Hendrix rigs needed !!

  • I just came accros this fantastic vid :

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PaiDuiLzas This bassman is so good that you feel the soul of Jimi in it 8|

    This guy also have a 64' strat 8o , it might explain the goodness of the sound as well as the signal chain, but this amp ... unbelievable ...

    As anyone achieved profiling this kind of vintage bassman & equivalent amp ?? I tried with lots of JTMs , superleads & so on, but I don't come as close as this one...

  • Totally agree. That tone is... exquisite and we're missing it. I love that sound.

    To be honest I love my KPA but haven't heard anything approach these nuances on any digital device. If you listen through headphones or play it loud through your speakers and listen closely I think two areas are clearly unique and not bottled up in our KPA's yet. Frist the attack. Listen closely and the single high notes cut right through. The harmonies on anything with chords is so harmonically rich and the way it compresses - so sweet. There is also this presence going on that I can't really describe. Second the reverb. I have a Strymon Flint which is great but I think every reverb effect focuses on the decay part, some have the spring effect like the Flint does but I think they all miss capturing the sound interaction between the driver mechanically doing its job and the sound that the cab itself makes from having to harness that violent interaction.

    If anyone knows of anything that nails this - please share.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • I think I got pretty close with Andy's 'Bassman 59 Clean+' profile:

    put a treblebooster in front Tone -3 Volume +2,5

    add EQ post Stack, one band cutting the bass 43,3Hz, 0,98Q, -10,6dB
    and one band narrowly cutting 3162Hz, 3,09Q, -13dB

    later I added more cut at 54,5Hz, 2,11Q, -6,1dB
    and 3079Hz, 2,32Q, -4,4dB

    this is with a Strat, neck pickup.

  • Don't discount for a second the fact the dude has a 1964 Stratocaster.

    You need those 1960's or 60 styled pickups and strat wood (alder, yes?)

    And the right Wah. AND of course the nuances in your fingers.

    That sound is only about 30% Bassman.

    Sounds are a marriage of fingers, guitar, amp. And the amp sounds if HIGHLY dependent upon the speakers used if you ask me.

  • Don't discount for a second the fact the dude has a 1964 Stratocaster.

    You need those 1960's or 60 styled pickups and strat wood (alder, yes?)

    And the right Wah. AND of course the nuances in your fingers.

    That sound is only about 30% Bassman.

    Sounds are a marriage of fingers, guitar, amp. And the amp sounds if HIGHLY dependent upon the speakers used if you ask me.

    I respect what you are saying and always agree that tone is in the fingers but... I disagree. You could plug any decent strat into that amp and the amp has its own nuance going on with the presence. It simply pops - nothing like it. I will certainly be trying Don's rig suggestions. Again - not to discredit anyone's opinion - just my own perception. I have an LSL Saticoy - with very vintage sounding pickups. I'm sure it wouldn't sound lacking in any way plugged into that amp. When I hear that amp I literally believe you could take any cheap strat and plug it in and you are still going to understand that that amp brings far more to the equation that 30%.

    Don do you have any clips of the rig you mentioned? Thanks again for the info!

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • I also read that he used a "NICKAL" rather than a pick. - not for strength but for the attack it gave.
    need a long spring for his style.
    Try the "Amb" verb, long time and less mix, turn the clarity up a bit on the profile use the bridge and Middle pickup position (pos2) on a strat.
    and add a phaservibe in front of amp, (in fact2) - one very very subtle, and one err ot so much for the interchange.

  • I think I got pretty close with Andy's 'Bassman 59 Clean+' profile:

    put a treblebooster in front Tone -3 Volume +2,5

    add EQ post Stack, one band cutting the bass 43,3Hz, 0,98Q, -10,6dB
    and one band narrowly cutting 3162Hz, 3,09Q, -13dB

    later I added more cut at 54,5Hz, 2,11Q, -6,1dB
    and 3079Hz, 2,32Q, -4,4dB

    this is with a Strat, neck pickup.

    Thanks Don - I suck at EQ. I just made the changes you suggested and really like what you did. I've been fulling around trying to get closer on the reverb and also wanted a little more break up like the video and came up with the below additions. If you get a chance to try them out, let me know what you think.

    I normally use a pedal in stereo loop in the effects section but took the loop out to fit two studio eq's as you mentioned. To make up for it I came up with the following reverb settings for you to give a try:

    I tweaked from the Matchbox preset:
    MIx - all the way up to 100.0 / 100.0 %
    Time 7.0
    Damping 10.0
    Predelay 0
    Bandwidth 2.9
    Frequency +4.3
    Ducking +2.9
    Vol +3

    I also have a vintage style strat (LSL Saticoy) so pickups will affect this but I pushed the gain up from Andy's 1.9 preset up to 2.8 to get a little break up like the video.
    Neck position is very close to the vid for me. Positions 2 and 4 are awesome!

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited once, last by BuckeyeBrown (May 18, 2013 at 2:32 PM).

  • Thx foDon & Buckeye , I will try you settings asap and post a little clip if I manage to get close to this incredible bassman.

  • Waraba, my reverb settings are a little light so tweak it. I do think a little more drive really get's it close with those great eq suggestions from Don. I'm going to try Andy's reverb suggestions too. This is actually one of my favorite rigs now. A nice spring reverb would be welcome addition to the nice effects that we have.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • Hello guys,

    I've been tweaking lots of your suggestions on severall profiles, and I can tell you it's very close to the vid now.

    I will post a clip tonite & my rigs, but the closet rig is based on the 59 bassman, I can't remember if it a free one (early rigs from Andy) , and I have to ask Andy if is is OK for me to publish it on the RE with all the tweaks.

    The actual original rig is : AW2 - 59 Fender Bassman , does anyone know if it's a free one ???


  • Ok I've got a short clip for you : Please don't care for my playing I don't have Hendrix's hands and it's only for a demo purpose.


    Base rig is AW2 - 59 Bassman - no tags inside, I don't even know if it's a free one but it's about 1 year old. If Somebedy can confirm it's free I'll share it.

    I added the 2 EQ mod by Don and The verb from Don + some tweaks to the amp section. Played around with the wah , vibe and dist. but the gain (at 5) is enough to break up without dist or boost (no wah no dist in this demo)

    Sound is a bit strange because of the -2 Tranpose pedal in the front, but this trick makes the actual sound much more Hendrix like , I would say 30% percent of the sound !!

    The strat is not a 64' ;)

    Thanks a lot for your interest and mighty good advices , this was an outstanding teamwork :thumbup:


  • I absolutely agree there's always something missing compared to real amps, even with the Kemper. Something about that blooming plummy bass and the attack, maybe Christoph could hook up with this guy and profile his rig see what appears on the oscilloscope. Anyhow, here's my quick attempt, please excuse the piss poor playing :


    I used a JTM45 given that it's still the Bassman circuit (this is the Cream JTM 45 by Geraldo), I then shoved a green scream in front to accentuate the attack and string noise, then a mouse for fuzz of course, slapped a wah (in front in this case and I've not set up the parameters as I have no pedal to test it with) and chromatic pitch effect in there for fun (but disabled except for at the end of this demo) and a phaser also for when you want to go noise guitar wild. Then to finish off I adjusted some of the amp parameters to get the feel and sound a little closer to where I'd expect it to be and dialed the reverb up a tad.

    The last two things that you'll have to do at your end if you mess with this profile is increase the room value in the master output section although it makes things sound like they're recorded in a toilet rather than in a room (please can we have some more space options for it?) it helps a lot with the Hendrix sound, I also made sure that the noise gate is disabled completely all the way to 0, and of course used a Strat style guitar (in this case a Parker P-38 ) with the neck pickup or the neck + bridge phased pickup position.

    Here's the rig itself : http://www.peranders.com/general/Hendri…2013-09-45.kipr

  • Hey, tried it out, thank you for posting. Liked it, but was a bit to harsh me and I've put a graphic EQ to work to cut off some hights. I do not have a strat so maybe thats the cause. Good chances it might stay permanent. Need to try out the different EQ models and learn what they do.

  • Actually you may prefer to attenuate the treble via the amplifier block, check the clarity and definition settings, you may also want to dial down the attack and string noise with the tone control on the green scream. I just dialed it in for a bright sound to somewhat match the original video with my guitar, but for sure different guitars may need to be toned down a tad.

  • Actually you may prefer to attenuate the treble via the amplifier block, check the clarity and definition settings, you may also want to dial down the attack and string noise with the tone control on the green scream. I just dialed it in for a bright sound to somewhat match the original video with my guitar, but for sure different guitars may need to be toned down a tad.

    Thank you, I'll try that. Just realised that the rig is originated from Geraldo. Interesting how it gets "massaged" over time...