Thank you very much.
Posts by Ramjam
I am a returning Kemperman . Bought it when it first came out and had a necessity to part with it but I have the Stage now which is great................. Is there a way to activate the Looper and play a few bars and then have it playback whilst tweaking the sounds of the rig in question ?? Im sure I read somewhere that that was possible. Thanks for any feedback
Hi. Its Computer based software so there is no hardware other than FCB1010 foot pedal. I dont use it live but could if needed. I would just use a laptop in that instance. Im getting old so this does it for me now. Never knocking the Kemper or anyones ideas . This works well for me and I find that processing and arranging and the final outcome is perfect for what I do. Seems to fit in well with my tinnitus and frequency hearing loss
Take care.
What's the foot controller and power amp like on those?
Hi. If you are asking what I use with Th3? I am using a Behringer FCB 1010 floor pedal which works wonderfully and is super easy to setup with any stomp box or effect and I go through an Alessis RA 150 power amp into a 4X12 Laney cab. I hope thats what you asked
Its a personal thing but makes good sense to me.
There are other units that sound great. It's not just kemper. So it's not like people don't have other choices. Pretty easy to show how close different units can get, with proper testing (testing that is rarely done, imo, but anyway).
That said, even if many think kemper nonetheless sounds meaningfully better than all other units, which is a perfectly respectable view too, even then there are plenty-a-case where convenience is why they use kemper to begin with. If it wasn't for convenience they'd be using real amps to begin with. Plenty of people like that on this forum as well, if not most.
Now, of course this doesn't mean that by definition "all convenience" is of the same value. Convenience of having an editor may not be equivalent in value, for most people, on average, to the convenience kemper offers against your common tube amp.
However.. it's still something I do see deterring people from kemper on a relatively regular basis. I am not surprised, considering all the scenarios in which having an editor can make a big difference in one's workflow. I see it on a regular basis for myself and I don't live in a studio either. Thing is that other units offer similar, in some cases better "convenience" in that regard than kemper even if it did have an editor; and it's no wonder this logic can extend from the amp-to-modeler "convenience" jump to "digital processor with editor" to "digital processor with no editor".
So even if one thinks they will sacrifice some tone, there are cases where it makes sense to jump ship or buy something else. Kemper coming up with an editor would make a considerable difference for many people and market perception as well. It could considerably bridge this "gap" in value judgement quite a few people make even when they think kemper sounds better.
These are my two drachmas.
And after all....... we are their adverts.
Try search for SUPRO in the exchange..........
Is this a clean tone profile or one from an overdriven amp? Does it sound harsh even with a clean sound and is the harshness more so in the high end ?
Same problem I had as well..... but then I only ended up with one amp........ ( and that became a problem ) Good luck.
Many thanks for that. I had a lapse in time there........ I should have realized that. You guys are stars !!!
Hi . Yes I did try both . Deleted the beta after it didn't work and went to the support / download and downloaded that one and ran it. Same issue unfortunately. Thanks for your reply.
Hi. If anyone can help it would be great.
I have updated Rig Manager ( from the update which comes up on startup of Rig Manager itself) and also updated ( the same method ) the operating system for the Kemper. I am trying to delete performances as I have some new ones to replace the old. I have been able to do this in the past but now the "delete" is grayed out and unavailable. Thanks............Im stuck
First installtion freeze during download. Second attempt works well.
Win10 / 64bit userIm on the fourth attempt but Ill keep trying thank you.
Exactly the same but Win 10 restart ( which incidentally takes forever) it is apparent that the update has not gone through and on startup I get the same update message. I have attempted a few times with the same result.
I clicked on the update button when I was asked in Rig Manager. On start up it came up with a message asking if I would like an update. It went through all the downloading bar and then when it got to "Windows is preparing " bit, it just stayed there for 3 hours.
I had to cancel and then restart my PC from a shutdown. I tried this 3 times with the same result..............Not sure if Im the only one here??? -
Yep Ill add ........ PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!!!!
Welcome to the forum and Rig Manager ...... from Long Beach Cape Town