a sensible point, no matter how strong. Hell, Kemper on this very forum asks us for "feature requests", and I think an editor is the one thing that nearly binds us all (outside of the contingent telling us to never question Kemper's wisdom). Perhaps you need to be less sensitive when people suggest that Kemper might not have every priority 100% in tune with the majority of its users. We are the consumer and Kemper doesn't exist without us. That being said, we must still be constructive. Nobody pretends to be owed anything, but as people who support their products, we are telling them of a major shortcoming that in fact does matter to us. By not answering aspects important to its consumers, they risk potentially losing some, which is on them.

    On this very forum (and others), people have suggested going towards other products in a big way because they are studio people who want to edit from a workstation. Hell, the reason Kemper, Axe-FX, Bias, Helix, POD, and the others exist isn't because they are necessarily better than a traditional amp. It started as a tool for the studio because digital emulation was easier for an engineer and they could handle their workload on the same workstation they handle everything else: their computer. In the late 90's I learned about the POD by recording in a studio that had it (and it had a computer editor).

    Let me say that the front panel of the Kemper is fantastic and well above any other digital device. The BIAS head looks to have good controls, as does the DV Mark Multiamp, but Kemper still places well above them. The Kemper's front panel is exceptional for being intuitive and making tweaks on the fly where other modellers fail. The fact that you can get by without an editor is a testament to its truly great design, something that even Chris Kemper mentioned on a previous thread about this very issue. That, however, doesn't still remove the desire for people wanting an editor, especially those like me defecting from other platforms which provided for one.

    Look, I'm a run-of-the-mill guitarist. I hardly know anything about audio, much less about effect parameters and stuff like that. I just want to plug in, find a sound by scrolling or twisting a few knobs, and play. Right now the Kemper seems to very much appeal to audiophiles and those who have an intellectual interest in tweaking (and know what the hell they're tweaking). The only way I can begin to comprehend half of this stuff is by toying with an editor. Scrolling through pages, thinking of how to get back, saving, etc, are all things that keep me away from playing with my guitar longer. Maybe it interests some people, but doesn't interest me, and I know I'm not the only one.

  • I think it's totally valid and appropriate to ask for an editor, even demanding it.
    In the end Kemper, the company, is not only driven by its own concepts but also on users' demands.
    The rack version is the best example of it.

    Just leave out all the pathos when requesting. ;)

  • Just leave out all the pathos when requesting.

    Ingolf nails it again. :D

    I'm tipping a NAMM 2017 announcement at this stage, if not an actual release. We know they must've heard us a long, long time ago, and there's been plenty of time to reassess the "there are no plans for an editor at this time" statement and programme one, IMHO.

    I'm kinda excited, actually. Very excited. I can feel something's coming...

  • I'm tipping a NAMM 2017 announcement at this stage, if not an actual release. We know they must've heard us a long, long time ago, and there's been plenty of time to reassess the "there are no plans for an editor at this time" statement and programme one, IMHO.

    I'm kinda excited, actually. Very excited. I can feel something's coming...

    Haven't people been saying this for a while? They just did a big firmware upgrade, which would have been the ideal time to release an editor, no? I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like wishful thinking.

  • I'm tipping a NAMM 2017 announcement at this stage, if not an actual release. We know they must've heard us a long, long time ago, and there's been plenty of time to reassess the "there are no plans for an editor at this time" statement and programme one, IMHO.

    I'm kinda excited, actually. Very excited. I can feel something's coming...

    Oh boy, I sure do hope so.

  • We can only hope, mate.

    I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like wishful thinking.

    Of course it is! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 'though, and it sure beats bitchin' about the fact that we don't have one yet. ;)

  • I would like to have the possibility to manage also CAB and presets. I think it would be easier to integrate this in an editor than in the RM.
    I do not belive that Kemper has no ability to develope this.
    For me it seems more a marketing decition to adress more the musician than the computer nerds. (and maybe some hacker).

    I go with Ingolf - I support the wish for an editor but the dramatic appels will not help.

  • For me it seems more a marketing decition to adress more the musician than the computer nerds. (and maybe some hacker).

    Musicians use computers. In fact, in this day and age I'd bet most are more adept using an interface than toying with EQ knobs, especially if they're invested in modelers. This is 2016, not 1984. Kemper may personally love the idea that everyone will happily conform to their desired way of doing things all on the front panel, but businesses do well that serve their customers, not themselves… lest they want to be a small, limited-market boutique item, which would be a waste in my estimation.

    It's interesting to me as a person in marketing to see Kemper's own marketing. I notice they are very clean and much of their hype is pretty organic and driven by enthusiastic consumers. They haven't tried to poach their users with different models (no Kemper & Kemper II XL+) in a way that can drive someone mad. The original production models are just as usable today with the firmware upgrades, which is a rare and beautiful thing. They also miss some opportunities and in the instance of software, have puzzlingly shown something of a company arrogance. Their consumers want it, but Kemper doesn't seem to. I can only imagine it's meant to be different, but I don't see that as different in a good way.

  • They don't call it 'supply and demand' for nothing.

    Yes, but many of us are assuming it will be free, which turns that whole economic theory on its head.

    If you put out a newspaper announcement that there will be free cars for the first three customers on a certain day, you could start a riot.

    That's kind of what's happening here. Rioting Kemper users on a forum lol

    Perhaps they should charge us for the editor. Blasphemy, I know, but maybe some financial incentive would work in users' favour too.

  • Haven't people been saying this for a while? They just did a big firmware upgrade, which would have been the ideal time to release an editor, no? I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like wishful thinking.

    My thoughts .....

    4.X was an architectural change to the Kemper design..... a true rip up of the firmware IMO (I am a seasoned design engineer). 5.x .... just window dressing in comparison.

    It would not have made any sense to work on an editor based on 3.x knowing you were going to fundamentally modify the architecture in 4.x.

    If work started soon after the 4.x beta, it would still be some time before the editor was ready. Despite what many believe, software is NOT free. Engineers that are worth a squat easily get 6 figures these days.... especially firmware engineers.

    I agree that an editor should be in the cards for the KPA. It really is a standard for music equipment at this level (and even below). I would be amazed if CK didn't have it on the roadmap.

    Having an editor will check the box for those that are trying to decide between the KPA and other options. If I worked for CK, that would be my take on it ;)

  • Yes, but many of us are assuming it will be free, which turns that whole economic theory on its head.
    If you put out a newspaper announcement that there will be free cars for the first three customers on a certain day, you could start a riot.

    That's kind of what's happening here. Rioting Kemper users on a forum lol

    Perhaps they should charge us for the editor. Blasphemy, I know, but maybe some financial incentive would work in users' favour too.

    Part of what incentivizes the consumer is residual upgrade. Kemper making people pay would be awfully petty, especially when you consider no other manufacturer behaves this way. It serves the active consumer (that also buys add-on's like the remote and DI box) while drawing in new ones.

    Paying for an editor would both piss off current investors and likely deter new one's. Instead of viewing it as an exclusive high end product which continues to serve its adopters, they just appear as money-grabbers. It would be a deterrent, not an incentive. If that were to happen, I'd likely invest elsewhere.

  • Yes, but many of us are assuming it will be free, which turns that whole economic theory on its head.
    If you put out a newspaper announcement that there will be free cars for the first three customers on a certain day, you could start a riot.

    That's kind of what's happening here. Rioting Kemper users on a forum lol

    Perhaps they should charge us for the editor. Blasphemy, I know, but maybe some financial incentive would work in users' favour too.

    I couldn't even imagine it would cost 1$
    The analogy to free cars is missed, because every user requesting editor has payed hell lot of money to get the Profiler.
    The editor has no usage without the hardware.
    The car has usage without a driving license, when you get one free you can sell it, or make a driving license :)

    My bet: there will be editor for free OR there won't be editor at all.

    Edited once, last by skoczy (December 17, 2016 at 6:43 PM).