Which features would you like to be added next?

  • AUX IN volume independent fom rig-volume please

    Aux In (via Return and Alternative In) changes the volumen with the level of the rig-volume (the knob nest to the headphonejack)

    If i change the rigs while playing to an aux-in-signal, and the
    rigvolumenposition (leds) are different, the aux in volumen changes
    parallel to this level

    please make the aux-in-volume lineary dependent to the mastervolumen

  • AUX IN volume independent fom rig-volume please

    Aux In (via Return and Alternative In) changes the volumen with the level of the rig-volume (the knob nest to the headphonejack)

    If i change the rigs while playing to an aux-in-signal, and the
    rigvolumenposition (leds) are different, the aux in volumen changes
    parallel to this level

    please make the aux-in-volume lineary dependent to the mastervolumen


    The Aux In signal is returned to the rig - if it is used as an effects loop, most people would want the level to be connected to Rig Volume. Add a choice in the Master section?

    This would be fine too.

  • -tone parameter on every effect, stomp...

  • Please Guys, let the Kemper Team focus on the only thing that is unique in the gear world: "PROFILING AMPS"
    who knows how many competitors are already trying to imitate it.
    The KPA is NOT a modeler, the KPA is "THE AMP PROFILER", and IMHO is still far from perfection. Some of you would be happy to see a Roland VG 100 amp profiler, tomorrow in all the shops? and the day after a AXE-AMP-Cloner.

    And if the problem of the profiles not identical to the original, it is not an imperfection of the KPA, but I just do not know how to make a good profile after hundreds of trials under good technical conditions, it means that…. if I'm not a complete idiot, many like me will have the same "so so" results. What happens if, while the Kemper Team is focused on minor things, a competitor invents a profiling system much simpler, that all guitarists can achieve without being technical sages?
    I bought the KPA to simplify my work, instead I lose whole days hoping for the exact copy of my amp setup, to use in my projects, and reuse every time I need it instead of miking again the real amp
    ... out there are dozens of very good modelers doing everything you ask here in this thread…..but only one Profiler thought for other benefits!
    Let it do his job at the best! for what is advertised and for the reason we bought it!

    I hope my English is understandable

    Nice weekend to all of you! :)

  • My experience:
    shit in -> shit out (because I don't have the gear nor knowledge to mic an amp properly). You sure you're not comparing the amp in the room to the profile? I really don't know how someone could really improve the profiling - I don't hear any difference between the mic'ed amp and the profile - but maybe my ears are (luckily) too bad - dunno :D

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • My experience:
    shit in -> shit out (because I don't have the gear nor knowledge to mic an amp properly). You sure you're not comparing the amp in the room to the profile? I really don't know how someone could really improve the profiling - I don't hear any difference between the mic'ed amp and the profile - but maybe my ears are (luckily) too bad - dunno :D

    -My second KPA also defective? do not think so.
    -My ears devastated? perhaps
    -Too much work? perhaps

    looking back to the tech evolution, I'm sure you will be able to profile a good cup of coffee or even my dog, remember Star Trek? "computer, please let a Venusian ... carbonara"

    end...yes! You are very lucky!

  • It is true we all would dream of a perfect profiler

    the KPA is great but can do better i think

    for sure the competition is far behind and of course we don't need all those gadgets like harmoniser, if i want to as an harmoniser, i just bring my Eventide Harmoniser and i am happy :)

    The only thing that is bothering is this problem of slave mode with SP DIF cause the reamping sessions are more complicated this ways

    and i believe i am not the only one that purchased the KPA for reamping purposes at 99%

    So yes better profiling accuracy and slave mode on SPDIF, all the gadgets can wait !

  • Please Guys, let the Kemper Team focus on the only thing that is unique in the gear world: "PROFILING AMPS"
    who knows how many competitors are already trying to imitate it.
    The KPA is NOT a modeler, the KPA is "THE AMP PROFILER", and IMHO is still far from perfection.

    And if the problem of the profiles not identical to the original, it is not an imperfection of the KPA, but I just do not know how to make a good profile after hundreds of trials under good technical conditions, it means that…. if I'm not a complete idiot, many like me will have the same "so so" results. What happens if, while the Kemper Team is focused on minor things, a competitor invents a profiling system much simpler, that all guitarists can achieve without being technical sages?
    I bought the KPA to simplify my work, instead I lose whole days hoping for the exact copy of my amp setup, to use in my projects, and reuse every time I need it instead of miking again the real amp
    ... out there are dozens of very good modelers doing everything you ask here in this thread…..but only one Profiler thought for other benefits!
    Let it do his job at the best! for what is advertised and for the reason we bought it!

    I hope my English is understandable

    Nice weekend to all of you! :)

    Can you mike your amp now, record it, and get the recorded tone you want?

    When you make profiles, is your amp isolated in another room?

  • Quote

    couldn't you just put the looper after the Profiler?


    Sorry but this option causes some problems. For example: When playing live, I connect the main outputs to the foh and the monitor out to a poweramp + cabinet.
    When connecting the looper to the outputs of the kemper, I will loose the stereo option. I tested this way once and I also noticed a negative influence on the overall sound!

    will there ever be an option to put the looper behind the delay / reverb block?

  • I can not quote ... this is an answer to Guitartone.

    Yes, of course, I'm lucky to have a professional recording studio...and believe me, I'm not here to make controversy, I just try to find a solution. and I repeat, not pedantry, but for clarity, I work in the recording studio for thirty years and I think I have acquired the basic knowledge to make a profile correctly, especially after hundreds of tests
    what I get is always the same result. not worse, not better, just different.
    perhaps for many it is a good result, but for my work unfortunately, it is not.
    describe an acoustic sensation in words is never simple so ... this feeling makes me think of a shift of the harmonic focal point of the tone. the needed results as I said is a similar tone, but harmonically unbalanced . For this reason, an intervention with the EQ does not help.

    this is the tenth time that I write these things but I have not yet received concrete help ... maybe I'm going crazy and it's time to sell hotdogs at the exit of the subway?